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5-7 slides with speaker notes of 200-250 words per slide (excluding Title and Reference slides) Objective: Identify methodologies relevant to team building and performance standards

5-7 slides with speaker notes of 200-250 words per slide (excluding Title and Reference slides) Objective: Identify methodologies relevant to team building and performance standards for the functions of HRM as they pertain to organizing, controlling, planning, leading, and staffing You, as a HR Generalist, have been asked by your HR Director for your recommendations in terms of what tools your organization could use to better manage the talents of your employees. This will help to develop policies and procedures in managing your human capital. Please develop a PowerPoint presentation to your Director addressing the following: Describe and analyze the broad range of talent management efforts that use software applications to help you Director to make an educated decision. Give some examples of firms that have successfully used these applications. Describe how these efforts are useful in terms of strategic human capital management. Please submit your assignment. Individual Project Rubric Grading Criteria Percentage Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and 35% writer's message and intent are clear. Scholarly research which supports writer's position properly 20% acknowledged and cited direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluded title page, abstract or table of contents if used, tables, exhibits, appendices, and reference page(s). Inclusion of plagiarized content will not be tolerated and may result in adverse academic consequences. Critical thinking: Position is well-justified; logical flow; examples provided where appropriate. 20% Structure: Includes introduction and conclusion; proper paragraph 10% format; reads as a polished academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable. Mechanical: No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. 10% APA: Deliverable is cited properly according to the APA Publication 5% Manual (6th ed.). EMPLOYEE TALENT MANAGEMENT AND SOFTWARE APPLICATION Introduction The business world is continuously changing, globalization of the companies' operations, increased competitions and the technological advancement have become the order of the day in the global markets that compels the local, national and the multinational companies to integrate the changes in the workforce systems by creating a coherent finding and recruiting the employees with the highest level of expertise to serve in the companies that will facilitate the company's market productivity and competitiveness. The companies have sorted to retain the employees that are talented in the production operation filed within the organizations that are a major priority for any organization that competes in markets. With the highly demanding business world, changing technology and nature of the workforce, Human Resource Management have sorted to move away from the traditional functions to more modern and strategic oriented positions that works to unite the effective management of human capital to the organizational goals, missions, visions and operating objectives through the organization's talent management strategies (Berger & Berger, 2004). Companies that seek to retain the relative market competitiveness and market share have embraced the talent management as a tool for sustainability. Talent management is the implementation and integration of the strategies and systems that are designed to increase the employee productivity by developing the strategies to improve, motivate, retain , attract, developing and utilization of the employees with the required expertise, abilities and capabilities within the organization to meets the current production states, and the future business needs. Talent management and career development have become the organizational practices that must be embraced continually to ensure high levels of productivity and remain to be a strategic focus that drives organization production outcome (Silzer & Dowell, 2009). Talent management efforts that use the software application to arrive at an educated decision by the director i. Talent management software is a set of applications that are utilized by the Human resource managers and professionals in the organization to manage, maintain, motivate, retain, develop and cultivate the human capitals for high levels of productivity (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Evidently, the talent management software that is broadly utilized in the ii. organizations includes: Effective designation of recognitions and compensation systems; compensation and recognition of the employees' efforts are fundamental to the organization's success in its operations. According to Henry Fayol in his principles of management, he argues that the compensation or the wage rates must be in proportionality to the labor required to perform the task that will ensure staff sustenance (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). . The employees must be reward effectively to ensure the immense commitment and motivation iii. of the employees towards the organization activities. Developing clear and precise and concise job description that compels the human resource manager to determine the abilities, capabilities required, skills and experience that are expected of the new employees that will have a relative benefit to the organization. A Job description system serves as the theoretical framework for which the recruitment and selection process is built and aims at securing highly talented employees (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). iv. Career and talent development and advancement training system, career developing aims at bridging the gap between the employees and the new knowledge in the changing v. environment Establish effective selection process and systems that will ensure that the new employees in the organization that is hired to serve the organization have the required expertise and skills that will increase the company's penetration in the markets and steer head all the vi. operations of the company (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Performance development that focus on the employees and the organization operation to build a balance between the employees interest and performance expectation in the organizations while Mentorship programs, feedback, and on-going coaching