3. Please prepare the adjusting entries and adjusted Trial Balance (30 % ) Trial Balance For The Month Ending lanuary 31, 2019 Adjustment Ajusted Trial Balance General Ledeer Accounm Cashe Accounts Receivables Suppies Prepaid insurance Expemsen Prepaid Rent Expense Furniture (Co Accounts Payables Junearned Revenum lowner's Eqvity Owner's Drawings (Service Revenue Salary & Wages Eapense Debit S 14500 15,000 Credis Debit Credt Debit Credt 12.500 2400 24,000 75,000s $ 12.500 54.500 30.000 15,000 75000 13,600 S 172.000$172.000 January 31, 2019 Adjustments: a. $8,500 of supplies remained on hand. b. The Prepaid Insurance is for one-year and the January insurance has expired. The Prepaid Rent is for two-years and the January rent has expired. d. $30,000 of Unearned Revenue was earned in January. C The January Utilities bill for $2,500 was received on January 30h and paid on February 3 The weekly wages for $3,000 will be paid on Friday, February 2. January 31 is on the e. f. Wednesday of that week. g. January Depreciation Expenses on the Furniture is $200. h. Provided services for a client on January 25 for $25,000 and will receive the payment on February 4t Page 3 of 4 esx) $100,000 cash into the no cash and the remainder on remainder on 3. Please prepare the adjusting entries and adjusted Trial Balance (30 % ) Trial Balence For The Month Ending lanuary 31, 2019 Adjustment Adjusted Trial Balance General Ledeer Accounm Cash Accounts Recebvable Supples Prepaid insurance Expemser Prepaid Rent Expense Furnture (Co Aceounts Payables unearned Revenum lowner's fovity Owner's Drawings (Service Revenue Salary & Wages Expense Debit S 14500 15.000 Credin Debit Credit Debit Credit 12.500s 2400 24,000 75,000s $ 12,500 54.500 30,000 15,000 75000 13600 $172.000$172.000 January 31, 2019 Adjustments: a. $8,500 of supplies remained on hand. b. The Prepaid Insurance is for one-year and the January insurance has expired. The Prepaid Rent is for two-years and the January rent has expired. d. $30,000 of Unearned Revenue was earned in January. C The January Utilities bill for $2,500 was received on January 30h and paid on February 3 The weekly wages for $3,000 will be paid on Friday, February 2. January 31 is on the Wednesday of that week. g. January Depreciation Expenses on the Furniture is $200. h. Provided services for a client on January 25 for $25,000 and will receive the payment on February 4 e. f. Page 3 of 4 esx) $100,000 cash into the no cash and the remainder on remainder on