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Hi below is my java code i have to just make a little changes. my code is running accurately....the only problem i am facing is

Hi below is my java code i have to just make a little changes. my code is running accurately....the only problem i am facing is that when I am entering data again instead of getting only new data it is also giving me the old data that I entered. how can I fix that even entering data second time it will gice me only my new data that i entered adn not the old one. please look at the ouput to understand better.

//Imports import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Scanner;

//Begin Class public class Sample{

static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

static ReadData rData = new ReadData();

static WriteData wData = new WriteData();

static ValidateEntries VE = new ValidateEntries();

static String ans;

static final File FILE_DIR = new File(

"C:/W12Assignment"); /* Default directory */

static File file = new File(

"C:/W12Assignment/MyNumbers.txt"); /* Default file */

static ArrayList nums = new ArrayList();

static boolean exit = false; // Used for an exit flag

// Begin Main Method

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

int menuChoice = 0;

int exitNum = 1;

int lowRange = 1;

int upRange = 3;

// Display welcome message

System.out.println("Welcome to My Statistics Calculator");


do {

do {

System.out.println("Please select from the following menu of options:");

System.out.print("1. Enter Data " + "2. Read Data " + "3. Exit " + "->: ");

try {

// Begin 2nd inner do loop here

do {

menuChoice = sc.nextInt();

VE.setRange(menuChoice, lowRange, upRange);

System.out.println(); // Clears the buffer

} while (!VE.getRange());

} catch (InputMismatchException IME) {

System.err.println("Exception. You must enter a number. Please try again.");

sc.nextLine(); // Clears the buffer


} while (!VE.getRange()); // End inner do loop

/* Handle menu entries */

switch (menuChoice) {

case 1:

// Call to write data to a file method here


System.out.print("Would you like to read the see the results? ->: ");

// Begin do loop

do {

ans =;

if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {


} else if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {




} while (!VE.getYesNo()); // End inner loop


case 2:



case 3:




exitNum = 2;




do { // Begin another do loop here

System.out.print("Would you like to run the program again? ->: ");

ans =;

if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {

exit = false;

} else {

exit = true;


// Call to check input


exit); /*


* Send answer to CheckErrors subclass for eval



} while (!VE.getYesNo()); // End inner loop

} while (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"));

} // End Main Method

public static void readData() throws FileNotFoundException {

if (file.length() != 0) { // Check file length is not = 0

rData.setData(FILE_DIR, file);

try (Scanner input = new Scanner(file)) {

System.out.println("The numbers in this file are:");

while (input.hasNextLine()) {

String line = input.nextLine();




System.out.printf("The average of the numbers in file name is: %.4f ", rData.getAvg());

System.out.printf("The smallest number in the file is: %.4f ", rData.getMin());

System.out.printf("The largest number in the file is: %.4f ", rData.getMax());

System.out.printf("The standard deviation for the numbers in this file is: %.4f ", rData.getStdDev());

} else {

System.out.print("The file contains no data. Enter data? ->: ");

do {

ans =;

if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {

// Call Write data method


System.out.print("Would you like to read the see the results? ->: ");

do {

ans =;

if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {

// Call read data method


} else if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {




} while (!VE.getYesNo()); // End inner loop

} else if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {




} while (!VE.getYesNo()); // End inner loop



public static void Exit(int num) {

if (num == 1) {

// Tell user goodbye


} else {

// Tell user there was a System Error Exiting Program"




private static void writeData() throws FileNotFoundException {

int high; /* Used for number of elements to enter */

double num; /* variable for entered number */

boolean flag = false; /* Used for outer do loop */

boolean iFlag; /* Used for inner do loop */

do { // Begin do loop

System.out.print("How many numbers would you like to send to the file? ->: ");

try { // Begin try block

high = sc.nextInt();

do { // Begin inner do loop

for (int i = 1; i <= high; i++) {

try {

System.out.printf("Enter number %d -> ", i);

num = sc.nextDouble();

nums.add(num); // Add user entry to arraylist

} catch (InputMismatchException IME) { // Catch block to

// catch errors

iFlag = false; // If error, set inner flag variable

sc.nextLine(); /* Clear buffer */

i -= 1; // Reset counter variable

System.err.println("Entry Error: Please enter a number.");



iFlag = true; // Reset value if errored once so it can

// continue on a proper entry after retry

} while (!iFlag); // Condition to continue loop

// Write data to file

wData.setData(FILE_DIR, file, nums, nums.size());

flag = true; // reset outer flag value

} catch (InputMismatchException IME) {

/* set outer flag value to false */

sc.nextLine(); /* Clear buffer */

System.err.println("Entry Error: Please enter a number.");