to facilitate high levels of motivation and commitments of the employee towards the organization activities (Pham-Gia, 2009). Companies that have effectively utilized the application in their operation Most companies have utilized the talent management software to develop the operating policies and procedures within the organization that aims at the employees' empowerment, career development, and retention within the organization to enhance the human capital 1. Coca- Cola Company, it is one of the most multinational companies that has gained the largest markets share in the production of the beverage drinks, it has received a reputation in the global markets. Coca-Cola Company has advanced the employees talent management by creating the Coca-Cola University that focus and the career development of the employees that focus on improving its productivity limits. Additionally, the company has used the strategy as a tool for selection and retention of its employees to advance in the markets and retain its high levels of markets share as well as the relative market position among its competitors like the Pepsin Company that produces beverage drinks (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). 2. Microsoft Corporation: the company has excelled its workforce planning, organizing, controlling, leading and staffing as well as utilizing analytics and redeployment. It has received the global reputation of the effective usage of the contingent workers. Microsoft Corporation business strategy has succeeded to incorporate and implement talent management programs and strategies by outsourcing the competent employees with the required expertise in the field that is beneficial to the operation of the company in improving the markets share and achievement of the objectives (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). 3. Starbucks Company: it is one of the coffee companies that have received the global reputation and best ranked in America. It employs the talent management strategies that have placed to maintain a large market share in the long-term operation of the business. The ability of the company to build a strong human resource and capital organization that is created through the excellent selection and placement process, as well as embracement of the talent management models in its operations, has created a position and advance changes in its operation in the gradually changing environment (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). 4. Toyota Automotive Company; Toyota company has a worldwide record of producing the best automotive that compete in the global markets. It has embraced the career and talent development among its employees that increase the employees' competence and innovativeness that has placed the company ion a relative markets advantages among its competitors like the BMW Company and the Nissan Company while gaining a high levels of the reputation in all the continents of the world (Elegbe, 2010). 5. First Merit Bank; it has successfully utilized the talent management programs and models to design and develop its operating strategies in the environment. The innovative approaches applied and structure ensures that the employees' interest as the core component of focus in the organizations that ensures high levels of productivity and efficiency in its operation. The company ensures the employees selected to take the active role in the activities follow the expectations that are spelled out in the job description. The approaches that have been employed by the company include the data mining, competence intelligence, customer relationship strategies and approaches, niche market targeting and metric assessments (Elegbe, 2010). Importance of the efforts regarding strategic human capital management i. Developing a clear, concise and precise job descriptions in the organizations is fundamental in the strategic capital management since it acts as the theoretical framework for which the process of selection, hiring and placement is based and spells out the required levels of experience, knowledge and skills and as well as the abilities and ii. capabilities of the new employees in the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Designing recognition and compensation strategies and systems ensure that the reward offered to the employees is significant and sustainable in the long run as well as the short run operation of the companies. Additionally, the compensation strategy employed ensure companies realize high retention rate in the companies and as well as acting as the iii. selection and recruitment tool within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Career and talent development programs ensure that the employees advance in their field positions that will increase the employees' efficiency, increase the productivity levels as well as improving the individual competency in the job position that ensure the effective operation of the company and relative markets position and advantages (Elegbe, 2010). iv. Outstanding selection procedures and process ensure that the company employed and utilized the employee that have the required expertise and experience that will ensure the sustainability of the company's operations. The managers ensure that the new employees will have the outstanding performance, play within the organization culture and operate v. to achieve the objectives, missions' and visions of the company (Pham-Gia, 2009). Mentorship programs, employee feedback, and coaching ensure that the companies' core objectives, missions, and visions are achieved through the motivation of the employees that compels the employees to be committed towards the companies' performance. Importantly, the mentorship program ensures that the employees advance in the career process through coaching and mentorship that improve competency and efficiency of the vi. employees. Performance development training periodically ensures that the company operating objectives are coherently integrated with the employee's interest in the job positions that will ensure high levels of commitments to performance within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Conclusion Just as the business environment changes, the human resources management is bound d to take a new direction that will ensure the survival of the companies in the competitive markets. Significantly, the labor markets are competitive, and the companies have embraced the talent management programs and career development as one of the tools and approaches that are utilized to retain the highly experience and skilled employees. However, the organizations that do not embrace employees affairs as the central part of the operation have high staff turnover, low productivity, and little motivation as well as the commitment of the employees towards the achievement of the organization goals and objectives in the business world. References Berger, L. A., & Berger, D. R. (2004). The talent management handbook: Creating organizational excellence by identifying, developing, and promoting your best people. New York: McGrawHill. Elegbe, J. A. (2010). Talent management in the developing world: Adopting a global perspective. