D Go to the SEC.gov website and find the most recent 10-K form for a company of your choosing. Using the financial statements, calculate four of the ratio of your choosing from the text and exploh what you think the results tell you about the health of the company. Explain the calculation (eg. what amounts did you add and what did you ddie them by, etc.) This should Include the account names and the amount Ration: Narrative explanation of what accounts you are puling and how you are adding, dividing, etc. ther. Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company Ratio Narrative explanation of what accounts you are pulling and how you are adding, dividing etc. them. Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company Ratio Narrative explanation of what accounts you are pulling and how you are adding dividing etc them Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company Ratio 4: Narrative explanation of what accounts you are pulling and how you are adding, dividing, etc. them. Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company D Go to the SEC.gov website and find the most recent 10-K form for a company of your choosing. Using the financial statements, calculate four of the ratio of your choosing from the text and exploh what you think the results tell you about the health of the company. Explain the calculation (eg. what amounts did you add and what did you ddie them by, etc.) This should Include the account names and the amount Ration: Narrative explanation of what accounts you are puling and how you are adding, dividing, etc. ther. Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company Ratio Narrative explanation of what accounts you are pulling and how you are adding, dividing etc. them. Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company Ratio Narrative explanation of what accounts you are pulling and how you are adding dividing etc them Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company Ratio 4: Narrative explanation of what accounts you are pulling and how you are adding, dividing, etc. them. Show the calculation Describe what this means for the health of the company