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C. Evaluate your team's performance, utilizing the team contract and your team's experiences, by doing the following: 1. Identify your team's goals. a. Discuss how

C. Evaluate your team's performance, utilizing the team contract and your team's experiences, by doing the following: 1. Identify your team's goals. a. Discuss how your team achieved or did not achieve its goals. Note: Provide specific examples to support how you met or did not meet each goal. 2. Identify two or more specific motivation strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract a. Analyze how effectively your team utilized the identified motivation strategies or theories, OR, if your team did not use one of the strategies or theories, provide a brief discussion on how your team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance. 3. Identify two or more specific influence strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract. a. Analyze how effectively your team utilized the identified strategies or theories to exert influence over the team outcomes or deliverables, OR, if your team did not use one of the strategies or theories, provide a brief discussion on how your team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance. 4. Discuss the effectiveness of your team's communication plan as written in the Team Contract, referencing examples from the team experience. 5. Identify two or more specific conflictresolution strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract. a. Reflect on the effectiveness of the use of the conflictresolution strategies or theories, referencing examples from the team experience, OR, if your team did not use one of the strategies or theories, provide a brief discussion on how your team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance. 6. Discuss how you could have improved the team's performance. Note: This should be written from the context of what you personally could have done to improve team performance. D. When you use sources, include all intext citations and references in APA format. Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points. Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section. Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted intext citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project. Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the APA Guidelines section. TEAM CONTRACT Team Name: MindCraft 1. Identify a role for each team member. How will this structure allow the team to be more effective? Possible roles may include team leader, facilitator, team members, note taker, timekeeper, and reviewer/publisher. (Note: There must be a team leader as well as someone designated to compile (compiler) the handbook in addition to the remaining roles listed above.) 2. Identify at least three team goals. Full team participation Meeting team deadlines Have sections submitted prior to last day Assist other team me mbers as needed through collaboration and open communication Each member of the team will follow guidelines based off of WGU standards, such as grading rubric and APA format. 3. Review and discuss weekly assignments and deadlines outlined below. Week Weekly Assignments One 1. Complete the Teamwork section of the course of study. 2. Schedule and conduct first team meeting (Note: Detailed instructions for scheduling the first team meeting can be found in the course of study.) 3. Complete the Team Contract and have the team leader submit to it 4. Complete the Assignment Designation Form. 1. Complete the Leadership Styles section of the course of study and determine your leadership style. 3. Research your topic for the first section of the handbook and review the resources outlined in the Leadership section of the course of study. 4. Write the first handbook section and submit it to the team compiler. 1. Complete and submit the RJAT or RSAT Task One. 2. Research your topic for the second section of the handbook and review the resources outlined in the Leadership section of the course of study. 3. Write the second handbook section and submit it to the team compiler. 1. Complete the Evaluating Team Performance section of the course of study. 2. Compile the handbook and send the final copy to all team members 3. Complete the remaining Leadership tasks as outlined in the task instructions and submit the final SAT2. (Note: These tasks are completed individually and could require more than one week to complete and submit. Submission may occur after the end of the fourth week, if needed.) 5. Complete the Final Review section of the course of study to ensure all task requirements have been met before final submission. Two Three Four 4. Determine the team decisionmaking policy (by consensus? by majority vote?). Consensus Date Due 2/15 2/22 3/1 3/8 5. Create a plan for ongoing communication and file sharing. What will be the primary method for communication? How will urgent issues be communicated to the team? How often will the team meet or communicate each week? Etc. Email will be the primary method of communication Weekly phone calls to ensure everyone is up to date Follow up emails to coordinate any loose ends 6. Determine how conflict resolution strategies (at least two) could address how conflict will be resolved within the team. (Note: Conflict resolution strategies are discussed in chapter 12 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook. This exercise must include at least one strategy from the textbook.) Open, honest, collaborative dialogue (the win-win approach to conflict resolution) will help determine the manner of resolving conflicts between team members. The use of this conflict resolution strategy will guarantee that every team member feels that their input is valued and will foster feelings of being a valued team member. The use of the win-win approach to conflict resolution will also make it more likely that when other team members have questions or concerns, they will will feel comfortable enough to raise them to the team without worries of being slighted or negatively judged. Designated tie breakers will be utilized after dialogue and discussion is deemed ineffective. 