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Gower. Goldsmith, M., & Carter, L. (2010). Best practices in talent management: How the world's leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Pham-Gia, K. (2009). Talent Management: Recruitment Methodologies - an Overview. Munchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH. Silzer, R., & Dowell, B. E. (2009). Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Vaiman, V., & Vance, C. (2008). Smart talent management: Building knowledge assets for competitive advantage. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. TALENT MANAGEMENT TALENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE APPLICATION AND BETTER TALLENT MANAGMENT Introduction The business world is continuously changing, globalization of the companies' operations, increased competitions and the technological advancement have become the order of the day in the global markets that compels the local, national and the multinational companies to integrate the changes in the workforce systems by creating a coherent finding and recruiting the employees with the highest level of expertise toe serve in the companies that will facilitate the company's market productivity and competitiveness. The companies have sorted to retain the employees that are talented in the production operation filed within the organizations that are a major priority for any organization that competes in markets. With the highly demanding business world, changing technology and nature of the workforce, Human Resource Management have sorted to move away from the traditional functions to more modern and strategic oriented positions that works to unite the effective management of human capital to the organizational goals, missions, visions and operating objectives through the organization's talent management strategies (Berger & Berger, 2004). Cont... Companies that seek to retain the relative market competitiveness and market share have embraced the talent management as a tool for sustainability. Talent management and career development have become the organizational practices that must be embraced continually to ensure high levels of productivity and remain to be a strategic focus that drives organization production outcome (Silzer & Dowell, 2009). Talent management efforts that use the software application to arrive at an educated decision by the director Talent management software is a set of applications that are utilized by the Human resource managers and professionals in the organization to manage, maintain, motivate, retain, develop and cultivate the human capitals for high levels of productivity (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Evidently, the talent management software that is broadly utilized in the organizations includes: Effective designation of recognitions and compensation systems; compensation and recognition of the employees' efforts are fundamental to the organization's success in its operations. activities. Cont... Developing clear and precise and concise job description that compels the human resource manager to determine the abilities, capabilities required, skills and experience that are expected of the new employees that will have a relative benefit to the organization. A Job description system serves as the theoretical framework for which the recruitment and selection process is built and aims at securing highly talented employees (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Career and talent development and advancement training system, career developing aims at bridging the gap between the employees and the new knowledge in the changing environment Establish effective selection process and systems that will ensure that the new employees in the organization that is hired to serve the organization have the required expertise and skills that will increase the company's penetration in the markets and steer head all the operations of the company (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Performance development that focus on the employees and the organization operation to build a balance between the employees interest and performance expectation in the organizations while Mentorship programs, feedback, and ongoing coaching to facilitate high levels of motivation and commitments of the employee towards the organization activities (Pham-Gia, 2009). Companies that have effectively utilized the application in their operation Most companies have utilized the talent management software to develop the operating policies and procedures within the organization that aims at the employees' empowerment, career development, and retention within the organization to enhance the human capital Coca- Cola Company, it is one of the most multinational companies that has gained the largest markets share in the production of the beverage drinks, it has received a reputation in the global markets. Coca-Cola Company has advanced the employees talent management by creating the Coca-Cola University that focus and the career development of the employees that focus on improving its productivity limits. Cont... Microsoft Corporation: the company has excelled its workforce planning, organizing, controlling, leading and staffing as well as utilizing analytics and redeployment. It has received the global reputation of the effective usage of the contingent workers. Starbucks Company: it is one of the coffee companies that have received the global reputation and best ranked in America. It employs the talent management strategies that have placed to maintain a large market share in the long-term operation of the business. Cont... Toyota Automotive Company; Toyota company has a worldwide record of producing the best automotive that compete in the global markets. First Merit Bank; it has successfully utilized the talent management programs and models to design