as a rental. You are familiar with the area and are confident that there are enough other rental homes in the area to be able to utilize the Gross Rent Multiplier method, along with the residential sales comparison approach. As suspected, you find 4 other rental homes in the neighborhood that have sold within the past year. The subject property has 864sqft. It is a 5 room, 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with a full basement and has a 1 car detached garage. It has been rented for the past year at $525 per month. Sale One is one block away. It is a 960 sq ft home with 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. There is a basement but no garage. It sold for $62,500 just one month ago and was rented at the time of sale for $550.00 per month. The gross rent multiplier (GRM) would be Sale Two is two blocks away, It is a one floor home with 886sqft,5 rooms, 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. It bas a full basement but no garage. It sold for $59,900 three months ago and was rented for $500 at the time it sold. The gross rent multiple (GRM) for this one would be Sale Three is just across the street from the subject property. This property has 920sqft and 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms and one bath. It has a full basement and a 1 car garage. It sold 5 months ago for $62,000. The seller paid $1,500 of the buyer's closing costs out of the purchase price. The property was rented for $520.00 per month at the time of sale. What is our GRM for this property? Sale Four sold nearly one year ago. This property was rented for $500 per month at the time of the sale. The sale price was $59,000. It is a 5 room, 2 bedroom, 1 baths bome with a basement and contained 912sqft. There was no garage. This property is located about 4 blocks from the subject. The gross rent multiplier (GRM) for this sale is Based on the above information, what GRM do you think we should apply to our subject property to estimate the market value using the income approach to value? GRM