7. Determine how motivation strategies (at least two) could be used to effectively motivate team members. (Note: Motivation strategies are discussed in chapter 10 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook. This exercise must include at least one strategy from the textbook.) Constant positive reinforcement (recognition) will be utilized to motivate all team members towards end goal. According to the text, \"Recognition is a strong motivator because it is a normal human need\" (Dubrin, 2013). By providing this recognition through positive reinforcement, team members can help build the confidence of other team members. Providing recognition could also serve to motivate team members to be more participatory during the assignment by building the individual sense of being appreciated. Focus on end goal which is to develop a high quality leadership handbook (cognizant of team goal rather than individual goals) 8. Determine how influence strategies (at least two) could be used to effectively influence team members. (Note: Influence strategies are discussed in chapter 8 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook. This exercise must include at least one strategy from the textbook.) Rational persuasion - we will all discuss how we can reach a quality outcome Inspirational appeal - we will discuss influence strategies that are effective and if additional strategies develop during the process. References DuBrin, Andrew J.. Leadership, 6th Edition. South-Western, 2013. VitalBook file. C1. Team Goals Our team met through weekly conference calls and on the first meeting set three goals. The team leader kept the team on topic and also set up all of the conference calls for our group throughout the project. Each team member selected a certain job that they would throughout the project. Our team agreed to the following goals: Goal 1: Group selected soft deadlines to complete tasks and submit to the compiler earlier than the actual class deadlines. This goal was set as one week earlier than the official due date of the class. Goal 2: Team will strive to stay in constant contact with team members as needed for support on the project. Goal 3: Team will try to meet at least once a week through conference call; default meeting of every Wednesday evening at 8 pm. These goals were made with a main goal of completing the group project ahead of schedule or on time. Each week the team would discuss any technical issues, questions, and upcoming due dates for section assignments and review. C1a. Achievement of Goals Our team did exceptionally well getting the sections we chose turned into the compiler on time. We were consistently ahead of schedule throughout the project despite several setbacks for many of the group members. Several group members had issues receiving email, opening files for review, and receiving phone messages. I believe that this allowed us to meet goal 2 in relation to support. All team members have been extremely helpful and supportive to each other. When someone ran into a problem everyone jumped in to help resolve the issue. On top of that we also encouraged each other and gave kudos to keep motivation high. The second goal was achieved. We met every Wednesday at 8 pm for conference and if a group member was not available, they notified the group of this and submitted any questions they had through email for the group to respond to. Our group leader did a great job keeping the meetings scheduled and sending out conference call information for each group member in a timely fashion. I was the group quite influencer. C2. Motivation Strategies or Theories Our team did not actively discuss motivation theories that we were going to use throughout this project; however I think we naturally used two of them. The first motivational strategy was appealing to pride and the second application of equity theory and social comparison. C2a. Utilization of Motivation Theory The appeal to pride was seen through active feedback and positive comments throughout the project by all team members. We would actively recognize someone for a section of the handbook that was well written or timely. This kept motivation for the project going. The second theory of application of equity was used as well. Although our team had a leader it was still a group where we felt like anyone could speak up or suggest something for the project. It didn't feel that there was just one person in control but that we worked as a team and were organized by the team leader. It was also seen by the work that was equally split between all members. Everyone member had a job within the group to complete the project, and no job was less important than another. Equity was seen as well through input and output. All members received the same recognition, criticism, or praise when they submitted work. No one was left out or received more support than another. C3. Influence Strategies This was not an area that was discussed with the group. Our group really got along well during our first meeting and throughout the project. We all naturally talked and pitched in ideas and were agreeable with each other. Having the same goal in mind of completing the project made the use of influence rarely needed. Our group had great trust in