and develop its operating strategies in the environment. The innovative approaches applied and structure ensures that the employees interest as the core component of focus in the organizations that ensures high levels of productivity and efficiency in its operation. Importance of the efforts regarding strategic human capital management Developing a clear, concise and precise job descriptions in the organizations is fundamental in the strategic capital management since it acts as the theoretical framework for which the process of selection, hiring and placement is based and spells out the required levels of experience, knowledge and skills and as well as the abilities and capabilities of the new employees in the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Designing recognition and compensation strategies and systems ensure that the reward offered to the employees is significant and sustainable in the long run as well as the short run operation of the companies. Additionally, the compensation strategy employed ensure companies realize high retention rate in the companies and as well as acting as the selection and recruitment tool within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Career and talent development programs ensure that the employees advance in their field positions that will increase the employees' efficiency, increase the productivity levels as well as improving the individual competency in the job position that ensure the effective operation of the company and relative markets position and advantages (Elegbe, 2010). Outstanding selection procedures and process ensure that the company employed and utilized the employee that have the required expertise and experience that will ensure the sustainability of the companies operations. The managers ensure that the new employees will have the outstanding performance, play within the organization culture and operate to achieve the objectives, missions' and visions of the company (Pham-Gia, 2009). References Berger, L. A., & Berger, D. R. (2004). The talent management handbook: Creating organizational excellence by identifying, developing, and promoting your best people. New York: McGraw-Hill. Elegbe, J. A. (2010). Talent management in the developing world: Adopting a global perspective. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Gower. Goldsmith, M., & Carter, L. (2010). Best practices in talent management: How the world's leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Pham-Gia, K. (2009). Talent Management: Recruitment Methodologies - an Overview. Munchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH. Silzer, R., & Dowell, B. E. (2009). Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Vaiman, V., & Vance, C. (2008). Smart talent management: Building knowledge assets for competitive advantage. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Cont... Mentorship programs, employee feedback, and coaching ensure that the companies' core objectives, missions, and visions are achieved through the motivation of the employees that compels the employees to be committed towards the companies' performance. Importantly, the mentorship program ensures that the employees advance in the career process through coaching and mentorship that improve competency and efficiency of the employees. Performance development training periodically ensures that the company operating objectives are coherently integrated with the employee's interest in the job positions that will ensure high levels of commitments to performance within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Conclusion Just as the business environment changes, the human resources management is bound d to take a new direction that will ensure the survival of the companies in the competitive markets. Significantly, the labor markets are competitive, and the companies have embraced the talent management programs and career development as one of the tools and approaches that are utilized to retain the highly experience and skilled employees. However, the organizations that do not embrace employees affairs as the central part of the operation have high staff turnover, low productivity, and little motivation as well as the commitment of the employees towards the achievement of the organization goals and objectives in the business world. EMPLOYEE TALENT MANAGEMENT AND SOFTWARE APPLICATION Introduction The business world is continuously changing, globalization of the companies' operations, increased competitions and the technological advancement have become the order of the day in the global markets that compels the local, national and the multinational companies to integrate the changes in the workforce systems by creating a coherent finding and recruiting the employees with the highest level of expertise to serve in the companies that will facilitate the company's market productivity and competitiveness. The companies have sorted to retain the employees that are talented in the production operation filed within the organizations that are a major priority for any organization that competes in markets. With the highly demanding business world, changing technology and nature of the workforce, Human Resource Management have sorted to move away from the traditional functions to more modern and strategic oriented positions that works to unite the effective management of human capital to the organizational goals, missions, visions and operating objectives through the organization's talent management strategies (Berger & Berger, 2004). Companies that seek to retain the relative market competitiveness and market share have embraced the talent management as a tool for sustainability. Talent management is the implementation and integration of the strategies and systems that are designed to increase the employee productivity by developing the strategies to improve, motivate, retain , attract, developing and utilization of the employees with the required expertise, abilities and capabilities within the organization to meets the current production states, and the future business needs. Talent management and career development have become the organizational practices that must be embraced continually to ensure high levels of productivity and remain to be a strategic focus that drives organization production outcome (Silzer & Dowell, 2009). Talent management efforts that use the software application to arrive at an educated decision by the director i. Talent management software is a set of applications that are utilized