5 Python MessageEncrypt Highest grade 0/10 Editor Submitted versions Problem Statement Glven four lists (of characters, which are also known as strings), transform and concatenate them to form an encrypted message 1. The first list of characters should be rotated left 2" where the first 2 chars are moved to the end. Example: "Hello" -> "Ho He". (You can assume the string length will be at least 2.) 2. The second list of characters should not contain the first and last character Example: "coding" --> "odin" 2. The third list of characters should contain only the first half of the string, Example: "woohoo" -> "WOO" 4. The last list of characters should contain the tags that enclose the entire message. For example, if the enclosure tag is ">>, the entire concatenated message will be >>. You should assume that the tag entered will always be 6 characters long Hint: you leamed about it slicing in Python Videos this week. You can slice strings in the same way you can slice lists! 1 Your name and/or your partner's mane 2 1p-input() 34p2-Input 4 ip input 5 ipd. input 6 CSC1102 - Section ? 7 res." 8 reseres ipi[2:len (ipi 1+ipi(0:2) 9 resures ip2[1: Len(1p2)1-1] 10 re-resipe:len(1p3y/21 11 res-ip4[e:3res ip4 3: Len(14)] 12 Python-Message Encrypt 13 print (res) 14 Sample Input Hello Submit 3 Editor Submitted Versions v 6-Python-More GradeCalculation Highest grade 0/10 Problem Statement Calculates the overall grade for a course with three equally weighted exams (graded out of 100) that account for 60% of the overall grade and four equally weighted programming assignments (graded out of 50) that account for 40% of the overall graded. Hint: The overall grade can be calculated as 0.6 averageExcamScore + 0.4 average ProgScore Sample Input Two lists 1 Your name and/or your partner's name 2 Isti-[8.)3 3. for in range(0,3): 4 1st1[11-float(input) 5 1st2-0.014 6. for i in raange(0,4): 7 Ist2[11-float(input)) 8 avgExan-sum (Isti)/3 9 avgProg-Sun (1st27/4 10 overall score-(0.6 avgExam (0.4 avgProg) 11 print (overall score) 12 CSC1102 Section 13 Python-Moretiradecalculation 14 15 90 50 go 20 40 50 1. Store the first three inbuts in a list that contains the three exam scores Submit