10 1.3 List the crimes reported with a primary description of "ARSON that occurred in ward #17 where no arrest has been made. a. Show the primary description, ward number, district number, case number, date, and location description. b. Sort the results by primary description then by district number then by ward number then by case number. 10 1.5 Build a detailed list of all crimes reported to have occurred in locations under management of the Chicago Transit Authority in ward number 14 where an arrest has been made. . Show the case number, location description, IUCR primary description, district number, and community area number. Order the result by primary description then secondary description then by case number Note: locations under the management of the Chicago Transit Authority begin with *CTA" atlas-query/crime-chicago-2018 o community area o community_area_no o community_area_name o side o population crime o report_no o case_number o date o block o iucr_no o location_description arrest o domestic beat o district_no oward_no o community_area_no ofbi_code_no latitude o longitude o location district o district_no o district_name o address o zip_code commander email o phone o o fax . tty o twitter fbi code ofbi_code_no D title o description crime against lucr lucr_no o primary.description Secondary_description index_code o . o O O O neighborhood o neighborhood name o community_area_no ward ward_no alderman_first_name alderman_last_name alderman_name_suffix ward_office_address ward_office_zip ward_email ward_office_phone ward_office_fax city_hall_office_room city_hall_office_phone city_hall_office_fax population O O O o I solved the 1.3 and 1.5 questions, but after runing the quesry neither database shows the erros nor the answe reqiured query shows up, please help me to find the erro PLZ. salution for 1.3 SELECT lucr primary_description, ward.ward_no, district.district_no, crime.case_number, crime.date, crime location_description FROM crime JOIN lucr ON lucr.lucr_nowcrime lucr_no JOIN district ON district.district_no crime.district_no JOIN ward ON ward ward no crime ward_no WHERE primary_description ARSON' AND crime ward no 17 AND arrest IS NULL ORDER BY lucr.primary description, district. district_no, ward.ward no, crime.case_number Salution for 1.5 SELECT crime.case number, crime location description, lucr primary_description, district.district_no, community area.community area.no FROM crime JOIN TU ON crime.community are noluer secondary description JOIN district ON distria district non lucr primary description JOIN community area ON community area population crime.community area no WHERE location LIKE "CTAN ORDER by primary description, secondary_description, case number Shoot