by the Human resource managers and professionals in the organization to manage, maintain, motivate, retain, develop and cultivate the human capitals for high levels of productivity (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Evidently, the talent management software that is broadly utilized in the ii. organizations includes: Effective designation of recognitions and compensation systems; compensation and recognition of the employees' efforts are fundamental to the organization's success in its operations. According to Henry Fayol in his principles of management, he argues that the compensation or the wage rates must be in proportionality to the labor required to perform the task that will ensure staff sustenance (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). . The employees must be reward effectively to ensure the immense commitment and motivation iii. of the employees towards the organization activities. Developing clear and precise and concise job description that compels the human resource manager to determine the abilities, capabilities required, skills and experience that are expected of the new employees that will have a relative benefit to the organization. A Job description system serves as the theoretical framework for which the recruitment and selection process is built and aims at securing highly talented employees (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). iv. Career and talent development and advancement training system, career developing aims at bridging the gap between the employees and the new knowledge in the changing v. environment Establish effective selection process and systems that will ensure that the new employees in the organization that is hired to serve the organization have the required expertise and skills that will increase the company's penetration in the markets and steer head all the vi. operations of the company (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Performance development that focus on the employees and the organization operation to build a balance between the employees interest and performance expectation in the organizations while Mentorship programs, feedback, and on-going coaching to facilitate high levels of motivation and commitments of the employee towards the organization activities (Pham-Gia, 2009). Companies that have effectively utilized the application in their operation Most companies have utilized the talent management software to develop the operating policies and procedures within the organization that aims at the employees' empowerment, career development, and retention within the organization to enhance the human capital 1. Coca- Cola Company, it is one of the most multinational companies that has gained the largest markets share in the production of the beverage drinks, it has received a reputation in the global markets. Coca-Cola Company has advanced the employees talent management by creating the Coca-Cola University that focus and the career development of the employees that focus on improving its productivity limits. Additionally, the company has used the strategy as a tool for selection and retention of its employees to advance in the markets and retain its high levels of markets share as well as the relative market position among its competitors like the Pepsin Company that produces beverage drinks (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). 2. Microsoft Corporation: the company has excelled its workforce planning, organizing, controlling, leading and staffing as well as utilizing analytics and redeployment. It has received the global reputation of the effective usage of the contingent workers. Microsoft Corporation business strategy has succeeded to incorporate and implement talent management programs and strategies by outsourcing the competent employees with the required expertise in the field that is beneficial to the operation of the company in improving the markets share and achievement of the objectives (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). 3. Starbucks Company: it is one of the coffee companies that have received the global reputation and best ranked in America. It employs the talent management strategies that have placed to maintain a large market share in the long-term operation of the business. The ability of the company to build a strong human resource and capital organization that is created through the excellent selection and placement process, as well as embracement of the talent management models in its operations, has created a position and advance changes in its operation in the gradually changing environment (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). 4. Toyota Automotive Company; Toyota company has a worldwide record of producing the best automotive that compete in the global markets. It has embraced the career and talent development among its employees that increase the employees' competence and innovativeness that has placed the company ion a relative markets advantages among its competitors like the BMW Company and the Nissan Company while gaining a high levels of the reputation in all the continents of the world (Elegbe, 2010). 5. First Merit Bank; it has successfully utilized the talent management programs and models to design and develop its operating strategies in the environment. The innovative approaches applied and structure ensures that the employees' interest as the core component of focus in the organizations that ensures high levels of productivity and efficiency in its operation. The company ensures the employees selected to take the active role in the activities follow the expectations that are spelled out in the job description. The approaches that have been employed by the company include the data mining, competence intelligence, customer relationship strategies and approaches, niche market targeting and metric assessments (Elegbe, 2010). Importance of the efforts regarding strategic human capital management i. Developing a clear, concise and precise job descriptions in the organizations is fundamental in the strategic capital management since it acts as the theoretical framework for which the process of selection, hiring and placement is based and spells out the required levels of experience, knowledge and skills and as well as the abilities and ii. capabilities of the new employees in the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Designing recognition and compensation strategies and systems ensure that the reward offered to the employees is