I need help with question #2 ! also need a graph with the results.
8:44 PM Tue Jul 27 '5' G} L 13%| Lab Assignment #5 1. A sleep researcher conducts an experiment to determine whether sleep loss affects the ability to maintain sustained attention. Fifteen individuals are randomly divided into the following three groups of ve subjects each: group 1, which gets the normal amount of sleep (78hrs); group 2 which is sleepdeprived for 24hrs; and group 3, which is sleep~deprived for 48 hours. All three groups are tested on the same auditory vigilance task. Subjects are presented with half-second tones spaced at irregular intervals over a 1~hour duration. Occasionally, one of the tones is slightly shorter than the rest. The subject's task is to detect the shorter tones. The following percentages of correct detections were observed. Use SPSS to determine if there is an overall effect for sleep deprivation, run a post-hoe to determine where if any differences occur. Produce bar graphs for your observations. Normal Sleep Sleep-Deprived for 24 hours Sleep Deprived for 48 hours 85 60 60 83 5 8 48 76 76 38 64 52 47 75 63 50 2. To test whether memory changes with age, a researcher conducts an experiment in which there are four groups of six subjects each. The groups differ by age of subjects. Group 1 the subjects are each 30 years old; group 2, 40 years old, group 3 50 years old, and group 4, 60 years old. Assume that the subjects are all in good health and that the groups are matched on other important variables such as years of education. Each subject is shown a series of nonsense Syllables (DAF or FUM) at a rate of one syllable every 4 seconds. The series is shown twice, after which the subjects are asked to write down as many of the Syllables as they can remember. The number of syllables remembered by each subject is shown below. Use SPSS to determine if there is an overall effect for age on memory, run a post~hoc test to find where if any differences are, and produce the necessary bar graphs. 30 years old 40 years old 50 years old 60 years old 14 12 17 13 13 15 14 10 15 16 14 7 17 11 9 8 12 12 13 6 10 18 15 9