Bank Reconciliation - Exercise Problem 1: Mae Telford, the controller of the Baylor Company, provided the following information: October 21, 2017 119.667.60 frock balance 145,541.66 Barkamente Add: Deporter 21 intrat 4.290.45 123.968 DS Dede Outstanding the 2537 542 Austed bare 3 725,00 2.95M Deduct NSF che wervice charge Bank service charpes 3,640.14 120.217.11 125.140.6 100.00 25.210.9 120 2017 The Cash account in the general ledger appeared as follows on November 30 (Baylor Company uses only a general journal to record transactions); Cash Dutin Asel M, 101 Balance Date 2017 Oct 31 Nov 1 1 Balance Cheque 1543 Cheque #544 Chege 1545 Cheque #546 Cheq 547 Deque 2545 Cheque #549 6,505 12 854.71 1.166.94 2.564 24 1 1 1 G15 05 GIS CUS GS GJ6 G16 GI 56.45 56423 20,277.71 13.772.14 12.017.88 11.76044 196.70 715102 1.794.57 7:30.34 23 1.2.16 4136.16 Har 4.2009 1.46641 1518.7 9 GM 2.457.15 48564 Chege 2550 Chegue 551 Depot Cheque 5,6445 565671 30 27 20 G6 De 1.250.65 140 Engli (CAN) BURURI 1 AM Views 1 year ago FO MacBook Air 50 DII FB FO FS F11 F6 F7 F10 X X Styles Styles Pane 12 15 14 1 10 15 16 1 1 Bank Reconciliation - Exercise Problem 1: Mae Telford, the controller of the Baylor Company provided the following information: 2000 160 BUS Det Gunding the 7259 2014 10 19.00 TORS 12072 AN The Cash account in the general ledger appeared as follows on November 30 (Baylor Company uses only a general journal to record transactions): Cain AL H. 201 GE Det 2017 Olet 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 C1543 Chege 44 Chega 546 Ceg8546 Cheqe 1547 6.50513 154.71 1156 2.564.24 13456 2017 13/12 1.2.917 11.750 1960 7502 2 ST 123034 7793 5322.10 4.62 GUS 5 GIS GM GM GMS GM GS Chee De Che Chege Det Chega Chet LAST 1457 954 6 GIE 1 English ICAO mago MacBook Air . 00 DO A 4) DII FR F5 F? F9 FVO F11 F12 A ) - + % 5 & 7 6 C Juu The following bank statement is available for November 2017: Cheques/Charges Deposits/Credits Balance 11/01 19.607.60 221032 156 TO 11/04 1.68497 16.772.00 3549 11/01 2543 11/02 3537 11/07 3551 11/09 11/12 2544 11/14 2547 11 15 11/20 11/29 SC 11/30 NSF - Not sufficient Funds 564 23 6 505 12 725.00 985.64 2.96534 85471 3:145 68 1156.94 2.564.24 115 00 SC Senner Charte 11/18 5.6495 15 1511 14 30021 117359 11.620.07 INDI 11/30 PMT Pro Paurent Required a. Prepare a bank reconciliation for Baylor Company for the month of November 2017. Assume that any errors made were by the bookkeeper (cheque #547 was for advertising expense; the deposit of November 9 was regarding a credit customer, Val Pacino). b. Prepare the necessary entries resulting from the bank reconciliation