Ethics and Conflict - 30 marks
Read the case study below and answer the quessions that follow. Diversity Management and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Understanding your fellow man and colleague can go a long way to manage conflict in organikations and managing diversify wthin the work environment. South Africa has come a long way since 19g4. We are known acrobs the globe as "The Rainbor Nation", a name we wear with pride. Because of our culturai diversity regarding race, etheicity, colour, sexual orientation, religion, background, and somewhat tragic past, we stil have a long way to go as a country. to accept one another. To achieve these gaals we need to look at the common misconceptions regarding diversity and confict maragement. The two most cammon misconcepticns regarding diversity are: , Dwersity is strictly a social or moral issee . Diversity is simply a businerss issue Social interactions and moral values have less to do with a person's acceptance and ablity to work effectively with other indhiduats. than upbringing, background and lack of knowiedge and understanding lowards different cultures, religions and ethnic groups. Diversity encompasses both social and financial issues. If managed correctly. diversity can be a powertul tool in aiding an organisation to achieve success. Diversity enables an orpacisation to: Pocruit the best talint Function betwer as a team Achieve extemal success in the form of enhanced productivity and increased revenue Experience enhanced internal relationships among employees Improve employee commitment and morale improve relationships with clients, vendors and the public Employees who feel valued wil be more wiling to put in the ellort needed for a company to succeed, in order to ensure a posibve working emvironment and arganisabon needs to look at managing diversity and resolving conflict within the compary that may stem from misunderstandings betwoen individuals Identify the conflict (positive or negative). Dealing with diversity and conflict in an organisation can be time consuming. tiring and ulimately it can cost the company valuable time. To ensure that this does not happen, employees as wed as management staff need to be skiled in confict resolution and You have been requested to prepare an article in response to the above publicafion to assist South African businesses. Your response should include informadon based on the following questions: Question 1 [10 marks] Provide an overview of coeflict in the workplace with an in-depth analysis of functional vss, dystunctional conflict and discuss the effect of conflict on orgainisational performance. Question 2 (10 marks) With reference to the first comemon misconception regarding diversity, using an appeopriate definition of ethics that includes the moral component, debate the three (3) ethical models, and suggest which one (1) would be best suited to tackie the chalenges presented in the case study. Question 3 (10 marks) Identify. as well as discuss the three levels of social responsibilty and evaluate whether the cause of having a diverse workforce fit into the identfied social responsibility levels