I need a code for this Python3. I do have some coding but I need more.
1) In the "Task" column, describe each of the programming tasks you must complete in order to build your project. 2) In the "Estimate" column, estimate how many minutes you'll need to complete each programming task. 3) Once you've written all the tasks and estimates, use the "order" column to decide in what order you intend to complete the tasks. Think about which pieces need to come first so you can test your project as you build it. Order Task Estimate Set global structure (ongoing) define time and random f(x), update collaboratory with variable names. Introduction, Display Program welcomes the user, provides instructions, sets story, give player ability to make name 1 Instructions Game Board Make sure it is possible for user to complete game, get necessary swords and magic stones before meeting the 6 monsters Game Board Variables ariables: floor_1, floor_2, floor_3 10 define variables: user_room, user_floor stairs randomized movement handle user move commands, error cache, .. (boolean stairs.. if stairs) 4 environment create monsters, generate and randomize keys, locked doors, stairs and randomize, handle monster movement 7 and fighting monster movement randomize monster movement, prevent stacking, monster attack, 5 action access inventory, alter inventory, interact with surroundings player's inventory store items (sword, lamp, food, etc.)monster movement randomize monster movement, prevent stacking, monster attack, 5 action access inventory, alter inventory, interact with surroundings g player's inventory store items (sword, lamp, food, etc.) 9 gameplay call other f(x), loop, win/lose create win and lose criteria (if the boss monster is defeated and treasure is gathered = win...) 2 Game loop ask users if they want to play again, reset global variables, inventory, etc. 4code + Text import time import random #define global vars path( ) = str() is_stairs = bool() #[estimated difficult: 1] def introduction( ) : #[estimated difficult: 6] def game board(): #[estimated difficult: 10] def movement ( ) : global path validate_move ( ) if path == '8': print ( 'You move north. ' ) if path == '2':Code + Text if path == '2': print ( 'You move south. ' ) if path == '4': print ( ' You move east. ' ) if path == '6': print ( ' You move west. ' ) if path = = '5': if is_stairs != True: print ( 'There are no stairs here. ' ) validate_move ( ) if is_stairs == True: if stairs_up != True: print ( 'you descend the stairs. ') if stairs_up = = True: print ( 'You ascend the stairs. ' ) #error cache for invalid player input def validate_move () : global path while path != '8' and path != '2' and path != '4' and path != '6' and path != '5': print( 'Press: (8)North, (2) South, (4) East, (6)West, (5)up/down stairs. ') path = input( 'Which path do you choose?: \ ' ) # [estimated difficult: 4]Code + Text #[estimated difficult: 4] def environment( ) : def monsters (): [estimated difficult : 7] def monster_movement(): [estimated difficult : 5] def action(): [estimated difficult: 8] def inventory(): [estimated difficult: 9] def gameplay(): [estimated difficult: 3] def win_lose(): [estimated difficult: 2] if win == True: print ("YOU WIN!") else: print ("You lose for quitting!") #game loop while game_over == False: #print (can_retreat) print ( ) print( "You're on floor " + str(user_floor) + " in room " + str(user_room)) print ( ) print( "There is / is a/ are " + dungeon[user_floor][user_room] + " in this room.") print ( )Code Recon while game_over == False: #print(can_retreat) print( ) print ("You're on floor " + str(user_floor) + " in room " + str(user_room)) print ( ) print ( "There is / is a/ are " + dungeon[user_floor][user_room] + " in this room.") print ( ) call f(x): [estimated difficult : 4] # This section contains all Items in game Sword = Weapon("Sword", "A sharp looking sword. Good for fighting goblins!", 7, 5, 5) Knife = Weapon("Knife", "A wicked looking knife, seems sharp!", 5, 7, 3) Stick = Weapon( "Stick", "You could probably hit someone with this stick if you needed to", 2, 3, 3) Rusty_Key = Doorkeys("Rusty_Key", "A key! I wonder what it opens. ", .01) Ornate_Key = Doorkeys ("Ornate_Key", "An ornate key with an engraving of a small cottage on one side", . 01) Moonstone = Items ("Moonstone", "A smooth white stone that seems to radiate soft white light", .05) Flower = Items ("Flower", "A beautiful wildflower", .001)[+ File "
", line 13 def game_board( ) : A IndentationError: expected an indented block SEARCH STACK OVERFLOW [ ]