EXAMPLE 13-2 Conyputition of thally Awrage Requitiat Resotves nerve rogaicment larget, The manger knows the tank's net traniaction accomints balance at the close of the tanking diay on each of the 14 days oner the period Tactituy. Jume 30, to Monduy, Juty 13. Cansider the tralired net trunvix tion account positions of ABC Biank in Tabk- 1325, The munirsain ditly averape renerves thit a bank majt maintain is compoviod as a perentage of the daily average net tratsaction acoounts held by the bank over the two-work compotation period, where Friday's balances are catried oser for Saturntay and Sundiny. The minimum danly average for ABC Bank to hold againut the daily average of \$1.350.70 million in net transaction accounts is calculated as follows (amounts in millions): Daily merape net trancaction accounts Reserve percentage = Daily avenge reserves required What is the amount of the average daily required reserves to be heid by the bank during the maintenance period? Is the bank in compliance with the requirements? EXAMPLE 13-2 Conyputition of thally Awrage Requitiat Resotves nerve rogaicment larget, The manger knows the tank's net traniaction accomints balance at the close of the tanking diay on each of the 14 days oner the period Tactituy. Jume 30, to Monduy, Juty 13. Cansider the tralired net trunvix tion account positions of ABC Biank in Tabk- 1325, The munirsain ditly averape renerves thit a bank majt maintain is compoviod as a perentage of the daily average net tratsaction acoounts held by the bank over the two-work compotation period, where Friday's balances are catried oser for Saturntay and Sundiny. The minimum danly average for ABC Bank to hold againut the daily average of \$1.350.70 million in net transaction accounts is calculated as follows (amounts in millions): Daily merape net trancaction accounts Reserve percentage = Daily avenge reserves required What is the amount of the average daily required reserves to be heid by the bank during the maintenance period? Is the bank in compliance with the requirements