The Point class is used for representing a point with two coordinates. Implement the class Point based on the class diagram and description given below. Point Coordinate: double - yCoordinate: double Point(xCoordinate: double, yCoordinate: double) calculateDistance: double calculate Distance(point: Point): double getxCoordinate(): double setxCoordinate(xCoordinate: double): void gety Coordinate(): double sety Coordinate(yCoordinate: double): void Method Description Point(double xCoordinate, double y Coordinate ) Initialize the instance variables xCoordinate and yCoordinate appropriately with the values passed to the constructor calculateDistance() Calculate and return the distance of the point from the origin (0,0). The distance can be calculated using the formula given below. The distance should be rounded off to 2 decimal digits. distance=v((x2-x1)2+(y2-y1)2), where x1 and x2 are values of x-coordinates of two points and y1 and y2 are values of y-coordinates of two points calculateDistance(Point point) Calculate and return the distance of the point from the point' passed to the method. The distance should be rounded off to 2 decimal digits. . Hints Use Math.sqrt(double d) method to calculate the square root Use Math.round(double d) method to round off the values Implement the getter and setter methods appropriately. Test the functionalities using the provided Tester class. Sample Input and Output Input Point object - point1 Instance variables Values xCoordinate 3.5 y Coordinate 1.5 Point object - point2 Instance variables Values xCoordinate 6 y Coordinate 4 Output Distance of pointi from origin is 3.81 Distance of point2 from origin is 7.21 Distance of pointi from point2 is 3.54 Download the Java project from here to solve this exercise in Eclipse. Java project from here to solve this exercise in Eclipse. Code in Java 1 class Point 2 Implement your code here 3 3 4 6- class Tester NO public static void main(String[] args) Point pointi - new Point(3.5, 1.5); Point point2 = new Point(6,4) 19 1 12 13 14 15 System.out.printing Estance of pointiron origins pointi.calculateDistance) System.out.print2n(stance of point2 from origins point2.calcolateDistance) System.out.printincoistance of points from point is pointl.calculateDistance (point2)); Create obsector setting out the 12 19