Enter answers for each of the following tabs. Prepare the companys machinery asset section of the balance sheet at the end of Year 4 after double-declining-balance depreciation is recorded. The following dashboard shows a company's depreciation expense for machinery over its 5 -year useful life. The machinery is archased for $10,000 on January 1 of Year 1, it has o useful life of 5 years (or 36,000 units), and has a $1,000 salvage value. The following dashboard shows a company's depreciation expense for machinery over its 5 -year useful life. The machinery is archased for $10,000 on January 1 of Year 1, it has o useful life of 5 years (or 36,000 units), and has a $1,000 salvage value. Enter answers for each of the following tabs. Assume the company uses straight-line deprociaton. Prepare the company's journal entry to record depreciation for Year 2. Journal entry worksheet Prepare the company journat entry to record depreciation for Yeor 2. Wotr Enter debitu belors credits Journal entry worksheet Prepare the companys journal entry to record depreciation for Year 4. Nete Enter dubita before credits Enter answers for each of the following tabs. Prepare the company's machinery asset section of the balance sheet at the end of Year 2 after straight-line depreciation is. recorded. Journal entry worksheet Prepare the company's joumal entry to record depreciation for Year 3. Notei Enthr debits beforn creaits. Enter answers for each of the following tabs. Prepare the company's machinery asset section of the balance sheot at the end of Year 3 after units-of-production depreciation is recorded. Enter answers for each of the following tabs. Enter total depreciation and salvage value at the end of the useful life for each of the following methods