Excel Simulation Help Save Stanford Enterprses has provided its manufacturing estmated and actual data for the year end. The Controller has asked you to compute the predetermined overhead rate,the schedule of cost of goods manufactured, and the schedule of cost of goods sold Use the information included in the Excel Simulaton and the Excel functions descnibed below to complete the task Cell Reterence Allows you to reter to data trom another cellin the worksheet. From the Excel Simulation below, If in a blank cell, E5 was entered, the formula would output the resuit from cell E5, or $275,000 in this example Besic Math functions: Allows you to use the basic math symbols to perform mathematical functions You can use the followang keys + plus sign to adal),-minus sign to subtract), (asterisk sign to mutiphy, and / (forward slash to dvide). From the Excel Simulation below, if in a blank cel -E6 E7 was entered,the formula would add the vatues from those celts and output the resut, or 52.760 in this exampie It using the other math symbols the result wouid output an appropriate answer for its function * SUM function; Allows you to refer to multiple cels and adds all the values You can add ndvidual cel references or ranges to utiize this unction From the Excel Simulation below, if in a blank cell SUMENOETLE1z)" was entered, the formuta would output the result of adding those three separate celts, or 1214,050 in this example Smilarly, If in a biank cell SUME10 E12) was entered, the formula would output the same result of adding those cells, except they are expressed as a range in the formula, and the result would be 1214.050 in this example Pre 1 of 1 N tarted Frels in a while Do you want to clean itor resh ke-new lke-new eperience And by the way wekome back 7 9