Choose a company that has experienced significant organizational change, such as rapid growth, a major change in leadership, or a complete transformation with respect to branding, product offerings, globalization strategy, or cultural change (may also include many of the aforementioned). Evaluate the nature of change, applying analyses based on course learnings. The example should be a real-world organizational change. Describe the content of the change. What is changing, for example, new process, new technology, new leadership, or new structure? What is important or not important to the needs of change recipients? What is important or not important to the organization and its future? What are the risks and consequences associated with the change? Be specific. Describe the process of the change. How is the change being implemented? Who is leading the change effort and how are they doing it? What leadership style does the CEO exhibit (traits and behaviors)? Discuss the leader's impact on culture, business success, and employee and customer satisfaction. Describe the context of the change. What factors inside the organization are affecting the change, for example, what effects are the culture and the politics of the organization having on the change? Do change recipients have the resources to carry out the change? What factors outside the organization are affecting the change, for example, how is the economy or legislation affecting the change? Apply PEST and evaluate in the context of Porter's Five Forces. Use additional analyses as-needed, and be creative in your presentation of data. Describe how change recipients are reacting to the change. What are change recipients believing and feeling, and how are they behaving as a result of the change? How are beliefs, emotions, and behaviors changing over time and why? In your opinion, and based on research (and evidence), what does the future hold for this company