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Deposit Stip \#19 Dated May 14, 2015 Prepare deposit slip for all receipts for May 8 to ktwy Tt to deposit the funds. One cheque for 56.759:20 is being deposited. Meme is M 4 Daled may 14, 2025 1919 Payroll Remittarces ke May 1 as the End of Remiting Peniod date to make the folowing payroll temittances in the Payments ioumil. Resad the margin Warning a) Fecord payment for El, CPP and tncome Tax Payable up to May l to the Receher Ceneral for Carade, Issue cheque a 1103 in full payment. b) Record payment for Gatnishecd Wages Payable up to May 1 to the Receiver General for Canada. Issoe cheque A 1104 in full payment. c) Recoud payment for EHT Poyable up-to May 1 to the Minister of Finance Issue cheque di 1105 in full parmert. d) Record payment for VRSP Payable up to May 1 to Manulife Finarkial. Issue cheque d.1106 in full payment. e) Record payment for Savings Plan Payable up to May 1 to Excaipment Investrnents, Issue cheque 1107 in tull paryment. f) Record payment for Group Insurance Payable up to May 1 to Welland Insurance. Issue cheque t 1108 in full payment. g) Record payment for WStB Payable up to Mary It to Wriphlace Sately and Insaronce Board. Issue cheque \# 1109 in full parwent. Deposit Stip \#19 Dated May 14, 2015 Prepare deposit slip for all receipts for May 8 to ktwy Tt to deposit the funds. One cheque for 56.759:20 is being deposited. Meme is M 4 Daled may 14, 2025 1919 Payroll Remittarces ke May 1 as the End of Remiting Peniod date to make the folowing payroll temittances in the Payments ioumil. Resad the margin Warning a) Fecord payment for El, CPP and tncome Tax Payable up to May l to the Receher Ceneral for Carade, Issue cheque a 1103 in full payment. b) Record payment for Gatnishecd Wages Payable up to May 1 to the Receiver General for Canada. Issoe cheque A 1104 in full payment. c) Recoud payment for EHT Poyable up-to May 1 to the Minister of Finance Issue cheque di 1105 in full parmert. d) Record payment for VRSP Payable up to May 1 to Manulife Finarkial. Issue cheque d.1106 in full payment. e) Record payment for Savings Plan Payable up to May 1 to Excaipment Investrnents, Issue cheque 1107 in tull paryment. f) Record payment for Group Insurance Payable up to May 1 to Welland Insurance. Issue cheque t 1108 in full payment. g) Record payment for WStB Payable up to Mary It to Wriphlace Sately and Insaronce Board. Issue cheque \# 1109 in full parwent