6. Check out the website for FRED Economic Database maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis which you had visited before. From the main landing page, find the search box and enter "consumer confidence." From the search results, click on the "University of Michigan: Consumer Sentiment." a. Use the FRED website to draw the consumer confidence data from "February 1978 " to "September 2022." Copy and paste the resulting diagram into your Word file, b. In the resulting diagram, you will see six recessions, including the pandemic related one of 2020. In looking at the period immediately before and during the recssions, do you detect a pattern? Briefly describe the pattern. c. Do you detect the same pattern you noted in part b in the period leading up to the 2020 recession? Explain why or why not. d. Given the pattern from April 2021 to September 2022, do you think another recession is likely? e. When do you think next recession will begin? Give quarter and year. 6. Check out the website for FRED Economic Database maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis which you had visited before. From the main landing page, find the search box and enter "consumer confidence." From the search results, click on the "University of Michigan: Consumer Sentiment." a. Use the FRED website to draw the consumer confidence data from "February 1978 " to "September 2022." Copy and paste the resulting diagram into your Word file, b. In the resulting diagram, you will see six recessions, including the pandemic related one of 2020. In looking at the period immediately before and during the recssions, do you detect a pattern? Briefly describe the pattern. c. Do you detect the same pattern you noted in part b in the period leading up to the 2020 recession? Explain why or why not. d. Given the pattern from April 2021 to September 2022, do you think another recession is likely? e. When do you think next recession will begin? Give quarter and year