C5CHFA_ENUS903US903&biw=1440&bih=682&sxsrf=ALeKk01Tf4DF e Photo Open with Photos Jane Maxwels system a hospital located within Philadelphia. She is preparing for the next year contract negotiations with Maple Health Masurance Company From internal review of her settlements, debial rates, and the last round of negotiations she expects that the new contract will be the same as the previous contract and reimbursement will be based on fee for service. However, she believes that Maple may wish to introduce an alternative reimbursement method that requires greater risk sharing from Mt. Holly, much like that seen with Mt. Holly's Medicare patients. It ce a Explain whether the current fee for service contract is a retrospective or a prospective payment arrangement. b. What is the current reimbursement method that Medicare uses to pay Mt. Holly? st -ci Ofe Explain how the Medicare reimburseinent method works and what risks Mt. Holly may have should Maple Health contract using such method d BONUS: What payment protections might Ms. Maxwell negotiate Fr Search o WWE m> C5CHFA_ENUS903US903&biw=1440&bih=682&sxsrf=ALeKk01Tf4DF e Photo Open with Photos Jane Maxwels system a hospital located within Philadelphia. She is preparing for the next year contract negotiations with Maple Health Masurance Company From internal review of her settlements, debial rates, and the last round of negotiations she expects that the new contract will be the same as the previous contract and reimbursement will be based on fee for service. However, she believes that Maple may wish to introduce an alternative reimbursement method that requires greater risk sharing from Mt. Holly, much like that seen with Mt. Holly's Medicare patients. It ce a Explain whether the current fee for service contract is a retrospective or a prospective payment arrangement. b. What is the current reimbursement method that Medicare uses to pay Mt. Holly? st -ci Ofe Explain how the Medicare reimburseinent method works and what risks Mt. Holly may have should Maple Health contract using such method d BONUS: What payment protections might Ms. Maxwell negotiate Fr Search o WWE m>