} while (!flag); // While inner flag variable is true

//nums.clear(); // clears the arraylist of all values.


private static void enterFileName() throws IOException {

String fileName = "";

System.out.print("Enter the name of your text file (e.g. MyNumbers) "

+ "The file extension will be added after entry. ->: ");

fileName =;

// File name with extension .txt

String fileNameWithExt = fileName.concat(".txt");

// Ceate file

File file_Name = new File(FILE_DIR + "/" + fileNameWithExt);

/* Create directory */

if (!FILE_DIR.exists()) {


System.out.printf(" The directory does not exist. Creating directory..."

+ " Directory created at this location ->: " + "%s ", FILE_DIR.getAbsolutePath());

} else {

System.out.printf(" The directory exists at this location ->: " + "%s ", FILE_DIR.getAbsolutePath());


/* Create file */

file = file_Name;

if (!file.exists()) {

System.out.println("The file does not exist. Creating file...");


System.out.printf(" File created at this location ->: " + "%s ", file.getAbsolutePath());

} else {

System.out.printf("The file exists at this location ->: " + "%s ", file.getAbsolutePath());


Write data:

//Imports import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner;

//Begin Subclass WriteData public class WriteData {

// Instance variables

private File fFile; // variable for file

private File fDir; // variable for file directory

public void setData(File fileDir, File file, ArrayList nums, int max) throws FileNotFoundException {

fFile = file;

fDir = fileDir;

int flag = 1; // Flag variable

// Write data to the file

try (PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(fFile)) {

for (double i : nums) {

if (flag < max) {

output.printf("%.4f" + System.getProperty("line.separator"), i);

flag += 1;

} else {

output.printf("%.4f", i);





} } //End Subclass WriteData

Read data

//Imports import; import; import static java.lang.Math.pow; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Scanner;

//Begin Subclass ReadData public class ReadData {

// Instance variables

private File fFile; // variable for file

private File fDir; // variable for file directory

private double avg = 0; // variable for average

ArrayList nums = new ArrayList(); // Used for numbers

ArrayList sdNums = new ArrayList(); // Used for standard

// deviation calculation

private double max; // variable for maximum value

private double min; // variable for maximum value

private double avg_copy = 0; // variable for average

private double avgSqrdDiff = 0; // variable for average of squared

// differences

private double stdDev = 0; // variable for standard deviation

public void setData(File fileDir, File file) throws FileNotFoundException {

fFile = file;

fDir = fileDir;

// Clear the nums arraylist for input of new numbers


// Try adding data to the arraylist

try (Scanner input = new Scanner(fFile)) {

while (input.hasNextLine()) {




// Set average of numbers


// Set min and max


// Set standard deviation



private void setAvg(ArrayList nums) {

avg = 0;

// Calculate sum for numbers

for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++)

avg += nums.get(i);

// Calculate and set average

avg /= nums.size();


private void setMinMax(ArrayList nums) {

max = Collections.max(nums); // Finds the highest number in the set

min = Collections.min(nums); // Finds the lowest number in the set


private void setStdDev(ArrayList nums) {

/* Reset variables */

avg_copy = 0;

avgSqrdDiff = 0;

stdDev = 0;

/* reset array */


/* Get Mean/Average of numbers */

avg_copy = getAvg();

for (double i : nums) {

i -= avg_copy;

sdNums.add(pow(i, 2));


for (double x : sdNums) {

avgSqrdDiff += x;


avgSqrdDiff /= sdNums.size();

stdDev = sqrt(avgSqrdDiff);


public double getAvg() {

return avg;


public double getMax() {

return max;


public double getMin() {

return min;


public double getStdDev() {

return stdDev;


} //End Subclass ReadData

Validate Entries:

public class ValidateEntries {

private boolean flag;

public void setYesNo(String ans, boolean exit) {

// If not either y of n if (!(ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") || ans.equalsIgnoreCase("N"))) {

System.err.println("Exception! Please enter only a Y for Yes or an N for No.");

flag = false;

