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43 .. LTE - IVIATH1310_SignatureAssignment_FAL... "0 1of1 MATH 1310: Contemporary Mathematics Signature Assignment Name: Instructions: Complete the following on a separate sheet of paper in your own words. As part of a recent survey conducted by Yahoo News and Marist College' with approximately 1122 participants. 18 years or older, the following two questions were asked. 1. Have you tried mariiuana at leastonce in your lifetime? 1'. Do you support the continued ban ofmarijuana in the United States? Approximately 52% said that they had tried marijuana in their lifetime, 47% overall said that they supported legislation for the continued ban of marijuana in the United States. The percent of those surveyed who had tried marijuana and supported the continued ban of marijuana in the United States was 16% which was similar to the 1'1"? percent of those who indicated that they had not tried marijuana but did not support the continued ban of marijuana in the United States. Discuss the results of this portion of the Marijuana and the Law from the poll. Be sure to convert the relevant infon'nation into various mathematical forms to model the data (mgr, number of people, graphical representations). In other words, be sure to show how you would "visually\" and \"quantitatively" represent the survey results in terms of the percentages of each of the four possible survey questions outcomes (Yes/Yes, Yes/No, No/Yes, and No/No) based on the information given and how this relates to the total number of people that participated in the survey as well as what the survey results imply when applied to the approximate population of the United States onSU million. Discuss whether you feel this is a good random sample that represents the general population. Be sure to refer to your visualizations of the survey in order to best support these conclusions Your response should include calculations and the reasoning utilized in your organization and interpretation of the data, so your discussion is compelling and memorable (precisely stated, appropriately visualized. and logical conclusions strongly supported). Be sure to use grammatically correct sentence structure, and your narrative should clearly exhibit the relationship between your visual communications and your narrative conclusions. The response should be approximately 250 words. Results from a summary paper entitled "Yahoo NewsIMarist Poll: Weed St the American Family,\" April 17, 2017, http://maristpollAmaristredu/wp-content/misc/Yahoo'VnZNews/ZUl 70417_Summary% 20Yahoo"/20NewsMarist%20Poll_\\\\i'eed%20and%ZUThe'VnZUAmerican%20Family.pdf