Crane Compary entered into these transactions during May 2017, its first month of operations 1. Stockholders invested $42.000 in the business in euchange for common stock of the compary 2. Purchased comeuters for othce use for 531.600 frem Lad on account. 3. Paid 54700 cash for May rent on storase space. 4. Pertarmed computer services worth $18,400 on account 5. Performed computer servicen for Wharton Contruction Company for $3.500cash, 6. Paid Weatem States Poner Co.\$6b00 tash for enermy usage in Mam 7. Paid Laid for the computers purchaned in (2) B. Incurred advertising eapense for May of 52.000 on account. 9. Received $17500 chatrom customers for contracts billed in (4). Using the following tabular arulyuib, show the elfect ol each traruaction on the accounting equatian. Fut explanutions for changes to compie) Stockholders' Equity During 2017, its first year of operations as a delivery service, Bramble Corp. entered into the following transactions. 1. Issued shares of common stock to irvestors in exchange for $145,000 in cash. 2. Borrowed $48.000 by issuing bonds 3. Purchased delivery trucks for $54,000cash. 4. Received $16,000 from customers for services performed. 5. Purchased supplies for $4,300 on account. 6. Paid rent of $4,800. 7. Performed services on account for $11,600. 8. Paid salaries of $27.200. 9. Paid a dividend of $10,000 to shareholders: Using the following tabular analysis, show the effect of each transaction on the accounting equation. Put explanations for changes to Stockholders' Equity in the far right column. (If a trandoction couses a decreose in Assets, Labilities or Stockholders' Equity, ploce a negotive sgn (or parenthesev) in frant of the amount entered for the particular Asset, Liability or Equity item that was reduced, see Illustration 3.3 for oumpie.) Uhing the following tabular aralysis, show the effect of exch transaction on the accounting equation. Put explanations for changes to Stockholders' Equity in the far right column, (Hf a transaction auses a drareave in Assets, Liablities or Stodlholders' Equits place a negative sagn (or porenthesed) in tront of the amount entered for the particular Asset, Liablity or Eauly item that was reduced, yes illustroblon 33 for oumple) Using the following tabular analysis, show the effect of each transaction on the accounting equation. Pyt explanations for changes to Stochholders' Equity in the far riaht colunn. (YG e vamoction eaver a deorose in Assets, Liobllities or Stockhalderi' Equily, place a negotive sgn (or porenthene) in front of the amount entered for the particulor Asset, Liabinty or Fquity litem that wos reduced, see Mlustration 33 for cemple. Using the following tabular analysis, show the effect of each transaction on the accounting equation. Put explanations for changes to Stockholders' Equity in the far right column. (If a trarsection couses a decrese in Assets, Liobilities or Stoclholders' Equity, ploce a negative sim (or parenthese) in front of the amount entered for the particular Asset, Liability or Equly item that was reduced, see Illustration 3-3 for oumple)