Answer the following questions!
1. Please read the article, with particular attention to the purpose and the Results section (you know...the things that are really the focus of this course). Clearly state the primary purpose of the study Clearly state the independent and dependent variables used in the primary purpose Review the checklist below Complete the checklist with the information and include the information presented by the author. Make an overall conclusion based on the extent to which the Prof reported the information that is believed to be 'best practice' when writing a manuscript. .ml-"PE-\"P g example of a completed checklist {and the article that informed the checklist) has been uploaded as an example. I Your Professor: Source: Purpose: Independent Variable(s): Dependent Variable(s): The Cliecklist: Best Practice Was the Best Report what your Prof wrote Practice found in your KINE Prof's article? -m 1. Was the purpose clearly stated? --_ stated? 3. Was information detailing the statistical methods employed? 4. Was there a clear statement regarding missing data? 5. If yes to 4, was there a clear statement regarding the frequency or % of missing data 6. If yes to 4, did study authors discuss causes of data that are missing, for example, missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR), or missing not at random (MNAR)? 7. If yes to 4, were methods actually employed for addressing missing data? 8. Description of the sample (sex or gender, health history, age, self- identified ethnicity, etc.) 9. Descriptive statistics for main study variables 10. For primary purpose are results of inferential tests conducted, including exact p values if null hypothesis statistical testing 11. For primary purpose, did study authors report the minimally sufficient set of statistics (e.g., dfs, mean square [MS] effect, MS error, r, R2adj) needed to construct the tests? If yes, but would like to see better...identify what is missing. 12. Were effect size estimates reported? 13. Were confidence intervals reported?14. Identification of the statistical software used to run the analyses (e.g., SAS, SPSS)? 15. Were adherence to statistical assumptions reported? 16. If yes to 15, did the authors report any problems with statistical assumptions and/or data distributions that could affect the validity of findings. Note: The Checklist was adapted from Applebaum et al. (2018). Journal Article Reporting Standards for Quantitative Research in Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report. American Psychologist, 73, 3-25.