3. Taken from Elliot and Lira, problem 14.1 Suppote the (1)+(2) syvem exhabits liquid-liquid immiscibility. Suppose we are at a state where G1/RT=0.1 and G2/RT=03. The Gabbs enerzy of mining Gaantifies the Gibbt enerzy of the mixture relative to the Gbbs energies of the pure consponents. Soppoie the excew Gibbs eneriy for the (1)+(2) mixture is given by? QE/RT=2.5x1x2 a. Combine this witt the Gibbs energy for ideal mixing to calculate the Gibbs enery of moxang acrow the compositiou range and plot the resilts againt ma to illuntrate that the system exhibits amuscibulity. b. Draw a tangent to the lamps to illustrate that the syctem is one phase at componitions greater than 7f=0.844 and lens than g=0. 145 , bot will iplit iato fio phases with coeppositions at any intermediate overall composition. Most wystems with biquid hiquid immivelbility must be modeled with a more comples formala for ecceus Gibbs enerR. The himps on the diagram are ssnally off-center, as in Eie. 14.3 ca page 145 in the text. The simple model used for the calcalations here results ia the nymumetrical diagren c. When a mixture splits ato two phaves, the over-all fractions (of total moles) of the fwo pharves are found by the lener rule aloeg the compouition cood dinate Sogpove 0.6 mol of (d) and 0.4 mol of (2) are mixed. Use the lever rule to calculate the total nababer of moles which would be foond in each phane of the actual ngitem. Decignate the (1)-nich phase as the B phase. a. What is the valse of the lypothetical Gibbs energy. (expressed as ORT ). of a maxture of 0.6 mol of (1) and 0.4 mol of (2) if the miuture ware to remaan as one phase? Calculate the Fig 14.3 from Elliott and Lira 14.1 Figure 14.3 Gibbs energy of miring in the water + MEK system ar prolicted by (a) MAB and (b) UNIFAC