Ignacio is a 55 years old national of Egypt. He holds a Master degree in business administration. In the past 10 years was employed as a senior manager supervising more than 4 full-time employees. Ignacio has no language proficiency in either English or French and has a personal net worth of 5 million dollars. Ignacio is interested in setting up a company in Calgary, which will be funded by a business incubator in Canada, designated by IRCC. Within his business plan Ignacio will include 3 key persons. Would his lack of official language abilities adversely affect his application for permanent residence through the Start-Up Visa program? Yes, because it is mandatory for applicants for a Start-up visa to have minimum required language ability in one of Canada's official languages No, because Ignacio meets all the eligibility requrements of the Start-Up Visa program, including having the support of a designated organization, which will support his business iden Maybe Ignacio will be invited to attend an interview and an office will assess his language proficiency of the officer believes that Ignacio's tanguage is not an issue for his success in Canada an officer will substitute igracios tuck at fanguage proficiency Maybe. It will be sufficient for Ignacio to show that the key persons included within his business idea are proficient in either English or French Mario came to Canada as a visitor. After his admission to Canada he made a claim for a refugee protection. While he was in Canada waiting for his refugee hearing he was issued an open work permit. Mario was working for 1 year as a sales manager, high skilled occupation as per the NOC Matrix. Before his claim was decided by the Refugee Protection Division, Mario withdrew his claim, and left Canada. Now Marlo would like to apply as a Federal Skilled Worker class applicant. His language is at CLB 7 in all four language abilities, as per the most recent IELTS test results. He completed his education credential assessment and recently received a report that his foreign credential is equal to a Canadian secondary school. Does Mario meet basic requirements of the FSW class, as per the S 7S IRPR? 32 Yes, because he lett Canada before his claim was decided Yes, he meets requirements of S75 IRPR, because his work experience is qualifying and acquired working legally in Canada, he meets minimum requirements for the language proficiency and an education threshold for this class No, because he previously made a claim for refugee protection and he can quality only as a refugee No, because although his work experience was acquired working legally during that period of work he did not have have a legal status in Canada