Accounts receivable changes with bad debts Alumising an accounts receivable change the world badstrom 25 100% of sales tales are cutrendy 10,000 unts, the sting price $20 per und the cost per untis 515 As a result of the proposed change sales foncto increase to 60.000 urts 2. What are bad debts in dotary and under the proposed change? . Calculate the cost of the marginaad dents to the fem c. ignoring the actional proft contribution from increased as the proposed changes 53.500 and causes no change in the average nestment in accounts receivable would you recommend d. Codeng a changes in costs and benet, would you recommend the proposed change . Compare and cuss your answers in add a. The current sount of bad debis in dollars 5 Roond to the dar) The form forecast amount of bad debts in dotar under the proposed pianis Round to the nearest The cost of the margelbad debts of the time Round to the nearest colar) egoring the proft contributin trom increased sales, me proposed change saves 53,500 and causes to change in the average rested in accounts He would you recommend since the cost of marginal bad bits than the savings of $3.500 (come drop-down menus) 4. Considering all changes in costs and benettswould you recommend the proposed change? vince the cost of marginal badetes than the total savings of $5300 Select hom te drop down menus). .. Compare and once your owes parts and which of the following statement is true? Select the best blow OA. You should recommend mes poly change because the savings that are adenonat print from norement sales are greater than the cost of the margins bad debits Os. You should recommend the policy change because the folsavings are in the cost of the marginal baddons Oc You shoe recommend this policy change because the savings that exude additionat peste tom ncreased sales are preater than the cost of the area as det OD. You should recommend this policy change because it is Click to ect your ans) P Type here to search