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3. Preparing a will - Common features of a will A. will is a written, legally enforceable expression or declaration of a person's wishes concerning

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3. Preparing a will - Common features of a will A. will is a written, legally enforceable expression or declaration of a person's wishes concerning the disposition of his or her property upon death. A situstion in which a person dies without having prepared a valis will is called . State laws draw the will the decedent failed to make in order to determine the disposition of the probate property of those who have died without a will, Generally, under these circumstances, the decedent's spouse is favored first, followed by the children, and then other offspring (grandchildren or great-grandchaidren). If the spouse, children, or other offspring survive, they will divide the estate and other relatives will recelve Suppose that Sharon Amy Alberti has prepared the following will: The Last Will and Testament of Sharon Amy Alberti Section 1 - Introductory Clause 1, Sharon Amy Aberti, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke all wills and codicils made prior to this will. Section 2 - Direction of Payments Article 1: Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct payment out of my estate of all just debts and the expenses of my last iliness and funeral. Section 3-Disposition of Property Article 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Albert, all my jewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articles of personal and household use. 3. Preparing a will - common features of a will A will is a written, legally enforceable expression or deciaration of a person's wishes concerning the disposition of his or her property upon death. A situation in which a person dies without having prepared a valid will is called - State laws draw the will the decedent failed to make in order to determine the disposition of the probate property of those who have lit a wili. Generally, under these circumstances, the decedent's spouse is favored first, followed by the children, and then other offs trust children or great-grandehildren). If the spouse, children, or: other oftspring survive, they will divide the estate and other relatives will recel codicil Suppose that Sharon Amy Aberti has prepared the following will: The Last Will and Testament of intestacy y Alberti Section 1 - Introductory Clause 1. Sharon Amy Albert, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke-all wills and codicils made prior to this will, Section 2 - Direction of Payments Article 1: Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct payment out of my estate of all just debts and the expenses of my last iliness and funeral. Section 3 - Disposition of Property Article 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Alberti, all my jewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articles of personal and household use. 3. Preparing a will - Common features of a will A will is a written, legally enforceable expression or declaration of a person's wishes concerning the disposition of his or ber property upon ideath. A situation in which a person dies without having prepared a valid will is called . Stote laws draw the will the decedent falled to make in order to determine the dispasition of the probate property of those who have died without a will. Generally, under these circumstances, the decedent's spouse is favored first, followed by the children, and then other offspring (grandehidren or great-grandchildren). If the spouse, children, of other offspring survive, they will divide the estate and other relatives will receive Suppose that Sharon Arry Alberti has prepared the following will: The Last Will and Testament of SI 1. Sharon Amy Abert, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke all wills and codicils made prior to this will. Section 2 - Direction of Payments Article 1; Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct payment out of my estate of all just debts and the expenses of my last liness and funeral. Section 3 - Disposition of Property Articie 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Aberti, all my jewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articies of personal and household use. Suppose that sharon Amy Alberti has prepared the following wili The Last Will and Testament of Sharon Amy Alberti Section 1 - Introductory clause 1. Sharon Amy Aberti, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke all wills and codicils made prior to this will Section 2-Direction of Payments Articie 1: Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct palyment out of my estate of ail just debts and the expenses of my last Iliness and funeral. Section 3 - Disposition of Property Article 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Abberti, all my fewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articles of personal and household use. I glve to the Yuma Historical Society the sum of $15,000. All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate; real and personal, wherever located, I give in equal one-haif shares to my children, Roxanne Scarlet and Wolfgang Alexander, their heirs, and assigns forever. Section 4 - Appointment Clause Article 3: Nomination of Executor and Guardian Article 3t Nomination of Executor and Guardian 1 hereby nominate as the Fxecutor of this Will my beloved husband, Paolo Van Abberti, but if he is unable or unwiling to serve, then I nominate my sister-in-law, Gabrielle Elizabeth Aberti. In the event that both persons named predecease me, or shall cease or fail to act, then 1 nominate in the place of said persons, the Yuma Trust Bank of Yuma, Arizona. If my husband does not sunvive me, I appoint my brother, Charles David Macintosh, Guardian of the persion and property of my son, Wolfgang Alexander, during his minority. Section 5 - Tax clause Article 4: payment of Taxes 1 direct that there shall be paid out of my residuary estate (from that portion that does not quabify for the marital deduction) all estate, inheritance, and similar taxes imposed by a government