fx Tables Illusti Lenny's Lawn Service, Inc. - Tra July 2021 Page # Date Description of the Transaction July 1 Borrow $35,000.00 from 1st Bank by signi (As an example of how to joumalize and pos into the General Journal and posted to the July 1 Receive $68,700.00 cash from new invest July 1 Purchase $44,700.00 of new mowing equ July 1 Pay $500 00 cash for the July truck renta July 3 Invoice a new customer 55 130.00 for a c July 5 The Board of Directors declares a cash d The Date of Record is set as July 15. Th ate Description of the Transaction 2021 Journal ily 1 Borrow $35,000.00 from 1st Bank by tonth-Day (As an example of how to journalize and 7-1 into the General Journal and posted to Beginning Balance ily 1 Receive 568,700.00 cash from new im aly 1 Purchase 544,700.00 of new mowing uly 1 Pay $500.00 cash for the July truck re uly 3 Invoice a new customer $5,130.00 for uly 5 The Board of Directors declares a casi The Date of Record is set as July 15. Account # 110 Supplies uly 7 Pay the employees $5,800.00 for work 2021 Journal aly 10 Complete a mowing job for a new cust Month-Day Page # 7-1 uly 12 Collect $3,500.00 cash from the golf ct Beginning Balance uly 14 Pay the employees $7,000.00 for work uly 15 Purchase $1,020.00 of supplies from tt Lenny's will pay the mower dealer fort! uly 15 Collect $5,130.00 on account. The ca: Account # 150 Equipment that was completed on July 3. 2021 uly 17 One of the original mowers purchased i Page # dealer. The cost of the Mower Repair 7-1 Beginning Balance luly 19 Purchase for cash $22,750.00 of suppli July 7 Pay the employees $5,000.00 for work July 10 Complete a mowing job for a new custon July 12 Collect $3,500.00 cash from the golf cou July 14 Pay the employees 57,000 00 for work July 15 Purchase $1,020.00 of supplies from the Lenny's will pay the mower dealer for the July 15 Collect 55,130.00 on account. The cast that was completed on July 3 July 17 One of the onginal mowers purchased ir dealer. The cost of the Mower Repair Journal Month-Day July 19 Purchase for cash $22.750 00 of supple July 20 Collect $30,000.00 from the property mi July 21 Pay the employees S7 100 00 for work luly 20 Collect $30,000.00 from the property m Directions Trans Chart Accts Journal Account # 155 Accumulated Depre Type here to search July 21 Pay the employees $7,100.00 for work July 23 Receive a 523,750.00 advance payment of work which will be performed from Au July 25 Complete a special mowing job for the The golf course pays $500.00 cash ont lons Trans Chart Accts Journal G 2021 Month-Day 741 Beginning Balance Journal Page Directions Trans Chart Acts