For Java
Please implement for list operations and iterator methods (hasNext(), next(), and remove()). You may copy and modify the posted to create to test your class. public interface ListInterface { public void add(T newEntry); public boolean add(int newPosition, T newEntry); public T remove(int givenPosition); public void clear(); public boolean replace(int givenPosition, T newEntry); public T getEntry(int givenPosition); public boolean contains(T anEntry); public int getLength(); public boolean isEmpty(); public boolean isFull(); //public T[] toArray(); public void printList(); }
import java.util.Iterator;
public interface ListWithIteratorInterface extends ListInterface { public Iterator getIterator(); } // this will provide all methods specified in the ListInterface plus the getIterator
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class TestArrayListWithIterator { public static void main(String [] args) { ArrayListWithIterator list = new ArrayListWithIterator(); Scanner input = new Scanner(; int choice, givenPosition; String item; boolean success; Iterator myIterator = list.getIterator(); System.out.println("0. exit"); System.out.println("1. add item to the end of the list"); System.out.println("2. add item to a specific location in the list"); System.out.println("3. remove from a specific location in the list"); System.out.println("4. clear the list"); System.out.println("5. replace an item in the list"); System.out.println("6. get an entry from a specific location"); System.out.println("7. check if a specific item exist"); System.out.println("8. get list size"); System.out.println("9. check if list is empty"); System.out.println("10. iterator hasNext: "); System.out.println("11. iterator next: "); System.out.println("12. iterator remove: "); System.out.print("Enter a choice: "); choice = input.nextInt(); while (choice != 0) { switch (choice) { case 1: // add to the end System.out.print("Enter an item: "); item =; list.add(item); list.printList(); myIterator = list.getIterator(); break; case 2: // add to a specific location System.out.print("Enter a location and an item: "); givenPosition = input.nextInt(); item =; success = list.add(givenPosition, item); if (success) list.printList(); else System.out.println(item + " could not be added."); myIterator = list.getIterator(); break; case 3: // remove from a specific location System.out.print("Enter a location to be removed: "); givenPosition = input.nextInt(); item = list.remove(givenPosition); System.out.println(item + " removed from the list."); list.printList(); myIterator = list.getIterator(); break; case 4: // clear the list list.clear(); break; case 5: // replace System.out.print("Enter a location and item to be replaced: "); givenPosition = input.nextInt(); item =; success = list.replace(givenPosition, item); if (success) { System.out.println(item + " replaced from the list."); list.printList(); } else System.out.println(item + " could not be replaced."); break; case 6: // get an entry System.out.print("Enter a location: "); givenPosition = input.nextInt(); item = list.getEntry(givenPosition); System.out.println("position " + givenPosition + " is " + item); list.printList(); break; case 7: // contains System.out.print("Enter an item to be searched: "); item =; success = list.contains(item); if (success) { System.out.println(item + " exists in the list."); list.printList(); } else System.out.println(item + " does not exist."); break; case 8: // get length System.out.println("list size is: " + list.getLength()); break; case 9: // check if empty if (list.isEmpty()) System.out.println("The list is empty."); else System.out.println("The list is not empty."); break; case 10: // hesNext if (myIterator.hasNext()) System.out.println("iterator has next"); else System.out.println("iterator has reached the end"); break; case 11: // next if (myIterator.hasNext()) { item =; System.out.println(item + " is next"); } else System.out.println("iterator has reached the end"); break; case 12: // remove myIterator.remove(); list.printList(); break; } System.out.println("0. exit"); System.out.println("1. add item to the end of the list"); System.out.println("2. add item to a specific location in the list"); System.out.println("3. remove from a specific location in the list"); System.out.println("4. clear the list"); System.out.println("5. replace an item in the list"); System.out.println("6. get an entry from a specific location"); System.out.println("7. check if a specific item exist"); System.out.println("8. get list size"); System.out.println("9. check if list is empty"); System.out.println("10. iterator hasNext: "); System.out.println("11. iterator next: "); System.out.println("12. iterator remove: "); System.out.print("Enter a choice: "); choice = input.nextInt(); } } }