im very confused on how to questions 6-14. i used a formula =[@[Date Resolved]]-[@[Data created]] it came out to be dates not numbers. I put the final results what it should look like at the end. 6 10 7 6 8 12 10 Create a formula using unqualified structured references to calculate the days required to resolve the incident (Date Resolved - Date Created Add a total row to display the Average days required to resolve an issue. Sort the table by Agent Name in alphabetical order, add a second level to sort by Description and create a custom sortorder as follows: Will not power on, Virus, Printings Software Update, Forgotten Password. Add a third level to Sort by Duration smallest to largest Mac users to create the custom ist, from the Excel menu, dick Preferences in the dialog box dick Custom Lists Fiter the table to only display closed incidents as indicated in the status column Use Quick Analysis to apply the default Data Bars conditional formatting (Solid BlueF) to the Duration column (range 16.185) Mac users on the Home tab, dick Conditional Formatting point to Data Bars, and under Solid Blue Data Bar Create a new conditional format that applies Redfill and bold font to incident frange A6 ABS that required 30 or more days to resolve. Be sure to use relative all references in the conditional format formula Chanon page breaks to page 2 begins with the Comouter ID column (column El Set the print scale to 85% Add a custom footer with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side 10 12 11 12 12 2 13 4 14 4 Technical Support Calls Thold days 2 14/12 041 TO 17-2500 30 . 5-S 6572 8420314 Male 2/1/200 Watt D 1/2 opcion Din 2/20/2001 Coleman 1/22/2001 May 1742021 Wathon Hays 2/20/2001 wa 1/11/2021 Carpenter 342021 TUS Foren Wow will power Suwede Sweden Septe Food Count ! Porno com C 22443 . 0 34 2 TT-4020 013-33453 2001 1 we 2001 Menon vond Aw w 2 im very confused on how to questions 6-14. i used a formula =[@[Date Resolved]]-[@[Data created]] it came out to be dates not numbers. I put the final results what it should look like at the end. 6 10 7 6 8 12 10 Create a formula using unqualified structured references to calculate the days required to resolve the incident (Date Resolved - Date Created Add a total row to display the Average days required to resolve an issue. Sort the table by Agent Name in alphabetical order, add a second level to sort by Description and create a custom sortorder as follows: Will not power on, Virus, Printings Software Update, Forgotten Password. Add a third level to Sort by Duration smallest to largest Mac users to create the custom ist, from the Excel menu, dick Preferences in the dialog box dick Custom Lists Fiter the table to only display closed incidents as indicated in the status column Use Quick Analysis to apply the default Data Bars conditional formatting (Solid BlueF) to the Duration column (range 16.185) Mac users on the Home tab, dick Conditional Formatting point to Data Bars, and under Solid Blue Data Bar Create a new conditional format that applies Redfill and bold font to incident frange A6 ABS that required 30 or more days to resolve. Be sure to use relative all references in the conditional format formula Chanon page breaks to page 2 begins with the Comouter ID column (column El Set the print scale to 85% Add a custom footer with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side 10 12 11 12 12 2 13 4 14 4 Technical Support Calls Thold days 2 14/12 041 TO 17-2500 30 . 5-S 6572 8420314 Male 2/1/200 Watt D 1/2 opcion Din 2/20/2001 Coleman 1/22/2001 May 1742021 Wathon Hays 2/20/2001 wa 1/11/2021 Carpenter 342021 TUS Foren Wow will power Suwede Sweden Septe Food Count ! Porno com C 22443 . 0 34 2 TT-4020 013-33453 2001 1 we 2001 Menon vond Aw w 2