a. Materials pratusped of mocesty, stay, 000 . 3. Falertats pepuritiseed and factary labor used: e. Factery pverhesd costs incumed on account, $6,000. d. Depreciation of medinery ond nquipenent, $4,100. f. The tpotory puetfosd rate is 445 per machine hour. Machine hours used Reguitedi 1. Journalje the eraries te recerd the hymmarifes operations. If an smovid box does not requev an erirk, leare is Uark. Chap 16t 1ax 16-12, ph 16-28 d. Accumutateit Derpeciatienukachinery and Equigment o x Accumbulated Depreciation.Machinerr and Cauisment (e.) Eactory. Oyerhead =X Material * x 9. Swe timinhed ooods =x Arcounte Rereivalile x 9. Cest Cost.of Goodn sole : = Cost of Geods finla =x. Cheok My Work 4. Prrgere s schecuie of compieted yobe of hand te sspport the beianio in the finiahied gosds acciunt: 3. Fivale a schedie of inhnished jobe to tuipoort the baiance in the work in proceis account. 4. Prepare a schedule of complettd jobs on hand to sopport the bolence in the finished goods aooount. a. Materios thurthased on Acwoun, 3147,000 . c. Factery oveihesed coetr incurred of accourt, 46,000 . e. Depreclation of mactunery bred equipment, $4,100. e. The factory ovortiead rate is 140 per machine haur. Hachine hover usedt. f. Jobe completedi 101, 102, 101, and 105 . Required: Chap 16da 10. 16-12, Wh 16-38 Wiaterimit =x 0. Sale Einiahed. Gends o x Acceunts Becuigahin =x 9. Cout Costef Gonets Snid o Cour of Gends sold x Finished Goods 4. Prepart a scheduie of completed yots of Rand to support the balence in the fixished goods aroourt. a. Materials pratusped of mocesty, stay, 000 . 3. Falertats pepuritiseed and factary labor used: e. Factery pverhesd costs incumed on account, $6,000. d. Depreciation of medinery ond nquipenent, $4,100. f. The tpotory puetfosd rate is 445 per machine hour. Machine hours used Reguitedi 1. Journalje the eraries te recerd the hymmarifes operations. If an smovid box does not requev an erirk, leare is Uark. Chap 16t 1ax 16-12, ph 16-28 d. Accumutateit Derpeciatienukachinery and Equigment o x Accumbulated Depreciation.Machinerr and Cauisment (e.) Eactory. Oyerhead =X Material * x 9. Swe timinhed ooods =x Arcounte Rereivalile x 9. Cest Cost.of Goodn sole : = Cost of Geods finla =x. Cheok My Work 4. Prrgere s schecuie of compieted yobe of hand te sspport the beianio in the finiahied gosds acciunt: 3. Fivale a schedie of inhnished jobe to tuipoort the baiance in the work in proceis account. 4. Prepare a schedule of complettd jobs on hand to sopport the bolence in the finished goods aooount. a. Materios thurthased on Acwoun, 3147,000 . c. Factery oveihesed coetr incurred of accourt, 46,000 . e. Depreclation of mactunery bred equipment, $4,100. e. The factory ovortiead rate is 140 per machine haur. Hachine hover usedt. f. Jobe completedi 101, 102, 101, and 105 . Required: Chap 16da 10. 16-12, Wh 16-38 Wiaterimit =x 0. Sale Einiahed. Gends o x Acceunts Becuigahin =x 9. Cout Costef Gonets Snid o Cour of Gends sold x Finished Goods 4. Prepart a scheduie of completed yots of Rand to support the balence in the fixished goods aroourt