significant and sustainable in the long run as well as the short run operation of the companies. Additionally, the compensation strategy employed ensure companies realize high retention rate in the companies and as well as acting as the iii. selection and recruitment tool within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Career and talent development programs ensure that the employees advance in their field positions that will increase the employees' efficiency, increase the productivity levels as well as improving the individual competency in the job position that ensure the effective operation of the company and relative markets position and advantages (Elegbe, 2010). iv. Outstanding selection procedures and process ensure that the company employed and utilized the employee that have the required expertise and experience that will ensure the sustainability of the company's operations. The managers ensure that the new employees will have the outstanding performance, play within the organization culture and operate v. to achieve the objectives, missions' and visions of the company (Pham-Gia, 2009). Mentorship programs, employee feedback, and coaching ensure that the companies' core objectives, missions, and visions are achieved through the motivation of the employees that compels the employees to be committed towards the companies' performance. Importantly, the mentorship program ensures that the employees advance in the career process through coaching and mentorship that improve competency and efficiency of the vi. employees. Performance development training periodically ensures that the company operating objectives are coherently integrated with the employee's interest in the job positions that will ensure high levels of commitments to performance within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Conclusion Just as the business environment changes, the human resources management is bound d to take a new direction that will ensure the survival of the companies in the competitive markets. Significantly, the labor markets are competitive, and the companies have embraced the talent management programs and career development as one of the tools and approaches that are utilized to retain the highly experience and skilled employees. However, the organizations that do not embrace employees affairs as the central part of the operation have high staff turnover, low productivity, and little motivation as well as the commitment of the employees towards the achievement of the organization goals and objectives in the business world. References Berger, L. A., & Berger, D. R. (2004). The talent management handbook: Creating organizational excellence by identifying, developing, and promoting your best people. New York: McGrawHill. Elegbe, J. A. (2010). Talent management in the developing world: Adopting a global perspective. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Gower. Goldsmith, M., & Carter, L. (2010). Best practices in talent management: How the world's leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Pham-Gia, K. (2009). Talent Management: Recruitment Methodologies - an Overview. Munchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH. Silzer, R., & Dowell, B. E. (2009). Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Vaiman, V., & Vance, C. (2008). Smart talent management: Building knowledge assets for competitive advantage. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. TALENT MANAGEMENT TALENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE APPLICATION AND BETTER TALLENT MANAGMENT Introduction The business world is continuously changing, globalization of the companies' operations, increased competitions and the technological advancement have become the order of the day in the global markets that compels the local, national and the multinational companies to integrate the changes in the workforce systems by creating a coherent finding and recruiting the employees with the highest level of expertise toe serve in the companies that will facilitate the company's market productivity and competitiveness. The companies have sorted to retain the employees that are talented in the production operation filed within the organizations that are a major priority for any organization that competes in markets. With the highly demanding business world, changing technology and nature of the workforce, Human Resource Management have sorted to move away from the traditional functions to more modern and strategic oriented positions that works to unite the effective management of human capital to the organizational goals, missions, visions and operating objectives through the organization's talent management strategies (Berger & Berger, 2004). Cont... Companies that seek to retain the relative market competitiveness and market share have embraced the talent management as a tool for sustainability. Talent management and career development have become the organizational practices that must be embraced continually to ensure high levels of productivity and remain to be a strategic focus that drives organization production outcome (Silzer & Dowell, 2009). Talent management efforts that use the software application to arrive at an educated decision by the director Talent management software is a set of applications that are utilized by the Human resource managers and professionals in the organization to manage, maintain, motivate, retain, develop and cultivate the human capitals for high levels of productivity (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Evidently, the talent management software that is broadly utilized in the organizations includes: Effective designation of recognitions and compensation systems; compensation and recognition of the employees' efforts are fundamental to the organization's success in its operations. activities. Cont... Developing clear and precise and concise job description that compels the human resource manager to determine the abilities, capabilities required, skills and experience that are expected of the new employees that will have a relative benefit to the organization. A Job description system serves as the theoretical framework for which the recruitment and selection process is built and aims at securing highly talented employees (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Career and talent development and advancement training system, career developing aims at bridging the gap between the employees and the new knowledge in the changing environment Establish effective