each other and our leader, so little influence was needed throughout the project. Two influence strategies that were possibly used were consultation and rational persuasion. C3a. Influence Strategy Use Our group used consultation very well. From the beginning of the project we would all pitch in ideas and opinions and come to a final agreement without much difficulty. The leader never made us feel like we were being told to do something but instead would ask what we would like to do. It also helped that the leader was on the same level not only offering opinion but listening to what the team's member's opinions were as well. Rational persuasion was used when discussing how to compile the sections and what programs were going to be used. A group member would suggest something such as using a Microsoft Publisher and list the benefits to that program, and another member would respond with certain negatives or difficulties to using the program. Through these consultative and rational discussions we were able to make choices as a group. Through that specific discussion we decided that the formatting abilities of Microsoft Publisher was great, the functionality of the program was not. Many group members were able to view the document in this format and many worried that neither would the class instructors. Through rational discussion and persuasion we chose a different program that was much easier for everyone to deal with. C4. Communication Plan After our first group meeting it was decided that we would communicate through our WGU email accounts. The group leader had tried contacting all members through text message and it was later discovered that several group members were unable to communicate this way. In addition we agreed that we would meet via conference every Wednesday at 8pm and conference information would be sent out through email the day prior to the meeting or the day off. Communicating through email was successful and there were no issues with this. Our conference calls were also successful and productive. The conference calls were very necessary to answer questions or concerns by all members quickly with the ability for everyone to have input immediately. We did have several members that were only emailing one individual instead of to the whole group, and our leader sent an email to all addressing this. Further communication was shared with all group members on all discussion so that everyone knew what was going on throughout the project with every group member. C5. Conflict-Resolution The group's primary conflict-resolution was the sharing style, and our second was each person would accommodate accordingly. Our team did not have any conflict. There was really no reason to use the conflict-resolution. We did discuss this in our first meeting in the event that a conflict would arise and as a group we decided we would have to come to a consensus on any issues. If this did not work in the end we would have to find accommodation. C5a. Conflict-Resolution Examples Our group really had no conflict. The one thing we may have had a minor disagreement on was the issue of the format the handbook would be in.In this case the compiler was using Microsoft Publisher and several members were unable to view the handbook due to incompatibility. It was first decided through consensus by majority members that we would try to save the handbook into a different format to see if those two members could then view it. Many of the group members did not want to use a different program due to the strong appeal to the way the formatting appeared in Microsoft Publisher. When this option did work the two group members were okay with us using the program. One member that was unable to view the handbook even offered to buy the program if he was the only member that could not view it; this is an example of accommodation. He was willing to change in order to do what the group wanted to. However, one other member did suggest that we ensure that we are able to use the program for the course prior to continuing to put efforts into making this program work for us as a group. Due to several conversations it was decided as a group to use a different program. Through consensus as well as some people making accommodations and giving up their idea of what they wanted we were all able to agree on the program and complete the project with no further problem. All in our entire group did not have many disagreements if any really, we all had the same goal of completing the project on time and tougher. Every member had everyone's best interest in mind, and with a common goal, so the group dynamics were pretty simple. C6. Personal Contribution to Team Performance Overall I felt like the team did a really great job at staying focused and motivated to complete the project ahead of schedule. I personally do not like working in groups for school projects, even though I work in groups for my job on a daily basis. However, I feel like this was a great experience. To add to that I also feel like for the first time in this degree program I really got to talk to fellow students, which ended up being really nice. I had someone else to share experience and frustrations with it. For my own personal contribution to the team, I think I could have provided more input on team member's topic sections that were submitted. Many of the group members really took the time to read and analyze what I had submitted, and give really great feedback to me. I feel like I was very basic and straightforward when I skimmed the other group member's work. I think I could have taken more time to offer opinion and constructively critique what they wrote. I mainly focused on the overall handbook instead of individual submissions and my portion of the group work constructing meeting minutes for the team. SUBDOMAIN 325.1 LEADING AND MANAGING INDIVIDUALS SUBDOMAIN 325.2 DESIGNING & LEADING TEAMS SUBDOMAIN 325.4 COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY IN ORGANIZATIONS Competencies: 325.1.1: Motivation The graduate applies motivational concepts to enhance organizational performance. 