Complete a Mini EEusiness Plan {also includes an 1T security plan component) This assignment requirement is a reduced version of a business plan for a specic e- comrnerce based product or service. You are required to develop a mini eCommerce plan for a fictional business that you had been dreaming about for long. Your plan must span at least 6 pages of doublelined spacing that includes 2 pages of IT security plan component. 'four work will be graded on the details were included, your demonstration of the concepts that you learned in this course and your presentation style {professional loot-ring document]. Feel free to use ctional numbers and gures if needed to support your plan. I would expect you to use charts, tables and other visual aids to help explain your plan. To help you, review Eplans which has several free business plans for websites. Many of these free business plans and include some web content e.g. \"Coffeehouse Business Plan". You are to complete the Section on "Executive Summary" (eg. Coffeehouse Executive W found by clicking on a free business plan, where you will explain your company. Also complete the Section on r\"it'liebsite Plan Summary" {c.g. Coffeehouse Website Plan Summary}. Find the linl-t on the "Executive Summary" page. Eplans has a lot of additional information about writing business plans. For IT secun'ty plan, you can start by identifying the security assets, their level of risk, controls and required resources. Read the examples provided in the powerpoint slides as well some of the web links provided under Planning and Management of Cybersecurity in blackboard. Please note, your IT security plan must be a component of your business plan and shon span at least 2 pages of the total E page requirement of the minibusiness plan. Please note: This can be a business plan for a new business, or it can be to develop an electronic commerce strategy for an existing business that does not currently have an e commerce presence. MUTE: For EusinessllsS majors, you might have developed a business plan in one of your other classes. The difference here is this business plan is for an ecommerce site and is not as extensive as a full business plan