selection process and systems that will ensure that the new employees in the organization that is hired to serve the organization have the required expertise and skills that will increase the company's penetration in the markets and steer head all the operations of the company (Vaiman & Vance, 2008). Performance development that focus on the employees and the organization operation to build a balance between the employees interest and performance expectation in the organizations while Mentorship programs, feedback, and ongoing coaching to facilitate high levels of motivation and commitments of the employee towards the organization activities (Pham-Gia, 2009). Companies that have effectively utilized the application in their operation Most companies have utilized the talent management software to develop the operating policies and procedures within the organization that aims at the employees' empowerment, career development, and retention within the organization to enhance the human capital Coca- Cola Company, it is one of the most multinational companies that has gained the largest markets share in the production of the beverage drinks, it has received a reputation in the global markets. Coca-Cola Company has advanced the employees talent management by creating the Coca-Cola University that focus and the career development of the employees that focus on improving its productivity limits. Cont... Microsoft Corporation: the company has excelled its workforce planning, organizing, controlling, leading and staffing as well as utilizing analytics and redeployment. It has received the global reputation of the effective usage of the contingent workers. Starbucks Company: it is one of the coffee companies that have received the global reputation and best ranked in America. It employs the talent management strategies that have placed to maintain a large market share in the long-term operation of the business. Cont... Toyota Automotive Company; Toyota company has a worldwide record of producing the best automotive that compete in the global markets. First Merit Bank; it has successfully utilized the talent management programs and models to design and develop its operating strategies in the environment. The innovative approaches applied and structure ensures that the employees interest as the core component of focus in the organizations that ensures high levels of productivity and efficiency in its operation. Importance of the efforts regarding strategic human capital management Developing a clear, concise and precise job descriptions in the organizations is fundamental in the strategic capital management since it acts as the theoretical framework for which the process of selection, hiring and placement is based and spells out the required levels of experience, knowledge and skills and as well as the abilities and capabilities of the new employees in the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Designing recognition and compensation strategies and systems ensure that the reward offered to the employees is significant and sustainable in the long run as well as the short run operation of the companies. Additionally, the compensation strategy employed ensure companies realize high retention rate in the companies and as well as acting as the selection and recruitment tool within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Career and talent development programs ensure that the employees advance in their field positions that will increase the employees' efficiency, increase the productivity levels as well as improving the individual competency in the job position that ensure the effective operation of the company and relative markets position and advantages (Elegbe, 2010). Outstanding selection procedures and process ensure that the company employed and utilized the employee that have the required expertise and experience that will ensure the sustainability of the companies operations. The managers ensure that the new employees will have the outstanding performance, play within the organization culture and operate to achieve the objectives, missions' and visions of the company (Pham-Gia, 2009). References Berger, L. A., & Berger, D. R. (2004). The talent management handbook: Creating organizational excellence by identifying, developing, and promoting your best people. New York: McGraw-Hill. Elegbe, J. A. (2010). Talent management in the developing world: Adopting a global perspective. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Gower. Goldsmith, M., & Carter, L. (2010). Best practices in talent management: How the world's leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Pham-Gia, K. (2009). Talent Management: Recruitment Methodologies - an Overview. Munchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH. Silzer, R., & Dowell, B. E. (2009). Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Vaiman, V., & Vance, C. (2008). Smart talent management: Building knowledge assets for competitive advantage. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Cont... Mentorship programs, employee feedback, and coaching ensure that the companies' core objectives, missions, and visions are achieved through the motivation of the employees that compels the employees to be committed towards the companies' performance. Importantly, the mentorship program ensures that the employees advance in the career process through coaching and mentorship that improve competency and efficiency of the employees. Performance development training periodically ensures that the company operating objectives are coherently integrated with the employee's interest in the job positions that will ensure high levels of commitments to performance within the organization (Elegbe, 2010). Conclusion Just as the business environment changes, the human resources management is bound d to take a new direction that will ensure the survival of the companies in the competitive markets. Significantly, the labor markets are competitive, and the companies have embraced the talent management programs and career development as one of the tools and approaches that are utilized to retain the highly experience and skilled employees. However, the organizations that do not embrace employees affairs as the central part of the operation have high staff turnover, low productivity, and little motivation as well as the commitment of the employees towards the achievement of the organization goals and objectives in the business world

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