Examine the Equity section in the Statement of changes in Equity and the Statement of Financial Position of your company for the 3 years and write a report containing: 1. What types of shares issued by the company? 2. What type of dividends declared by the company? 3. How much cash dividends paid by the company? 4. Is there any share split done? If yes, what are the reasons? 5. Are there any shares held in treasury? 6. Do the company have AOCI?, if yes, then analyze the movements for AOCI in the 3 years 7. Are there any reserves? What are their types? And how they are calculated? Note 2018 2017 107.151.206 606165.259 143.550,000 856,866.465 87,711,987 605,802.739 143.550.000 837064,746 Assets Non-current assets Fixed assets Investments in subsidiaries Advance payment for investment Total non-current assets Current assets Inventories Trade receivable Due from related parties Debtons and other debit balances Cash on hand and at banks Total current assets Total assets co 28 10 11 16,493.535 140.183.997 7.919.353 33,937.821 839.609.206 1,038, 1:13.892 1.895,010,357 11.858.077 79.264.631 19.191,762 5.872.817 920.931.537 1:877,183570 165 17 2.000.000 349,003,411 347.71.231 1.346,714.662 800.000.000 144.971.887 212.895,656 1.357.8673343 11 US Equity and Liabilities Equity Share capital Reserves Retained earnings Total equity Liabilities Non-current liabilities No current portion of borrowings Employees inctive plan Deferred Income tax abilities Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Provisions Dur tonelated parties Creditors and other credit balances Current portion of borrowing Current income tax liabilities Total current liabilities Toti labilities Total equity and liabilities | 07879332 52291 0722 T171119,201 276.03.04 21.821.00 16958 304,822 1435 4:44 2550 25 1117 531166 230.576.94 25 TESSOAS 3701671 15:20 10.739,815 23396 ST3021 1.SISUSTU Separate statement of changes in equits. For the Near ended 31 December 2018|| (All amounts in Egyptian Pounds) Retained Learnings Share capital Reserves Total 100,000,000 372.458,689 138,391,561 (8.041.870 700.000.000 Balance at 1 January 2017 Dividends for employees Increase in share in capital Other reserves Comprehensive income for the year Balance at 31 December 2017 610,850,250 (8.041.871) 700.000.000 (27.486.802) 82.545.966 1.357.867.543 (27486,802) 82.545,966 344.971.887 212,895,656 800,000,000 800.000.000 Balance at 1 January 2018 Dividends for employees Legal reserve Other reserves Comprehensive income for the year Balance at 31 December 2018 344.971.887 212.895.656 1.357.867.5:13 (153315,050) (15.315.050) 4.127.298 1271298) (95:274) (95.770) 204 257.943 204,257,943 349,003,411 397,711.251 1546,71-1662 800.000.000