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i need help to answer this questions: 1) Which ofthe followingstatementsabout marketingis true? A)It is of littleimportancewhen products arestandardized. B)It can help create jobs in

i need help to answer this questions:

1) Which ofthe followingstatementsabout marketingis true?

A)It is of littleimportancewhen products arestandardized.

B)It can help create jobs in the economybyincreasingdemand forgoodsand services. C)It helps to build aloyal customer basebut has no impact on a firm's intangible assets. D)It is moreimportant for bigger organizations than smaller ones.

E)It is seldom used bynonprofit organizations.

2) management is the art and scienceofchoosingtarget markets and getting, keeping, and growingcustomers throughcreating, delivering, andcommunicatingsuperior customer value.

A)Marketing B) Knowledge C) Operations D)Strategic


3)Identifythe correct statement about marketing management.

A)It is primarilyconcerned with thesystematicgathering,recording,and analysisof data about issues related to marketingproducts and services.

B)It focuses mostlyonmonitoringthe profitabilityof a company's products and services. C)It focuses solelyon attainingan organization'ssales goals in an efficientmanner.

D)It is definedas the field that deals with planningand managingabusiness at the highest level of corporate hierarchy.

E)It occurs whenat leastonepartyto a potential exchangethinks about themeans of achievingdesired responses from other parties.

4) goodsconstitute thebulk of mostcountries'production and marketingefforts.

A)Durable B) Impulse C) Physical D)Luxury


5) Car rental firms, hair dressers,and management consultants provide .


B) experiences

C) events



6)Sales ofwoolenclothingusuallyincreaseduringthe winter seasonand declinethereafter. This is an exampleof demand.

A)irregular B) declining C) impulse D)latent


7) People in emergingcountries todayarebecomingincreasinglyhealth conscious and are seekinghealthyfoodchoices. As aresult, demandforhealth foods is rising steadily, creating an opportunityformarketers to exploit this market.


B) business

C) need



8) When consumers shareastrongneed that cannot be satisfied byan existingproduct, it is called demand.


B) latent

C) declining



9) Organizations catering to the marketneed to pricetheir offerings carefullybecause thesemarkets usuallyhavelimited purchasingpower.



C) nonprofit D) consumer E) exclusive

10) P&G sells cosmetics,laundrydetergent, and products like Pringles to the market byestablishingstrongbrand images, developingsuperiorproducts, ensuringtheiravailability, and backingthem with engaging communications and reliable performance.



C) global


E) consumer

1) provide diagnostic information abouthow and whyweobserve certain effects in the marketplace, and what that means to marketers.

A)Marketinginsights B) Marketingmetrics C) Marketingchannels

D)Marketinginformation systems


2) is the systematic design,collection,analysis,and reportingofdata and findings relevant to aspecificmarketingsituation facingthe company.

A)Marketing communications

B)Internal marketing C) Marketingresearch D)Market segmentation E)Marketingplanning

3) Anne, abeautician byprofession, owns asalonin thesmall town of Franklin, New Jersey. Everyweekend, shemakes itapointto visitthe other salons in Franklin to find out about the beautyservices theyoffer to customers. Anneis attemptingto conduct market research by


A)studyingcustomer behavior

B) forming alliances with competingfirms C) usingexperimental research techniques D) checkingout rivals

E)tappinginto marketingpartnerexpertise

4) Which ofthe followingtypes of marketingresearch firmsgathers consumer and trade information and then sells itforafee(e.g.,Nielsen Company)?

A) custommarketingresearchfirms

B) syndicated-serviceresearchfirms

C) specialty-linemarketingresearch firms

D)genericmarketing researchfirms

E)focused marketingresearchfirms

5) Amity Inc. is a firm which collects and processes household data and sells itto other firms which produce consumerdurables. Amityis anexampleof a researchfirm.

A) custommarketing

B) specialty-linemarketing

C) syndicated-service D)genericmarketing E)focused marketing

6) TheNielsen CompanyandIRIare examples of , orfirms that gather consumer and tradeinformation which theysellforafee.

A) customer marketingresearch firms

B) internal marketinginsights departments

C) qualitative marketing intelligence agencies


E)specialty-linemarketingresearch firms

7) AT&T, GE,Samsung,ShellOil, and others have engaged in a(n) exercise by sponsoringtheInnovation Challenge,wheretopMBA students compete in teams to address companyproblems.

A) crowdcasting

B) syndication

C) net monitoring


E) advertisingevaluation

8) Afield-servicefirm is a research firm.

A) custommarketing

B) syndicated-service

C) specialty-linemarketing

D) consumer marketing

E)social marketing

9) You arethe marketing research director ofamedium-sized manufacturingfirmandyou would liketo engage an outsidemarketing research firm to conductfield interviews. Which ofthe followingcategories ofmarketing research firmsshouldyou use?

A)syndicated-serviceresearchfirms B) custommarketing researchfirms C) global research management firms

D)specialty-linemarketingresearch firms

E)brand management specialtyresearch firms

10) A(n) is agatheringof 6to 10 people carefullyselected byresearchers based on certain demographic, psychographic, or other considerations and brought together to discuss various topics of interestat length.

