9%D ...l Sprint 1:01 AM Done P8-24+and+P8-20+Excel+InClas... 0 Instructions for P08-20 P08-20 Given P08-20 Instructions for PO PROBLEM 8-24 Cash S ing Schedules LOLOLOLOS The president of wine, pred the c han son in the w o rld . The bank what the lo w ed by a detech that shows the in which w e can be made To wide his when the directed that the following use at which hel p ed H e sales m ande uma for Year 2. las actuales and purchas Sales Pro 50000000000 F e stimated 5400000 er med The company typically collecto r s for the quarter and water 65% in the following The w ider is n i e. This pattern of collection moving experienced in the actual data for the Year I fourth quarter. Some 20 of a quarter's che purchase paid for with the quarte The der is paid in the following Selling and the expens for You are budgeted 590,000 per quanto plus 12 of sales of the final am 20.000 each quer is depreciation The company will pay SPLODO inch dividends cach quartet Land he will be made as follows during the year: 50,000 in the second quarter and The Cashcount Contained 2000 the end of Your L. The buy um men of S10.000 the beginning of each p l an balance 100,000. The on these loomis permitand for simplicity, we will me that interest is compounded. The company would as far as it is a repay the loue plus cum at the end of the you At the com has standing Prepare the following by quarter and in oal for Year 2 Achoducida con es A schedule of expe r ts for merchandise purch 2. Compute the expected for and r ews, ty que and into for Year 2 P reach by quared in for Year 2 Instructions for P08-20 P08-20 Given P08-20 Instructions for p 24 UNAK INC 1 Schedule of expected cash collections Year 1. Fourth quartersales: 2. Second quarter sales 2. That a ction Second Third We 1. Fourth quarter purchases Wew 2 Futur purchase wew 2. Second quarter purchases We 2. The Guarter purchases wew 2. Fourth quarter purchases cash bursements 2 d ing and admin Cash before 2 Moonstone Les surement Operating expenses Divende verbum Cashbac ending ...l Sprint 1:01 AM Done P8-24+and+P8-20+Excel+InClas... 9%D 0 Instructions for P08-20 P08-20 Given P08-20 Instructions for P) Given Data PO-2 UNIVAX, INC Budgeted Sales and Merchandise Purchases Sales Purchases Fourth quarter actual 300.000 150.000 400.000 200.000 Second quarter estimated 370.000 480.000 Additional information Percentage of sales collected in same quarter Percentage of sales collected in quarter following sales Percentage of sales deemed uncollectible Percentage of merchandise purchases paid in same quarter Percentage of merchandise purchases pain in following quarter Budgeted quarterly operating expers for Year 2 plus percentage of sales Amount of depreciation buted each quarter Cash purchase of land in second quarter Cash purchase of land in the quart Macum loan balance allowed Interest rate per quarter on bank loans Current Outstanding loan balance