all 3 requirments
Question 8, E6-27A (book/static) IE Question Help a flat delivery fee Logh wants van operating costs so that she Melody Leigh, owner of Broadway Floral operates a local chain of floral Shops. Each shop has its own delivery van. Instead of ch to set the delivery fee based on the distance driven to deliver the flowers Leigh wants to separate the fixed and variable portions has a better idea how delivery distance affects these costs. She has the following data from the past seven months (Click the icon to view the data) Read the requirements Requirement 1. Determine the company's cost equation (use the output from the Excel regression). (Round the amounts to two decimal places.) yos a xos Requirements Data Table Month Van Operating costs Use Microsoft Excel to run a regression analysis, then do the following Determine the company's cost equation (use the output from the Excel regression) Determine the R-square (use the output from the Excel regression) What does Broadway Florals Roure indicate? Predict van operating costs at a volume of 16 500 miles assuming the company would use the cost equation from the Excel regression regardless of its R-square. Should the company rely on this cost estimate? Why or why not? January Miles Driven 15,500 17.400 15.400 16,300 16,500 15 200 14.400 February March April $5280 $4,960 $5 340 $5,450 $5230 54680 Print Done Print Done Clear All Check Answer Question 8, E6-27A (book/static) Question Help Melody Leigh, owner of Broadway Floral operates a local chain of floral shops. Each shop has its own delivery van. Instead of charging a flat delivery fee, Leigh wants to set the delivery fee based on the distance driven to deliver the flowers. Leigh wants to separate the fixed and variable portions of her van operating costs so that she has a better idea how delivery distance affects these costs. She has the following data from the past seven months (Click the icon to view the data.) Read the requirements Requirement 1. Determine the company's cost equation (use the output from the Excel regression). (Round the amounts to two decimal places) y= o x.s X Data Table Month January February March Miles Driven 15 500 17.400 15,400 16,300 16,500 15,200 14.400 Van Operating costs $5,390 $5,280 $4,960 $5,340 $5,450 $5,230 $4,680 April May June July Print Done he company's cost equation (use the output from the Excel regression). (Round the amounts to two decimal * Requirements Use Microsoft Excel to run a regression analysis, then do the following Determine the company's cost equation (use the output from the Excel regression) Determine the R-square (use the output from the Excel regression). What does Broadway Floral's R-square indicate? Predict van operating costs at a volume of 16,500 miles assuming the company would use the cost equation from the Excel regression regardless of its R-square Should the company rely on this cost estimate? Why or why not? Print Done t fields and then click Check