in respect to property includable in my estate for tax purposes. whether the property passes under this will or otherwise. Section 6 - Simultaneous Death ciause Article 5: simultaneous Death If my husband and I shall die under such circumstances that there is not sufficient evidence to determine the order of our deaths, then it shall be presumed that he survived me, My estate shall be administered and distributed in all respects in accordance with such assumption. Section 7 - Execution and Attestation Clause In witness thereof, I have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (S) poges, each of which I have initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. Signature: Sharon Amy Alberti Section 7 - Execution and Attestation Clause in withess thereof, 1 have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which thave initibled, th Signature: Shavan Signed, sealed, an erti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all b have written our names as witnesses. (Note: Normaliy the 1 bes would follow this clause.) The testator of this will is Sharon Amy Alberti's fint choice as executor of her estate is article of the will. In the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section , article will. Upon her death, Sharon Amy Aberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in article of the will. Section 7- Erecution and Attestation clause In witness thereof, I have affixed my signature to this, imy last wil and testament, which consists of fire (5) pages, each of which 1. have initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. Signaturet Sharen Amy Aberti Sharon Amy Albertis first choice as executor of her estate is This is specified in section articie of the will. In the event that her hushand does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section, article F of the will. Upon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in section , article of the will. Section 7 - Execution and Attestation Clause In withess thereof, t hove affoxed my signature to this, (my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which 1 have initialed, this 24th day of July, 2011. Signature: Sharon dmy Mherti Section 8 - Witness clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon. Amy Albert, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. (Note: Normally the witness' signaturesiand addresses would follow this clause.) The testator of this will is Sharon Amy Alberti's first choice as executor of her estate is This is specified in section article of the wili. n the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed uardian of her son while he remains a minon. This is specified in section, article of the will. gon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in ,ction article of the will. Section 7- Lxecution and Attestation Clause In winess thereof, 1 have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which t have initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. Signature: Sharon Amy Anberti Section 8 - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon Amy Aberti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. This is specified in section n the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed uardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section , article of the will. pon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in ection , article of the will. In witness thereor, I have afrixed my signature to this, my last wil and testament, which consists af five (5) pages, foch of which I have initialed, this 24th day of Juty, 2011. Signature sharan Amy Abert Section 8 - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon Amy Abert, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. (Nabe Nnirmallu the witness' silanatures and addresses would follow this clause.) In the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a miner. This is specified in section , article, of the will. Jpon her death, Sharon Amy Aberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in Section 7-Execution and Attestation Clause In withess thereot, I have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which conslats of five (S) pages, each of which I have initaled, this 2fth day of July, 2011. Sugnature: Sharon Amy Aberti Section 8 - Witness clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon. Amy Alberti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written ou (Note: Normally the w The testator of this will is Hharon Amy Alberti's first choice as executor of her estate is . This is specified in section rticle of the will. the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Aberti jardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section, , article of the will. Don ther death, Sharmn Amy Aberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in ction article of the will. Section 7- Execution and Attestation Clause In witness thereot, I hove afrixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which T bave initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011 . Signature: Sharon Amy Albert: Section 8 - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon Amy Alberti, the testatoc, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. (Note: Normally the witness' signatures and addresses would follow this clause-) The testator of this will is Sharon Amy Aberti's first choice as executor of her estate is This is specified in section article of the will. In the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section , article. - of the will. Upon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in section , article of the wil. In witness thereot, t have afnxed my signature to this, my last will and testarnent, which consists of five (5) pages, eaciror wirien thave initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. 