General Instructions Create a new notebook named HW_05_YourLastName.ipynb and complete problems 1 - 8 described below. Download the files diamonds_partial.txt and titanic_partial.txt , placing them
General Instructions
Create a new notebook named HW_05_YourLastName.ipynb and complete problems 1 - 8 described below. Download the files diamonds_partial.txt and titanic_partial.txt, placing them in the same folder as your notebook.
Any set of instructions you see in this document with an orange bar to the left will indicate a place where you should create a markdown cell. For each new problem, create a markdown cell that indicates the title of that problem as a level 2 header.
Any set of instructions you see with a blue bar to the left will provide instructions for creating a single code cell.
The assignment should be completed using only base Python commands. Do not use any external packages, except for random (see below).
Note on Problems 4 - 8
Problems 4 - 8 are intended to provide you with experience writing recursive functions. Iterative techniques (using loops) exist for solving each of these problems. The solutions for Problems 5 and 8 will likely make use of loops along with recursion, but not loops are needed (or should be used) in Problems 4, 6, and 7.
We will use randomly generated lists to test some of the functions created in this notebook. To generate such lists, we will need to use the random package.
Add a code cell containing the following import statement: import random
(The rest of this page has been deliberately left blank. Problem 1 is described on the next page.)
Problem 1: Argument Sort
In this problem, you will write a function named argsort() that sorts a list, but rather than returning a list of elements in the sorted version of the list, it will return a list of indices indicating the positions of the sorted values in the original list.
The function should accept two parameters named x and reverse.
- x is expected to be a list of elements of the same data type.
- reverse is expected to be a Boolean value. It should have a default value of False.
Let's take a careful look at what this function is supposed to accomplish.
Assume that x is a list given as follows: x = ['b', 'c', 'a', 'e', 'd']. If we were to sort this list, we would get ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']. The function argsort(x) should return the list [2, 0, 1, 4, 3].
To understand how the return value of argsort() is constructed, note the following:
- The 1st element of the sorted list is 'a', which is at index 2 of x. So the 1st element of the returned list is 2.
- The 2nd element of the sorted list is 'b', which is at index 0 of x. So the 2nd element of the returned list is 0.
- The 3rd element of the sorted list is 'c', which is at index 1 of x. So the 3rd element of the returned list is 1. The 4th element of the sorted list is 'd', which is at index 4 of x. So the 4th element of the returned list is 4. The 5th element of the sorted list is 'e', which is at index 3 of x. So the 5th element of the returned list is 3.
There are multiple ways to perform argsort(). Perhaps the simplest method makes use of tuples in a clever, but not obvious way. The process works like this:
- We use x to create a new list containing tuples. The first element of each tuple is an element of x, while the second element is the index corresponding to that element. For the list x provided above, this step would result in the following list: [('b', 0), ('c', 1), ('a', 2), ('e', 3), ('d', 4)]
- We then sort the list of tuples. When doing so, the tuples will be sorted according to their first element. This would give us: [('a', 2), ('b', 0), ('c', 1), ('d', 4), ('e', 3)]
- We then loop over the sorted list of tuples, extracting the second element of each tuple. The resulting list will be our desired return value. In this case, we would get: [2, 0, 1, 4, 3]
This function will be used later as part of the Group Project.
Write a function named argsort() that takes two parameters named x and reverse, as described on the previous page. The parameter reverse should have a default value of False.
This function should perform the argsort process described above. If reverse is True, then the sorting should be performed in descending order and the resulting list of indices should be given in reverse order.
The steps in calculating the return value are as follows:
- Create a list named tuple_list that consists of tuples of the form (x[i], i), where i refers to the index of an element in x. This can be done with a loop or a list comprehension.
- Use sorted() to sort tuple_list, storing the result in a list named sorted_tuples. Use the reverse parameter to determine the direction of the sorting.
- Create a list named idx_list by extracting the second element of each tuple in sorted_list.
- Return idx_list.
We will now test the argsort() function on a list of integers.
In a new code cell, create the following list: list1 = [76, 81, 30, 47, 50, 18, 23, 49] Call argsort() on list1, sorting in ascending order. Print the result.
We will now test the argsort() function on a list of strings.
In a new code cell, create the following list: list2 = ['Chad', 'Beth', 'Emma', 'Alex', 'Drew', 'Fred'] Call argsort() on list2, sorting in descending order. Print the result.
2 Process Lines of Text
process_line() that accepts a string representing a sequence of distinct
values. The function will split the string into individual strings, coerce each string into the desired data type, and will then return the results as a list.
The function should accept three parameters named line, schema, and sep.
- line should contain a string that is to be split into separate values.
- schema should be a list of data types indicating the desired types for each of the values in line.
- sep should be a string indicating the character used to separate the different values in line.
As an example, consider the following string:
test_line = '6,174,Blah,Hello World,7.37'
We wish to separate this into smaller strings by splitting it at commas. We will then coerce each resulting token into the appropriate data type according to the following schema:
test_schema = [int, int, str, str, float]
The function call process_line(test_line, test_schema, ',') should return the following list:
[6, 174, 'Blah', 'Hello World', 7.37]
Write a function named process_line() that accepts three parameters line, schema, and sep as described above.
