(a) Consider a 'Customer Order processing' database with three tables as given below 1. Customer - captures customer details cust_no | cust_name 0001 John C002 Joseph C003 Peter C004 Pan 2. Item - captures item details item_no item_name 1 item_price 10001 Shoes 120.00 10002 Umbrella 100.50 10003 Table 50.00 10004 TV 1000.80 10005 Fan 501.10 3. Orders - captures order details of the items bought by customer order_no order_date cust_no item_nono_of_units_bought 1001 2019-09-08 C002 10001 1002 2019-01-09 COO2 10003 1003 2019-01-09 C002 10004 1004 2019-01-09 C003 10004 1005 2019-05-02 c003 10001 1006 2019-01-03 C003 10003 1007 2019-01-01 C004 10001 1008 2019-11-11 C004 10002 1009 2019-11-11 C004 10004 1010 2019-01-09 0004 10003 Based on the tables given above, answer the following questions i) Write SQL syntax to 1) Create table "Orders' with all necessary constraints. 2) To make a copy of the 'Orders' table. ii) Write an SQL syntax to 1) Modify the table 'customer' to add an attribute 'cust_contact_number'. 2) Also write an SQL syntax to rename the attribute 'cust_contact_number' to 'cust_cnt' for the customer' table. 3) Write an SQL statement to update the field cust_cnt with appropriate date for customer 'Peter'. iii) Write an SQL statement which shows the items bought by customer Joseph' [item name and the ordered date) as given below ITEMS | DATEOFORDER Shoes 2019-09-08 Table 2019-01-09 TV 2019-01-09 iv) Write a Stored Procedure to show the details of the item not bought by any customer (use the item and orders table] V) Write an SQL statement that shows the customer names and the respective items bought by them as given below Name Joseph Peter Pan Items Shoes , Table, TV Shoes, Table, TV Table, shoes, Umbrella, TV vi) Write an SQL statement to show the customer names of the customers who bought 'shoes' in a horizontal manner. vii) Write an SQL statement to 1) create a view to show total number of customers. 2) find the total number of items bought by each customer as shown below Customer | Unitsbought Joseph 8 Peter 8 Pan 10 (7*3=21 Marks) Identify the 'surrogate key in the table 'orders' and define it. (4 Marks) (b)