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Chapter 1 1. Would you describe yourself as multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? Page 8 2. Have

Chapter 1 1. Would you describe yourself as multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? Page 8 2. Have you or any member of your family ever encountered a glass ceiling? Explain. Page 12 3. As you read the following scenarios that represent a range of reactions (Cultural Cruise Control, Beginning Adjustments, and Fine Tuning), with whom do you most Identify? Why? Page 14 4. Describe a life experience in which you were in cultural cruise control. Then describe another experience in which you were engaged in beginning adjustments or fine tuning. Compare these two experiences. Page16 5. If you were to determine people's social class, what criteria would you use and why? Page 21 6. Should we always treat everybody the same and ignore differences? Are there any situations in which we should treat people differently? Page26 Chapter 2 1. How do you define success? How do students define success? Often, the emphasis is on achieving a personal goal: getting through another day or earning a certain grade. Other definitions tend to focus more on helping others: being a good role model or learning to work with others. Sometimes, students equate success with certain personal qualities such as character, self-awareness, or peace of mind. The following definitions reflect some of the markedly different ways in which students view success. Page 34 2. One way of relating sociocultural theory to your life is to think of the bridges you have crossed to get where you are. People, both past and present, can be bridges in that their efforts make it possible for you to do the things you do. Oprah Winfrey talks about the bridges in her life: Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, and others. Which people have been bridges for you? Why? Page 37 3. What is the best way for you to learn? What do you do when you find yourself in a learning environment that does not match your learning style? Page 38 4. If someone were to write your life history, what would we learn about the relationship between expectations and academic success? Page 42 5. When you find yourself in a cultural environment outside of your own, how do you know when to adjust and when to resist? Page 43 6. Select one organization of which you are a member. If you were to grade this organization on its ability to capitalize on diversity, what grade would you give, and why? Page 47 7. In today's workforce, many individuals do not use all of their potential, and particularly their insight, resourcefulness, and talent. Does a lack of diversity consciousness shown by employees or their managers contribute to this situation? Explain. Page 55 Chapter 3 1. If someone were to write your life history, what would we learn about personal and social barriers? Page 62 2. Frequently, we can see prejudices all around us but not in us. Why? When you recognize prejudice in yourself, how do you respond? Page 74 3. Some government officials have argued that profiling is needed to track potential terrorists. They argue that it is negligent not to look at everything, including racial and religious factors. Others say that the United States should not use any kind of profiling in the war on terror. They argue that it is reckless and there is no proof it works. What is your opinion? Is profiling justified in order to combat terror, and if so, under what circumstances? Page 76 4. What subtle forms of discrimination have you encountered? How have you dealt with them? Page 83 5. Given the magnitude of this challenge, how do you summon the energy that is necessary to deal effectively with prejudicial beliefs, discriminatory behaviors, and other social barriers that you may encounter? To flourish in the face of adversity, what can you do? Page 84 6. If we open up your survival kit, what will we find? Page 89 Chapter 4 1. Take a look at your close circle of friends. How diverse is this group? Page 98 2. Look back on your education. Did readings, lectures, and discussions reflect the contributions of many cultures? Explain. Page 100 3. How can learning about others help you learn more about yourself? Page 104 4. In your life, what groups or cultures are most socially distant? Page 107 5. Describe a specific life experience that made it possible for you to see yourself as a member of the \"commonwealth of humanity.\" Page 107 6. Imagine that you are being forced to change your sex (select male/female) or your race/ethnicity (select a \"new\" racial/ethnic group) or your sexual orientation (select homosexual/heterosexual). Which would you change, and why? Page 109 7. Are you solely responsible for opening and closing the doors of opportunity in your life? Page 110 8. Do you think you can honor and respect diversity without working on understanding it? Page 118 Journal A Semester Journal A - Chapters 1 thru 4: You are to maintain a journal and submit it as posted. To gain insight into the journal you need to read the text "preface" especially page viii and note the "Thinking Through Diversity" inserts throughout the text. Note: There are 25 entries for these first four chapters. In your entries, utilize text terminology as much as possible and place them in bold print (see examples below). Please be sure to follow the following format by numbering and labeling each entry and stating each question and question number in bold print to receive full-credit. This format requirement will help me evaluate and reply to your journals in an efficient and detailed manner. 1. Would you describe yourself as multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? Page 9 I see myself as multiracial. I attended a parochial grade school where my classes were a cultural landscape. We had a large population of Puerto Rican students and blacks that added to class diversity. In class and extra-curricular activities I had the opportunity to ....... 