The function should perform the following steps:
- Use the split() method to split the string line on the character provided by sep. Store the resulting list in a variable named tokens.
- Create an empty list named result.
- Simultaneously loop over the elements of the lists tokens and schema (which are intended to have the same number of elements). Each time the loop executes, perform the following steps:
- Store the current element of tokens in a variable named t.
- Store the current element of schema in a variable named dt.
- Note that dt will contains a data type, while t will hold a string. Coerce t into a value with the desired data type using dt(t). Append the converted value into the list result.
- Return result.
We will apply this function in the next example, but we will first test it to make sure that it is working correctly.
In a new code cell, create the following objects:
test_schema = [int, int, str, str, float] test_line = '6,174,Blah,Hello World,7.37'
Use the process_line()function to split the string test_lineat the commas, coercing the individual tokens into the data types stored intest_schema. Print the result.
3 Processing File Input
read_file_to_list() that will read rows of text from a data file,
tokenize the rows into individual values, coerce those values into the proper data types, and then return the results in the form of a list of lists.
The function should accept three parameters named path, schema, and sep.
- path should be a string representing the path to a data file.
- schema should be a list of data types indicating the desired types for the columns stored in the data file.
- sep should be a string indicating the character used to separate values stored in the lines of the data file.
We will assume that the first line of the data files used will contain header information that assigns a name to each column. This line will be tokenized (split), but the values will be left as strings, rather than being coerced according to schema.
As an example, assume that a datafile located at pathcontains the following lines of text:
Define my_schema = [str, int, float]. Then the function call read_file_to_list(path, my_schema, ',') should return the following list of lists:
[['Name', 'Age', 'PayRate'], ['Anna', 27, 15.25], ['Bradley', 31, 16.75], ['Catherine', 23, 15.5]]
Write a function named read_file_to_list() that accepts three parameters path, schema, and sep as described above.
The function should perform the following steps:
- Use with, open(), and read() to read the contents of the file into a string named contents.
- Use split() to separate the string into a list named lines by splitting on the newline character.
- Create an empty list named data. This will eventually contain the list that is to be returned.
- The first line contains header information and will be processed differently from the other lines. Split the first string in lines on sep. Store the resulting list into the list data.
- We no longer need the first element of lines. For convenience, you may delete it.
- Loop over the remaining elements of lines. Each time the loop executes, use the function process_lines() to process the current line, appending the resulting list into data. Use the values provided to the parameters schema and sep.
- Return data.
We will now test the read_file_to_list() function on two small data files. We will start with a data file that contains 10 observations from the Diamonds Dataset. Make sure that the file diamonds_partial.txt is in the same directory as your notebook. I suggest opening this file so that you can see what its contents look like.
Use read_file_to_list() to read the contends of the file diamonds_partial.txt. Individuals values within the rows of this data file are separated by commas. The datatypes for the columns in this data set are given by the following schema: [float, str, str, str, int]. Store the resulting list in a variable named diamond_data. Use a loop to print the lists contained in diamond_data with each list appearing on its own line.
We will now test our function with a file containing 10 observations from the Titanic Dataset. Make sure that the file titanic_partial.txt is in the same directory as your notebook. I suggest taking a look at the contents of this file.
Use read_file_to_list() to read the contends of the file titanic_partial.txt. Individual values within the rows of this data file are separated by tab characters. The datatypes for the columns in this data set are given by the following schema: [int, int, str, str, int, float]. Store the resulting list in a variable named titanic_data. Use a loop to print the lists contained in titanic_data with each list appearing on its own line.
Note that this function will be used again later in the course as part of the Group Project.
4 Recursive Product
recursive_product()that recursively calculates the product of the
elements in a list. The function should accept a single parameter x, which is intended to be a list, and should return the product of elements in that list.
Write a function recursive_product() that accepts a single parameter x.
The function should calculate and return the product of the elements in x by performing the following steps:
- If the length of x is equal to 1, then return the single value stored in x (and not the list x itself).
- Otherwise, pass a list consisting of every element of x EXCEPT the first element to recursive_product(), storing the result in a variable named temp.
- Return the product of temp and the first element of x.
We will now test the function.
In a new code cell, create the following list: factors = [11, 8, 17, 9, 18, 10]. Pass the list factors to recursive_product() and print the value returned.
Problem 5: Greatest Common Divisor
In this problem, you will use recursion to write a function named gcd() that will accept two parameters a and b, which are assumed to be integers. The function will return the greatest common divisor of a and b. In other words, it will return the largest number that evenly divides both integers.
Write a function gcd() that accepts two parameters a and b.
The function should calculate and return the greatest common divisor of a and b by performing the following steps:
- If b is equal to 0, then return a.
- If b is not equal to 0, then return gcd(b, r), where r is the remainder that results from dividing a by b.
