Constant growth and zero growth dividend valuation model Urban Drapers Inc., a drapery company, has been successfully doing business for the past 15 years. It went public eight years ago and has been paying out a constant dividend of $2.88 per share every year to its shareholders. In its most recent annual report, the company informed investors that it expects to maintain its constant dividend in the foreseeable future and that dividends are not expected to increase. If you are an investor who requires a 21.00% rate of return and you expect dividends to remain constant forever, then your expected valuation for Urban Drapers stock is _______ per share. Urban Drapers has a sister company named Super Carpeting Inc. (SCI). SCI just paid a dividend (D_2) of $2.16 per share, and its annual dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate (g) of 4.50% per year. if the return (k) on SCI's stock is 11.25%, then the expected stock price of SCI's shares is _______ per share. Which of the following statements is true about the constant growth model? when using a constant growth model to analyze a stock, If an increase in the growth rate the required return remains the this will lead to an increased value of the stock. when using a constant growth model to analyze a stock, If an in the rate occurs while the required return remains the sane, this will lead to a decreased value of the stock. Use the constant growth mode to calculate the appropriate values to complete the following statements about Super Carpeting Inc.: middot If SCI's stock is in (that is, where the expected stock price is equal to the market value of the stock is in equilibrium (that is, where the expected stock price is equal to the market value of the value of the stock), the current expected dividend yield on the stock will be _______ SCI's expected stock price one year from today will be______ per share