5ignature: Sharon Arip Abert Section B - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and pubiished by Sharon Arry Alberti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as withesses- (Note: Normally the witness' signatures and addresses would follow this clase.) The testator of this will is 3. Preparing a will - Common features of a will A. will is a written, legally enforceable expression or declaration of a person's wishes concerning the disposition of his or her property upon death. A situstion in which a person dies without having prepared a valis will is called . State laws draw the will the decedent failed to make in order to determine the disposition of the probate property of those who have died without a will, Generally, under these circumstances, the decedent's spouse is favored first, followed by the children, and then other offspring (grandchildren or great-grandchaidren). If the spouse, children, or other offspring survive, they will divide the estate and other relatives will recelve Suppose that Sharon Amy Alberti has prepared the following will: The Last Will and Testament of Sharon Amy Alberti Section 1 - Introductory Clause 1, Sharon Amy Aberti, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke all wills and codicils made prior to this will. Section 2 - Direction of Payments Article 1: Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct payment out of my estate of all just debts and the expenses of my last iliness and funeral. Section 3-Disposition of Property Article 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Albert, all my jewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articles of personal and household use. 3. Preparing a will - common features of a will A will is a written, legally enforceable expression or deciaration of a person's wishes concerning the disposition of his or her property upon death. A situation in which a person dies without having prepared a valid will is called - State laws draw the will the decedent failed to make in order to determine the disposition of the probate property of those who have lit a wili. Generally, under these circumstances, the decedent's spouse is favored first, followed by the children, and then other offs trust children or great-grandehildren). If the spouse, children, or: other oftspring survive, they will divide the estate and other relatives will recel codicil Suppose that Sharon Amy Aberti has prepared the following will: The Last Will and Testament of intestacy y Alberti Section 1 - Introductory Clause 1. Sharon Amy Albert, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke-all wills and codicils made prior to this will, Section 2 - Direction of Payments Article 1: Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct payment out of my estate of all just debts and the expenses of my last iliness and funeral. Section 3 - Disposition of Property Article 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Alberti, all my jewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articles of personal and household use. 3. Preparing a will - Common features of a will A will is a written, legally enforceable expression or declaration of a person's wishes concerning the disposition of his or ber property upon ideath. A situation in which a person dies without having prepared a valid will is called . Stote laws draw the will the decedent falled to make in order to determine the dispasition of the probate property of those who have died without a will. Generally, under these circumstances, the decedent's spouse is favored first, followed by the children, and then other offspring (grandehidren or great-grandchildren). If the spouse, children, of other offspring survive, they will divide the estate and other relatives will receive Suppose that Sharon Arry Alberti has prepared the following will: The Last Will and Testament of SI 1. Sharon Amy Abert, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke all wills and codicils made prior to this will. Section 2 - Direction of Payments Article 1; Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct payment out of my estate of all just debts and the expenses of my last liness and funeral. Section 3 - Disposition of Property Articie 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Aberti, all my jewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articies of personal and household use. Suppose that sharon Amy Alberti has prepared the following wili The Last Will and Testament of Sharon Amy Alberti Section 1 - Introductory clause 1. Sharon Amy Aberti, of the city of Yuma, Arizona, do hereby make my last will and revoke all wills and codicils made prior to this will Section 2-Direction of Payments Articie 1: Payment of Debts and Expenses I direct palyment out of my estate of ail just debts and the expenses of my last Iliness and funeral. Section 3 - Disposition of Property Article 2: Disposition of Property I give and bequeath to my husband, Paolo Van Abberti, all my fewelry, automobiles, books, and photography equipment, as well as all other articles of personal and household use. I glve to the Yuma Historical Society the sum of $15,000. All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate; real and personal, wherever located, I give in equal one-haif shares to my children, Roxanne Scarlet and Wolfgang Alexander, their heirs, and assigns forever. Section 4 - Appointment Clause Article 3: Nomination of Executor and Guardian Article 3t Nomination of Executor and Guardian 1 hereby nominate as the Fxecutor of this Will my beloved husband, Paolo Van Abberti, but if he is unable or unwiling to serve, then I nominate my sister-in-law, Gabrielle Elizabeth Aberti. In the event that both persons named predecease me, or shall cease or fail to act, then 1 nominate in the place of said persons, the Yuma Trust Bank of Yuma, Arizona. If my husband does not sunvive me, I appoint my brother, Charles David Macintosh, Guardian of the persion and property of my son, Wolfgang Alexander, during his minority. Section 5 - Tax clause Article 4: payment of Taxes 1 direct that there shall be paid out of my residuary estate (from that portion that does not quabify for the marital deduction) all estate, inheritance, and similar taxes imposed by a government in respect to property includable in my estate for tax purposes. whether the property passes under this will or otherwise. Section 6 - Simultaneous Death ciause Article 5: simultaneous Death If my husband and I shall die under such circumstances that there