We will now test the function.
In a new code cell, call gcd() on each of the following pairs of integers. Print the result of each function call.
- 72 and 300
- 180 and 210
- 20 and 400
- 30 and 77
Problem 6: Flattening Nested Lists
In this problem, you will use recursion to write a function named flatten() that accepts a single parameter x, which is expected to be a list. Some of the elements of x might themselves be lists, and some of the elements of those lists could again be lists, and so on. We will assume that the lists could be nested within each other to an arbitrary depth. The function should "flatten" the structure of the nested lists by creating a single list that contains all of the non-list values stored within the structure, but no other lists.
For example, let nested_list = [1, [8, [5, 6, [4, 9]]], [7, 2, 3]]. Then flatten(nested_list) should return the list [1, 8, 5, 6, 4, 9, 7, 2, 3].
Write a function flatten() that accepts accepts a parameter x intended to represent a list that perhaps contains other lists. The function should return a flattened version of x by performing the following steps:
- Create an empty list named flat_list.
- Loop over the elements of x. For each iteration of the loop, perform the following steps:
- If the current element of x is a list, then called flatten() on that element, concatenating the result to flat_list.
- If the current element of x is not a list, then append it to flat_list.
- Return flat_list.
We will now test the function.
In a new code cell, call flatten() on each of the following lists. Print the result of each function call.
- [1, 2, 3]
- [1, [2], [3]]
- [1, [2], [[4, 5], 6]]
- [1, [8, [5, 6, [4, 9]]], [7, 2, 3]]
Problem 7: Binary Search
In this problem, you will write a function named binary_search()with two parameters x and item. The parameter x should be a list containing elements with a single data type, and that is assumed to have been sorted in increasing order. The parameter item should contain a value of the type that is contained in x.
The function will apply a divide-and-conquer technique to recursively search the list x for an occurrence of the value stored in item. The function should return True if item is found in x, and should return False otherwise.
Write a function binary_search() that accepts two parameters named x and item.
The function should return a boolean value indicating if item was found in x by performing the following steps:
- First check if item is less than the first element of x or greater than the last element of x. Since x is assumed to be sorted, if either of these conditions are true, then item is not in x and you can return False.
- We split the list x into two pieces by selecting an element in the middle of the list. Create a variable named mid that is equal to the length of x divided by 2, rounded down. Use int() to coerce the result into an integer.
- If item is equal to x[mid], return True.
- If item is less than x[mid], then item would have to be in the first half of x (if it is there at all). Slice out the elements of x up to the index mid, pass this sub-list and item to binary_search(), and return the result.
- If item is greater than x[mid], then item would have to be in the last half x (if it is there at all). Slice out the elements of xafter the index mid, pass this sub-list and item to binary_search(), and return the result.
We will now test this function.
In a new code cell, create a randomly generated list using the following lines of code: random.seed(1)
random_list_1 = sorted(random.choices(range(100), k=100))
Use a loop to search random_list_1for each integer 0 - 9. Print the results of each search in the following format:
The character N should be replaced with the integer being search for and the characters XXXX should be replaced with either True or False.
Problem 8: Quicksort
We know that Python provides the function sorted() which can be used to sort a list. But we have not seen how this function works "underneath the hood". There are many possible sorting algorithms that can be used to sort a list. In this problem we will explore a recursive sorting algorithm named Quicksort.
Your solution in this problem should NOT make use of the functionssort() orsorted(). In fact, the only built-in functions or methods it should use arelen() andappend().
In this problem, you will write a function named quicksort()with one parameter named x, which is assumed to be a list of values of a single data type. The function should create and return a sorted copy of x. The function will select an element of xto act as a "pivot" upon which the list will be split. All elements of x less than the pivot will go into a list named low and all elements greater than or equal to the pivot will go into a list named high. The quicksort() function will then be recursively applied to the lists low and high.
Write a function quicksort() that accepts a single parameter named x.
The function should return a sorted copy of x by performing the following steps:
- First check to see if the length of x is less than or equal to 1. If so, return x.
- Set pivot equal to the first element of x.
- Store pivot in a single-element list named midand create empty lists named low and high.
- Loop over all elements of x EXCEPT for the first element (which is the pivot). For each such element, if that element is less than the pivot, then append it to low, otherwise append it to high.
- Call quicksort() on low, storing the result in a variable named sorted_low.
- Call quicksort() on high, storing the result in a variable named sorted_high.
- Concatenate sorted_low, mid, and sorted_high into a single list, and then return the result.
We will now test this function on a randomly generated list.
In a new code cell, create a randomly generated list using the following line of code:
random.seed(2) random_list_2 = random.choices(range(100), k=20)
Print random_list_2. Then call quicksort() on random_list_2 and print the list returned by that function.
We will test the function on a second randomly generated list.
In a new code cell, create a randomly generated list using the following line of code:
random.seed(3) random_list_3 = random.choices(range(100), k=20)
Print random_list_3. Then call quicksort() on random_list_3 and print the list returned by that function.
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