First Step: Although it seems impossible that the CED will take any action, I would sb'll try to sit down with him and explain to him the damage he's been doing to the environment and, more importantly, his employees. I would also make him known of the fact that it is illegal to purposefully damage the environment, natural resources, wildlife, or biodiversity. Second Step: When the CED rejects my idea, I would he forced to become a whistleblower. Also, I would gather as much information as I can about their \"illegal\" furniture producing operations that harms the environment. Third Step: I would testify in court against their operations. I would also try to convince the low-paid employees to testify with me and tell the judges how they were forced to work for low pay and in an unhealthy and unsafe environment. Fourth Step: I will quit my job since I don't want to be a part of an organization that harms the environment. I would rather join an ethical company with an average paying job rather than working for an immoral and unethical company with a high paying job. I honestly wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror, if I did something like that. Ithink it is very crucial for someone to take charge of this. In my home country, India, many industries have been making their places near the river water close to a village. The villagers usually get a supply of water from the river and most of the industries that don't have proper waste management systems which are trying to cut their expenses try to get rid of waste chemicals through the river. It was published in the newspaper that many of the villagers after drinking the water died and many fell extremely sick and the aquatic animals in the water died as well. I will whistle blow on the furniture making company because I stand against helping anyone in destroying the environment that my future children will get to see