} else if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {


flag = true;

} else if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("n") && !exit) {


flag = true;

} else {

System.out.println("Thank you for using the program! Good Bye!");

flag = true;


} public void setYesNo(String ans) {

if (!(ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") || ans.equalsIgnoreCase("N"))) {

System.err.println("Exception! Please enter only a Y for Yes or an N for No.");

flag = false;

} else if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {

flag = true;

} else {

flag = false;



public void setRange(int x, int minVal, int maxVal) {

if ((x < minVal) || (x > maxVal)) {

System.out.println("Please enter a choice between " + minVal + " and " + maxVal + " (both inclusive");

flag = false;

} else {

flag = true;



public boolean getYesNo() {

return flag;

} public boolean getRange() {

return flag;


} //End Subclass ValidateEntries

Here is the output that it should be and things that should be included:


The file directory will be C:/W12Assignment. Mac and Linux distro users can modify this location

Only one file will be created, used, and updated while the program runs


Use exception handling and validation where appropriate

Use PrintWriter and Scanner for writing and reading data

Use a separate (external to the main class) subclass to write data

Use a separate (external to the main class) subclass to read data

Use a separate (external to the main class) subclass to validate entries

Use set and get methods in the subclasses

Find the average of all the numbers in the file

Find the smallest number in the file

Find the largest number in the file

Find the standard deviation (StdDev) of the number set (Follow the "Basic Example" as a model for your StdDev algorithm located here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..)

Implement a loop to run the program again if the user wishes (Note: this will only allow updates

or reading of the same file since only one file is used for duration of the program run)

Use the supplied MyNumbersLarge.txt file to make sure you are obtaining the correct information as such:

o All numbers printed (500 numbers) o The average of the numbers in file name is: 502.3212 o The smallest number in the file is: 1.2416 o The largest number in the file is: 999.3116 o The standard deviation for the numbers in this file is: 287.6556

This program will utilize code learned from Week 1 through Week 12


Consider using an ArrayList of Doubles to store numbers as they are entered

Research "Collections" to assist with minimums and maximums

Considering writing the code to work with all correct entries before implementing validation and exception handling. Once the code works, then try to break it with bad entries. This way, you can separate the requirements (Code in chunks!)

Make sure you use Java coding conventions

Expected Output

Welcome to My Statistics Calculator Enter the name of your text file (e.g. MyNumbers) The file extension will be added after entry. ->: MyNumbers The directory does not exist. Creating directory... Directory created at this location ->: C:\W12Assignment The file does not exist. Creating file... File created at this location ->: C:\W12Assignment\MyNumbers.txt Please select from the following menu of options: 1. Enter Data 2. Read Data 3. Exit ->: 2 The file contains no data. Enter data? ->: n

Would you like to run the program again? ->: y Please select from the following menu of options: 1. Enter Data 2. Read Data 3. Exit ->: 1 How many numbers would you like to send to the file? ->: 6

Enter number 1 -> 89.635

Enter number 2 -> 100.3069

Enter number 3 -> 101.0009

Enter number 4 -> 95.365

Enter number 5 -> 99.3644

Enter number 6 -> 90.00049

Would you like to read the see the results? ->: y

The numbers in this file are: 89.6350






The average of the numbers in file name is: 95.9455

The smallest number in the file is: 89.6350

The largest number in the file is: 101.0009

The standard deviation for the numbers in this file is: 4.6863

Would you like to run the program again? ->: y

Please select from the following menu of options:

1. Enter Data

2. Read Data

3. Exit ->: 2

The numbers in this file are:







The average of the numbers in file name is: 95.9455

The smallest number in the file is: 89.6350

The largest number in the file is: 101.0009

The standard deviation for the numbers in this file is: 4.6863

Would you like to run the program again? ->: y

Please select from the following menu of options:

1. Enter Data

2. Read Data

3. Exit ->: 1

How many numbers would you like to send to the file? ->: 3

Enter number 1 -> 789.36

Enter number 2 -> 790.46

Enter number 3 -> 698.99

Would you like to read the see the results? ->: y

The numbers in this file are: 789.3600



The average of the numbers in file name is: 235.6064

The smallest number in the file is: 89.6350

The largest number in the file is: 790.4600

The standard deviation for the numbers in this file is: 179.6279

Would you like to run the program again? ->: n

Thank you for using the program! Good Bye!

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