ASIGAMENTI Red the information provided, you are tasked with wayang penting the i wystem and writing the following sections for the Drill System Operator Manual Startup Sudoes mergency Stop Treasing Betowe the interese perspective of the operator in the west des the other than the folly doctors that we dearly visible to the opera de indicates on the control the other hit, Note that you are cely to provide a test versions of these You wo expected to incode figurer meeting into a ready SISTEM DEIPTION The system under de la portablecidill ystem that is to drilles through realis. The coll for the system is belowing Tharing operation, the drill tiles in water gay to cool down the dirt and minimize the most ef panicate maternited from the drillite Aprend esmente pred temperaturen utilized to menor the temper The system was depoh that not initiate eacher in the procedure required to sequence. Note that once the dei caped (energizodlike operator mest mul che handle seinate the drilling action Along way with and adoptos, enes of indicate lamps are provides the centro puse at allow the patiente husleeper of the system Note that a ladder diagram of devem com crows well as some disa information regarding the doll systems in the last week of this document Arab the system described in the areas and completing the 1) State (dep-by-step) the proper Startup Erector for the yem Am that there with wintially in the wound that the machine wwproperly shows with incident the last time that way switched to the position and then removed from the Sate initial status of the Indicator the correct Lin in order the exact of steps that the operate must performer completely cathete Note- Irene y conditions that must be met before specific stupe cefully performed state the condition before stage Note-tefany indikatorlamp chante performed water that changement after incribing the top c) State the facts of all of the indicar lamponi the system is completely operational 1) Describe the proper Shelters for the dem Asuming the system is comply principaly, with the kych the posted the key from the pe - Sutheast status of the indicator lama terpand. da under the act of cups that the uporabe mest perform wurdo completely beton Noteicoties that must be more people willy perfect the condities before stating the stop Notes of any indicate lamp changes were performed state that change instely after describing that ch State the final state of all of the Indicator lampado the system completely CODE ENARE System Controll Motor Control System Components HF Normally Open (NO) Contact - Label next to contact associates the contact with the field coil that actives the contact. + # to # Normally Closed (NC) Contact - Label next to contact associates the contact with the field coil that actives the contact NO Pushbutton NC Pushbutton Code Contactor/Relay Indicator Lamp Label Specifies Color Field Coil A Amber B Blue G Green R Red Devics M Control Relay N Water Valve Relay (Valve opens when coil is energized) LO Control Relay P Drill Motor Contactor (Drill Starts when coil is energized) S Control Relay PS Pressure Sensor - Contacts in "normal"position when