Fayston, thc, is a targe food-processing company, it processes 154,000 pounds of peanuts in The company wants to make a gross marg of 10% of revenues on product C and the peanuts department at a cost of $228,900 to yield 15,000 pounds of product A,61,000 needs to alow 20% of tevenues for marketing costs on product C. An overvimw of beunds of product B, and 17,000 pounds of produet C. coparations follows. Cick the icon to view ine informution) [Cick the icon to vew the overview.] Requirement 1. Compute unt costs per pound for prodicts A, D, and C, treating C as a byproduct. Use the QRV mothod for alocabing joint costs Deduct the NRV of the byproduct produced from the joint coet of products A and B. Lers begn by determining the formula to compule the joint costs allocaled for product C by entering the apperpriate amounta More info - Product A is processed further in the salting department at a cost of $13,000. It yields 15,000 pounds of salted peanuts, which are sold for $9 per pound. - Product B (raw peanuts) is sold without further processing at $6 per pound. - Product C is considered a byproduct and is processed further in the paste department at a cost of $12,100. It yields 17,000 pounds of peanut butter, which are sold for $10 per pound. Figure Requirements 1. Compute unit costs per pound for products A,B, and C, treating C as a byproduct. Use the NRV method for allocating joint costs. Deduct the NRV of the byproduct produced from the joint cost of products A and B. 2. Compute unit costs per pound for products A,B, and C, treating all three as joint products and allocating joint costs by the NRV method. Requirement 1. Compute unit conts pet pound for producta A,B, and C, troating C as a byproduct. Une the dEV method for allociting joint costs. Deduct the Vid of the bycrodutt brodiced frum the joint coet of producti A and B Let's begin by determining the formula to compule the jont cobis allecated for product C by entering the appeogriate amourta