is not sufficient evidence to determine the order of our deaths, then it shall be presumed that he survived me, My estate shall be administered and distributed in all respects in accordance with such assumption. Section 7 - Execution and Attestation Clause In witness thereof, I have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (S) poges, each of which I have initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. Signature: Sharon Amy Alberti Section 7 - Execution and Attestation Clause in withess thereof, 1 have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which thave initibled, th Signature: Shavan Signed, sealed, an erti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all b have written our names as witnesses. (Note: Normaliy the 1 bes would follow this clause.) The testator of this will is Sharon Amy Alberti's fint choice as executor of her estate is article of the will. In the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section , article will. Upon her death, Sharon Amy Aberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in article of the will. Section 7- Erecution and Attestation clause In witness thereof, I have affixed my signature to this, imy last wil and testament, which consists of fire (5) pages, each of which 1. have initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. Signaturet Sharen Amy Aberti Sharon Amy Albertis first choice as executor of her estate is This is specified in section articie of the will. In the event that her hushand does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section, article F of the will. Upon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in section , article of the will. Section 7 - Execution and Attestation Clause In withess thereof, t hove affoxed my signature to this, (my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which 1 have initialed, this 24th day of July, 2011. Signature: Sharon dmy Mherti Section 8 - Witness clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon. Amy Albert, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. (Note: Normally the witness' signaturesiand addresses would follow this clause.) The testator of this will is Sharon Amy Alberti's first choice as executor of her estate is This is specified in section article of the wili. n the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed uardian of her son while he remains a minon. This is specified in section, article of the will. gon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in ,ction article of the will. Section 7- Lxecution and Attestation Clause In winess thereof, 1 have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which t have initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. Signature: Sharon Amy Anberti Section 8 - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon Amy Aberti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. This is specified in section n the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed uardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section , article of the will. pon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in ection , article of the will. In witness thereor, I have afrixed my signature to this, my last wil and testament, which consists af five (5) pages, foch of which I have initialed, this 24th day of Juty, 2011. Signature sharan Amy Abert Section 8 - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon Amy Abert, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. (Nabe Nnirmallu the witness' silanatures and addresses would follow this clause.) In the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a miner. This is specified in section , article, of the will. Jpon her death, Sharon Amy Aberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in Section 7-Execution and Attestation Clause In withess thereot, I have affixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which conslats of five (S) pages, each of which I have initaled, this 2fth day of July, 2011. Sugnature: Sharon Amy Aberti Section 8 - Witness clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon. Amy Alberti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written ou (Note: Normally the w The testator of this will is Hharon Amy Alberti's first choice as executor of her estate is . This is specified in section rticle of the will. the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Aberti jardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section, , article of the will. Don ther death, Sharmn Amy Aberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in ction article of the will. Section 7- Execution and Attestation Clause In witness thereot, I hove afrixed my signature to this, my last will and testament, which consists of five (5) pages, each of which T bave initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011 . Signature: Sharon Amy Albert: Section 8 - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and published by Sharon Amy Alberti, the testatoc, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as witnesses. (Note: Normally the witness' signatures and addresses would follow this clause-) The testator of this will is Sharon Amy Aberti's first choice as executor of her estate is This is specified in section article of the will. In the event that her husband does not survive her, Sharon Amy Alberti has appointed guardian of her son while he remains a minor. This is specified in section , article. - of the will. Upon her death, Sharon Amy Alberti has planned a charitable contribution of to the Yuma Historical Society. This is specified in section , article of the wil. In witness thereot, t have afnxed my signature to this, my last will and testarnent, which consists of five (5) pages, eaciror wirien thave initialed, this 24 th day of July, 2011. 5ignature: Sharon Arip Abert Section B - Witness Clause Signed, sealed, and pubiished by Sharon Arry Alberti, the testator, in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have written our names as withesses- (Note: Normally the witness' signatures and addresses would follow this clase.) The testator of this will is

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