2. Have you or any member of your family ever encountered a glass ceiling or glass wall? Page 14 I am one of eight children and one of three boys in my family. Several of my sisters and Mom had hit the "glass ceiling." For example, my oldest sister was experiencing "cultural lag" due to her... Each chapter has a series of icons designated by a pencil and \"Thinking Through Diversity\" header followed by a question. Your task is to answer each question and supply the rationale for your entry. My user email to login is: Password: Anna2005 My user email to login is: Password: Anna2005 Journal A Semester Journal A - Chapters 1 thru 4: You are to maintain a journal and submit it as posted. To gain insight into the journal you need to read the text "preface" especially page viii and note the "Thinking Through Diversity" inserts throughout the text. Note: There are 25 entries for these first four chapters. In your entries, utilize text terminology as much as possible and place them in bold print (see examples below). Please be sure to follow the following format by numbering and labeling each entry and stating each question and question number in bold print to receive full-credit. This format requirement will help me evaluate and reply to your journals in an efficient and detailed manner. 1. Would you describe yourself as multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? Page 9 I see myself as multiracial. I attended a parochial grade school where my classes were a cultural landscape. We had a large population of Puerto Rican students and blacks that added to class diversity. In class and extra-curricular activities I had the opportunity to ....... 2. Have you or any member of your family ever encountered a glass ceiling or glass wall? Page 14 I am one of eight children and one of three boys in my family. Several of my sisters and Mom had hit the "glass ceiling." For example, my oldest sister was experiencing "cultural lag" due to her... Each chapter has a series of icons designated by a pencil and \"Thinking Through Diversity\" header followed by a question. Your task is to answer each question and supply the rationale for your entry. Journal A Please double check to make sure all entries are listed and properly identified, by page number, prior to submitting your each Journal. Your submittal must be as a Word doc. Or .docx format Please note that your journal entries will not be graded solely on content but rather on the effort you demonstrate in addressing the issues presented including your demonstration of the related text materials. Please be sure to demonstrate your knowledge of the terminology and concepts presented in the text and from the various assignments, lectures, etc. Cite your work where appropriate and put any text terminology in bold font. I hope you enjoy making the entries and learning more about yourself. Student feedback from past class sessions have been very positive as to the value of these journals. I would appreciate your feedback so please feel free to add any comments at the end of the journal. Surname 1 Name Tutor Institution Date Question Answers Chapter One 1. I can describe myself as being a multiracial because I attended a school with a diverse ethnic students. There was no specific ethnic group that was more than the other. Through cultural landscape I'm a multiracial. 2. In my family two members have experienced glass ceiling. First my mother who is a high school teacher and a graduate with a lot of experience and other honors has never rose to the position of being a principal in any institution because of cultural lag. Men with low qualifications than her have always been preferred. Another case is my sister who has trained in management area but for the last two years she has been making many applications in different Companies with vacancies but it has never been possible. She has also been suffering from cultural lag. 3. I identify myself with my high school class teacher who made it in life despite coming from a humble background. Through him I was able to manage cultural cruise control at a time I was about to lose my identity. In the case of the textbook most probably good teachers are my example. This is because teachers have greatly influenced my life from primary school. 4. When I was a high school student sometimes back, I could not identify myself with my cultural values when with friends. This is because I felt afraid that my friends will treat Surname 2 me as their inferior. I realized I was suffering from cultural cruise control but this became a different story when I joined campus as I started adjusting slowly through fine tuning. Here I became proud with my culture and even could introduce the stories of my culture in math discussion groups and even make them laugh. The two experiences were different as explained above. 5. Social class is one form of diversity. But in my case if I was to determine people's social class, then my criteria to use would be first looking at the economic status, education level, family background, religion, influence and geographical location of people. This is because this are the factors that differentiate people's lifestyle and position in the society. 6. We should ignore the differences and treat all people the same. And this trend should be continues and consistent. There should be no situations that we can change and treat people differently. Because if we apply always common sense and develop good intention for our friends as discussed in the book Thinking diversity. There can be no situation that can influence us to treat others differently. Chapter Two 1. According to me success is relative, I can define success as achieving the individuals set goals and objectives in life. It can be inform of wealth, family, leadership or life in general. Students define success in terms of progress or effort that one has shown to change his life or inspire. They too define success in terms of their role models and people who have inspired them. 2. In my case my uncle Carson has been my bridges for me in life, this is because he helped know how to socialize and develop interpersonal skills that have helped me to connect with other people in the society. He too inspired me because of the spirit he has impressed to succeed in life. I can conclude that understanding social cultural theories has greatly influenced my life. Surname 3 3. I learn best through observation and practical work just like the case of Native Americans in the US. This is a learning style that I have developed myself and partly from my cultural values. When I am in a learning environment that is not of my type I tend to adjust so that I adapt and get the best I can by coming up with a strategy like group discussion to compensate. 