I need help answering question 3.
HOW DO INFORMATION SYSTEMS VARY BY SCOPE? Explain how information systems vary by scope. Provide examples of four levels of information scope other than those in this chapter. Describe characteristics of information systems for each. HOW DO ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF DEPARTMENTAL SILOS? Define information silo, and explain how such silos come into existence. When do such silos become a problem? Name and describe five common functional applications. Describe data that are likely duplicated among those five applications. Summarize the problems that information silos cause. Summarize the ways that enterprise systems can be used to solve problems of information silos at both the workgroup and the enterprise level. Define business process engineering and explain why it is difficult and expensive. HOW DO CRM, ERP, AND EAI SUPPORT ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS? Explain two major reasons why it is expensive to develop enterprise information systems in-house. Explain the advantages of inherent processes. Define and differentia among CRM, ERP, and EAI. Explain how CRM and ERP are more similar to one another than to EAI. Name and describe four sources of challenge when implementing enterprise systems. Describe why enterprise systems management must be collaborative. Explain two major tasks required to identify requirements gaps. Summarize challenges of transitioning to an enterprise system. Explain why employees resist change, and describe three ways of responding to that resistance. HOW DO INTER-ENTERPRISE IS SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF ENTERPRISE SILOS? Describe information silos that exist among healthcare providers, health clubs, and individuals with regard to patient exercise data. Describe problems that those silos create. Explain how the system shown in Figure 7-11 will solve the p. ms caused by those silos. How does the knowledge in this chapter help you? Describe how you can benefit from the information in this chapter. Suppose a job interviewer asked you, "What do you know about ERP?" How would you respond? What if the question were, "How does the cloud help organizations integrate their activities