A)targetgroup B) pilot group C) focusgroup

D) customer base

E) ethnographicgroup

1) Which ofthe followingstatementsabout market segmentation is true?

A)It involves changingtheidentityofaproduct, relative to the identityofcompeting products, in the collectiveminds of thetarget market.

B)It is aprocess ofevaluatingeach segment'sattractiveness and selecting oneor moreto enter.

C)It is aprocess ofcreatingan imageor identityof theproduct in the minds of thetarget market.

D)It is aprocess of identifyingand profilingdistinct groups of buyerswhodiffer in their needs and wants.

E)It is the qualityof how marketers go to marketwith thegoal of optimizingtheir spendingto achievegoodresults.

2) Establishingandcommunicatingthe distinctive benefit(s) ofthe company's market offering for each target segment is called .

A)market research

B) market positioning

C) marketing effectiveness

D)market segmentation

E)market dominance

3) Theprocess of selectingoneor moremarket segments to enter is calledmarket .

A)targeting B) dominance C) positioning



4) A consistsof a groupofcustomers who shareasimilar set ofneeds and wants.

A)vertical marketingsystem

B) market basket

C) market share

D)market segment

E)market level

5) Hilton Hotels customizes rooms and lobbies accordingto location. Northeastern hotels are sleekerand more cosmopolitan. Southwestern hotels aremorerustic. This isan exampleof



B) behavioral

C) psychographic


E) cultural

6) When Nike attempts to getclose to its customers at thelocal level bysponsoringlocal school teams and providingshoes, equipment, andclothingto manyof them, Nikeis usingwhich of the followingmarketing formats?

A)differentiated marketing

B) affiliatemarketing C) guerrilla marketing D) affinitymarketing

E)grassroots marketing

7) Regardless of thetypeof segmentation schemeused, the keyis adjusting themarketing program to recognize .

A)the level of disposableincomeearned bythe targetgroup

B) customer differences

C) the cost-benefit relationship of narrowingthe target market

D) customer complaints

E)saturated markets

8)If amarketer decides to segmentamarket based on neighborhoods, themarketerwillhave chosen the method of segmentation.

A)demographic B) psychographic C) geographic

D) cultural


9)If amarketingmanager segments themarket into culture-, sports-, or outdoor-orientedgroups, heor sheis segmentingthemarket on thebasisof .


B) behavioral occasions

C) user status

D)psychographic lifestyle


10) When the Modern Museum of Art separated its consumers bywhether theywere culture- oriented oroutdoor-oriented for its new exhibit on art that used natural materials, theywere using segmentation.

A)psychographic lifestyle

B) personality

C) behavioral occasions

D)social class


1) Allmarketingstrategyis built on STP: segmentation, targeting,and .


B) product

C) planning



2) is the act ofdesigningthe company'sofferingand imageto occupyadistinctive placein theminds of thetarget market.

A)Positioning B) Valuation C) Pricing



3) Thegoal of positioningis to .

A)locate the brand in theminds of consumers to maximizethe potential benefit to the firm

B) discover thedifferentneeds andgroupsexistingin themarketplace

C) target those customersmarketerscan satisfyinasuperiorway

D) collect information about competitors that willdirectlyinfluencethefirms'strategy

E)help thefirm anticipatewhat theactions of its competitors willbe

4) Theresultof positioningis thesuccessful creation of , which provides a cogent reason whythe target market shouldbuythe product.

A) an award-winningpromotional campaign

B) a customer-focused value proposition

C) ademand channel

D) everydaylow pricing

E) employeevalue proposition

5) Which ofthe followingbest describesa car company's value proposition?

A)We chargea20 percent premium on our cars. B) Wetarget safety-conscious upscale families. C) Wesellthe safest, most durable wagon.

D)We arethemarket leader in thesmall carcategory. E)Wefocus on expandingin faster-growingmarkets.

6) Perdue's cogent reasonwhyatarget market should buyits chicken is"Moretendergolden chicken atamoderatepremium price," also known as its .

A) customer-focused valueproposition

B) competitiveframe of reference

C) points-of-parity

D)straddle positioning

E)perceptual map

7) Which ofthe followingbest describesBR Chicken's value proposition?

A)Wesellchickenat most major malls. B) Weundertakehome deliveryservices.

C) Wetarget quality-conscious consumers of chicken. D)Weselltendergoldenchicken atamoderateprice. E)We chargea10 percent premium on our chicken.

8) The defineswhich otherbrands abrand competes with and thereforewhich brands should bethe focus ofcompetitive analysis.

A) consumer profitabilityanalysis

B) competitor indexing

C) serviceblueprint

D) competitive frame ofreference

E) cluster analysis

9) aredefinedas companies that satisfythe same customer need.

A)Communities B) Competitors C) Trendsetters D)Industries


10) A(n) is agroupof firms offeringaproduct or class of products that areclose substitutes for one another.

