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because they provide venues for conferenees ticlpants who are trevelsy acoess to par. transportation. Crulse shlps also provlde additional chellenges, especially when at it relates expositions, smaller meetinge events inclading to intermet aocoss and the additional travel eomventions, Dapera required. suited for small and medinalier and are best * Colleges and universitles often harve meeting spaco available for rent arnd can provide a more atford. an educational focus. able optiont. When selecting a college or university. alfe, heep in mind other issues suich as parking and claas schedules that may impoot scheduling. Double-Booked The convention bureau inza large and popular converition fwo hoteis where the group wil be staying also hasio. botination thas jurisdiction owor the compintion centor. A contracts for the VIP group. the buraau for sevon years and produces more wales than manegers have beon booking Brid contrecting spece for the goup for a three-day expostion in the comventlon ceriber. In fact, the edhbil hal has tomen douthlebooked, ns hane tha exposition is to take place two yequs from the book. the brealoout roome for sorimitha, worksticpg, and food and ing drte. The client has a 15 -year histcey of holding conven- beverage service. The groupt that corteractod later wish the convention bureau Bre all frat-tims ubers of the-convention spooe and eervices, In fact, the sales fmanager handing to the groups artial. it ls trought to the attontion of the ine aceount has worked with the clent for seven of the bureaid and the cortvertion conter only whin the saias i5 years. The bureat considers this client a preferred managor clotributes a mamo to schedule a preconvenGistamer. The convention canter group meeting planner iso appeared in a magazine ad glving al testimany tion mooting with the meeting planner and al convention centor ataft. talos manager, and tha city as a destination for mar ments ind hey personnel. The comvention center whs mever comventions.Shortlyafterthegroupmegtingplannerconfimpscustomor.Thepreterredcustomerhasbeentoidabeutnotfedthatspocehadbeoncontractedfortheprefaned the rebooking of the three-day exposition tor fwo years this potentinly catastrophio oituaton. Now there is a major hafce, the bureau changes sales administration person- probism to recily. noi not once but threse limas. This creates a chatlonge for the sales manager in terme of producing contracts. clent files, and event profiles, iand in the recording and DISCUSSION QUESTION distibution of information. The preferrad cubtomar who 1. Aftar roacing this case ctudy.conaldar the rartictica. robolucd has a contract, purchase ordars for vendor tons to the prelarrad cliont, the other boorings, and anfices, a move-in and setup agenda, and an evant the sorior salas managor and contermine the best way profle, all supplied by the sales manager. The sales to appreach each olent and the steps to prevent tis rhanager has coples of thesa documents at Well. The from oocurting in the future