4. Expectation and academic success are related in many aspects. Education influences success as the case of a student. High school performance and grade will determine the course one enrolls on at higher level institutions and later on success. In a school specific requirements like Mastery of English can be expected of someone to join the institution. Academic success is achieved through expectations. 5. I will know when to adjust through learning their culture, relating with mine and thinking critically. But I can resist when I discover that the culture I want to learn is against my values and can cause transculturation. 6. Ford Motors Company is my organization that I am passionate about for having capitalized on diversity. I would give this Company an A. This is because it has been able to blend employees and even senior Company officials from all cultures, political backgrounds, languages and historical backgrounds which has benefited the organization. 7. Lack of diversity consciousness portrait by managers and employees have contributed to the wastage of resources and talents. This is because managers tend to deny the chance for resourceful people with potential to develop and show out their worthy through employing different types of discrimination. Chapter Three 1. Personal and social barriers are obstacles to success. They tend to limit our level of perception make us not be able to rise to the levels we can reach. Surname 4 2. It is not possible to recognize prejudice in ourselves, this is because of the egocentric character in ourselves. We tend to judge others but not ourselves. When I recognize prejudice in myself first I become critical of myself and try to adjust by employing learning theories that can control starting by appreciating others. 3. Profiling is the best way to go if we are to combat terrorism and is very much justified. This is because it will enable security officers to track terrorism well using their profile rather than depending on prejudice assumptions. 4. Subtle discrimination I encountered was intergroup versus intragroup discrimination. This was when I was a high school student. I was too dark among my peers who often gave me bad nicknames like charcoal. It was difficult to deal with it but I just learned how to cope with the situation by accepting myself and even going ahead to make jokes about my skin color. 5. A lot of energy and effort need to be used in order to end this inhuman and immoral perceptions like prejudice and discrimination against our brothers and sisters. One needs to learn how to cope with this situations through psychological learning like recognizing that barriers exists, developing a positive self-esteem and developing pride of your culture so as to handle them when faced with one. 6. If my survival kit was accessed there is no surprise that prejudice, discriminations, stereotype and ethnocentrism will be established within my body. This is because inside my survival kit are secrete strategies others painful experience that have kept me going. Chapter Four 1. I can call my friends as being averagely diversified because they come from different ethnic groups and are people who are exposed enough. But they still lack the experience attained exposure. Surname 5 2. Of course when I look back on my education all the activities and programs that I was involved in reflected different cultures because education helped me to constantly keep on learning about myself, others and develop a lot of knowledge. And also during those programs we could share different experiences of cultures and knowledge. 3. Learning about others can enable me to understand other people's culture and even my culture better and be able to appreciate them. Through doing this I can understand myself better and increase knowledge about other people's culture. 4. I can say white people or Europeans and blacks in the America are the most socially distant groups and cultures. 5. It happened in my life when I had gone to further my studies in Germany. In our Campus there were students from different countries, races and cultures. But despite this I was able to interact with them well and study together. Through this I noticed that we share very many things in common, classroom, residential area, thinking and even cultures. Our differences became the similarities, hence I came to conclude that I am a strong member of commonwealth humanity. 6. I f I was forced to change my sex I will take male sex, this is because male gender is highly valued and opportunities always favor males. If I was forced to change the race I would pick whites because they are respected and their skin color is good. I f I was forced to change sexual orientation I will stick to heterosexual because it is the one that is morally accepted everywhere even in the bible. All of the above happens due to the 7. presence of a double consciousness. I am not responsible for creating or blocking opportunities in my life. This is because social inequalities and social classes have blocked my opportunities in life. 8. It is not possible to respect and honor diversity without putting an effort to understand the concept of diversity, its meaning, and its value. Getting to understand diversity will bring opportunities and broaden our knowledge. Surname 6

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