any uml
tool works
1. Develop a use case diagram for the above system using the UML tool that you have downloaded (in assignment 1). 2. Develop one use case narrative for one of the use cases only. You may choose any use case. The narrative should include the following sections: Name, Actor, Description, Preconditions, Postconditions, Basic course of action (main path), and Alternate course of action. You may follow the format used in the example file or other formate in the hanke The State Patrol Ticket Processing System The purpose of the state patrol ticket processing system is to record driver violations, to keep records of the fines paid by drivers when they plead guilty or are found guilty of moving violations by the courts, and to notify the court that a warrant should be issued when such fines are not paid in a timely manner. The system does not maintain data on accidents, insurance, driving history and driver's licenses. These data are managed in separate systems and can be accessed by the State Patrol ticket processing system. The current system does not allow online payment or requesting/scheduling a court date/time for a ticket. The data used by the ticket processing system involves driver data, officer data, and court data. The system creates and maintains ticket data. Driver data used includes license number, name, address, date of birth, date licensed, and so on. Court and officer data include the name and address of each respectively. Ticket data created includes ticket number (each is unique and preprinted on each sheet of the officer's ticket book), location, ticket type, ticket date, ticket time and fine amount Data related to ticket processing such as trial (plea date, trial date, verdict, fine amount), payment amount and date paid), and warrant (date, type) are also recorded. Each driver may have zero or more tickets, and each ticket applies to only one driver