13.2. Describe how researchers use the Prisoner's Dilemma Game to study sources of conflict in groups, and be certain to include a matrix representation of the reward allocation scheme in your answer. 13.3. What would you do if you were given the opportunity to play the prisoner's dilemma game (PDG)? What would your choice say about your social values? 13.4. How do people differ, in general, in their social values orientation pertaining in conflict? What is your basic social values orientation? 13.5. Do the sexes differ in their "bonding" traxinc? 13.4. If you were a teacher, how would you structure your classroom's goals in maximize cooperation and minimize competition? 13.7. Describe the "tragedy of the commons" (the commons dilemma) and use this parable to explain the tension between self-imerest and communal concern in groups. 13.8. Use the concepts of equity, resource dilemma, free-riding, and self-serving biases to identify problems students sometimes experience when they work together on group projects for their classes. 13.9. Naomi finds out that she is genting a 306 mise. Later that day she discovers that Ed is getting a 5% raise. Use the concepts of (a) distributive and procedural justice and (bj equality and equity norms of resource distribution to make predictions about how she will feel about her pay rise. 13.10. Sakinah, Brooke, and Hally are working on a collaborative task. Use the concept of egocentrism to describe what happens when these members are asked how responsible they feel for their work. Note how success and failure would influence these effects and ways to minimize them. 13.11. Compare the negative effects of task (process) conflict in the negative effects of personal conflict. 13.12 Use Helder's balance theory to explain why substantive conflicts tend to become personal comilices 13.13. Bill and Jill are discussing whether to vacation in June or July. Although Ball initially has linle preference, as they continue m discuss the matter he become increasingly committed m a June vacation. Use the concepts of reactance and the fundamental zuribution error to explain Bill's commitment. 13.14. After describing how people who differ in their basic values orientations perceive other people during episodes of conflict. 13.15. Summarize the methods used and results chtained by Deutsch and Krauss in their "mocking game" experiment. 13.16. Describe the problems you might encoumarinem you try to improve an encyclopedia entry in the online resource Wikipedia. 13.17. Describe an imaxance in which a group that you belonged to experienced an intense conflict. What role did emotions play in the conflict escalation process? 13.18. Compare and contest soft, hard, and principled negotiation styles. 13.19. Many people believe that conflicts can be resolved if members would just communicate carefully and honestly with each other. Evaluate this belled, drawing on the empirical evidence examining communication and conflict 13.20. Do you think that conflict has a positive impact on groups, overall, by helping groups discover and resolve interpersonal and procedural problems? True False