A) community B) task force C) industry



11) Galaxychocolatehassuccessfullycompetedwith Cadburybypositioningitself as"your partner in chocolateindulgence"and featuringsmootherproduct shapes, morerefined taste,and sleeker packaging, whichrepresents which of the followingmain strategiesforgrowingthecore of thebusiness?

A)Makethecore of thebrand as distinctive as possible.

B) Drivedistribution through both existingand new channels. C) Offer the coreproduct in new formats or versions.

D)Increase costsand revenue.

E)Expand to anothergeographic region.

12) Themarket has thelargest market shareand usuallyshows thewayto otherfirms in pricechanges, new-product introductions, distribution coverage,and promotional intensity.

A) challenger

B) entrant

C) follower



13) When the total market expands, themarket usuallygains themost.

A) challenger

B) leader

C) follower


E) entrant

14) When afirm looks for new users in groups that might use aproduct butdo not alreadyuse the product, thefirm is usingthe strategy.

A)new-market segment

B) market-penetration

C) geographical-expansion

D)product development


15) When firms look fornew users ingroups thathavenever used the product before, the firm is usingthe strategy.

A)new-market segment

B) market-penetration

C) geographical-expansion

D)product development


Part2:TRUE/FALSE: Pleaseanswerallofthefollowingandjustify youranswers

If it is TRUE giveat least one example, ifitFALSE, proveit

1) Ashort definition ofmarketingis"meetingneeds profitably."

2) Services constitutethe bulk ofmostcountries'production and marketing efforts.

3) Placemarketers include economicdevelopmentspecialists, real estateagents, commercial banks, local business associations, and advertisingand publicrelations agencies.

4) Properties aretangiblerights of ownership to eitherreal property(real estate) orfinancial property(stocksand bonds).

5) When consumers shareastrongneed that cannot be satisfied byan existingproduct, theyare exhibitinglatent demand.

6) Companies sellingtheir goods to nonprofit organizations often chargeapremium overtheir normal prices becausetheseorganizations arelargelyindifferent to price.

7) Afirm's tangibleofferingto themarket includes product quality, design,features, and packaging.

8) Buildingstrongbrands isthe marketingtask wherethe marketer is usingareliable marketing information system to monitor themarketingenvironment so s/he can assess market potential and demand focused on.

9) Good marketinginsights often form thebasisof successful marketingprograms.

10) When companies engagestudents to designand carryout projects, thepayoffto thestudents is experience and visibility; thepayoff to the companies is a fresh sets of eyes to solve problems at a fraction ofwhatconsultants would charge.

11) Agood exampleof a syndicated-serviceresearch firm is Nielsen MediaResearch.

12) Custom marketingresearchfirms sellfield interviewingservices to other firms.

13) Effectivetarget marketingrequires that marketers use market segmentation, market targeting,and market positioningto achievesuccess in the marketplace.

14) Amarket segment consists of agroupof consumers who shareasimilar set of needsand wants.

15) Customer cloningis thepracticeof identifying the keycharacteristics ofamarketsegment and then identifyingmultiplegeographicareas wherethe majorityof thepopulation possesses those characteristics.

16) Allmarketingstrategyis builton segmentation, targeting,and positioning.

17) Positioningis the act of designingthecompany's offeringand imagetooccupyadistinctive placein theminds of thetarget market.

18) Theresultof positioningis thesuccessful creation of an employee-focused value proposition.

19) Positioningrequires that marketers defineandcommunicate onlythe differences between theirbrand and its competitors.

20) The competitive frame ofreferencedefineswhich otherbrands that abrand competeswith.

21) Growingthe core canbealess riskyalternativethan expansion into new product categories.

22) Growth strategies are"either/or"propositions; afocus on corebusinesses means foregoing new market opportunities.

23) Vancouver, Canada'sFortunaSilver Mines hasfocused on its two fullyowned, fully integrated silver mines inPeru and Mexico to spur organicgrowth whilelookingforathird mine to drive furthergrowth becausethe existingmines arenot expandable.

24) When the total market expands, thedominant firm usuallygains themost.

25) Themarket leader should look for new customers or moreusagefrom existingcustomers.

26) Amarket-penetration strategyis onewherea companysearches for newcustomers in a groupthat has never usedaproduct before.

27) Onewayto increasethe frequencyofconsumption ofaproduct byconsumers isby introducingitin larger packagesizes.

28) Themostconstructiveresponseto protecting market shareis continuous innovation.

29) Aresponsivemarketer looks ahead to needs customers mayhavein thenear future.

30) An anticipative marketerfinds astated needand fills it.

31) A creative marketerdiscovers solutions customers did not ask for but to which they enthusiasticallyrespond.

32) Position defensemeans occupyingthe most desirable market spaceinconsumers'minds, makingthe brand almostimpregnable.

33)In counteroffensivemarketing, themarket leader can meet the attackerfrontallyand hitits flank, orlaunchapincermovement so that itis forced to pull back to defend itself.

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