325.1.2: Leadership Approaches and Theories The graduate uses contemporary approaches and theories of leadership to perform a personal leadership skills analysis and to develop a leadership philosophy. 325.1.3: Power and Influence The graduate determines how power and influence can be used to achieve organizational objectives. 325.1.4: Leadership Ethics The graduate identifies influences on ethical leadership and analyzes the construction of a code of ethics. 325.2.1: Team Development The graduate selects the appropriate type of team structure for a project and proposes strategies and structures to build team cohesion and effectiveness. 325.2.2: Improving Team Performance The graduate analyzes the performance of a virtual team and proposes strategies to improve team effectiveness. 325.4.2: Team Communication The graduate demonstrates best practices to overcome biases that inhibit organizations and teams from communicating effectively. Introduction: You are a member of a team that has been selected to deliver a leadership presentation designed for new managers in an organization. Your team will create a leadership handbook to be used in a training workshop for new managers. Each team member must write two sections of the handbook. Each individual section of the handbook must have the author's name attached. The handbook may include graphs, data, photographs, and other information as needed. It should be written in a report/handbook format rather than in an essay format and should have a consistent format throughout the handbook (i.e. font, margins, headings, background, and spacing should be the same in each section). Each section of the handbook must include at least three references in APA format accompanying the section of the handbook in which the references are used. Team members will each choose two of the following topics, one for each of the two sections of the handbook that they will write: Emotional intelligence: What is your emotional IQ? Personality traits and leadership styles of great leaders Leading highperformance teams Interpersonal skills for leaders Leading through effective communication Time management Leaders as motivators Leading and managing conflict resolution Moral leadership and ethics Leading culturally diverse teams Leading intergenerational group Leadership versus management Task: A. Create a leadership handbook with your team by doing the following: 1. Develop your first section of the handbook that discusses one of the given topics. 2. Develop your second section of the handbook that discusses one of the given topics. Note: Be sure to include at least 3 references per section and your name on each section of the handbook for which you are responsible. 3. Compile the entire handbook with your team. a. Complete the attached \"Assignment Designation Form.\" Note: Submit this form at the same time as the other 3 documents required for this task. B. Complete the attached \"Leadership Handbook Scoring Rubric.\" Note: This should include a numeric rating for each section of the rubric as well as written comments explaining the numeric rating. C. Evaluate your team's performance, utilizing the team contract and your team's experiences, by doing the following: 1. Identify your team's goals. a. Discuss how your team achieved or did not achieve its goals. Note: Provide specific examples to support how you met or did not meet each goal. 2. Identify two or more specific motivation strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract a. Analyze how effectively your team utilized the identified motivation strategies or theories, OR, if your team did not use one of the strategies or theories, provide a brief discussion on how your team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance. 3. Identify two or more specific influence strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract. a. Analyze how effectively your team utilized the identified strategies or theories to exert influence over the team outcomes or deliverables, OR, if your team did not use one of the strategies or theories, provide a brief discussion on how your team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance. 4. Discuss the effectiveness of your team's communication plan as written in the Team Contract, referencing examples from the team experience. 5. Identify two or more specific conflictresolution strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract. a. Reflect on the effectiveness of the use of the conflictresolution strategies or theories, referencing examples from the team experience, OR, if your team did not use one of the strategies or theories, provide a brief discussion on how your team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance. 6. Discuss how you could have improved the team's performance. Note: This should be written from the context of what you personally could have done to improve team performance. D. When you use sources, include all intext citations and references in APA format. Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points. Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section. Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted intext citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project. Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the APA Guidelines

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