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import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.*; /** * * ========================================================================== * CODING INSTRUCTIONS! * ========================================================================== * * * * Task 0: * compile

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.swing.*;



* ==========================================================================


* ==========================================================================



<code><pre></p> <p> *</p> <p> * Task 0:</p> <p> * compile and run SnakeGame as a Java Application.</p> <p> *</p> <p> * Task 1: (in class Snake)</p> <p> * create a class called Snake in a separate Java source file.</p> <p> * import java.awt.*;</p> <p> *</p> <p> * required fields (or instance variables):</p> <p> * int size, direction, bodyAdd;</p> <p> * Rectangle head;</p> <p> * ArrayList<rectangle>body;</p> <p> * ArrayList<integer>directionQ;</p> <p> * (note: look up Rectangle in the Java Documentation for more information)</p> <p> * write a default constructor for the Snake Object</p> <p> * size is 20 (the number of pixels for each Snake piece)</p> <p> * direction is 8 (8 is up, 2 down, 4 left, and 6 right.. look at numpad)</p> <p> * bodyAdd is 4 (4 body pieces will be initially added to the Snake</p> <p> * head is a Rectangle that is 20x20 and</p> <p> * is located in the approximate center of the window (i.e. coordinates (300,300))</p> <p> * remember to initialize body and directionQ to new ArrayLists</p> <p> * write method: public void draw(Graphics2D g)</p> <p> * that will render the head of Snake ..use g.draw(head)</p> <p> * and the body of Snake (use a for-loop)</p> <p> *</p> <p> * Task 1a: (in class SnakeGame)</p> <p> * uncomment the snake instance variable</p> <p> * in method initRound()</p> <p> * initialize variable snake</p> <p> * in method draw()</p> <p> * render snake by invoking its draw method</p> <p> * YOU SHOULD SEE snake APPEAR IN THE CENTER OF THE WINDOW!</p> <p> *</p> <p> *</p> <p> * Task 3: (in class Snake)</p> <p> * write method: public int getDirection() that returns the direction</p> <p> * write method: public Rectangle getHead() that returns the head</p> <p> * write method: public void grow() that adds 5 to variable bodyAdd</p> <p> * write method: public void setDirection(int d)</p> <p> * (note: d will be either 2,4,6, or 8)</p> <p> * add d to the end of directionQ</p> <p> * (note: it is ok to add an int value to an ArrayList<integer>)</p> <p> * write method: public void move()</p> <p> * if the directionQ is not empty,</p> <p> * remove the first element of directionQ and assign it to direction</p> <p> * add a copy of head to the body .. body.add(0,new Rectangle(head));</p> <p> * there are 4 exclusive cases for the value of direction:</p> <p> * .. direction is 4 (i.e. left)</p> <p> * subtract size from head.x (this will change its x position)</p> <p> * .. direction is 2 (i.e. down)</p> <p> * add size to head.y</p> <p> * .. etc.</p> <p> * </p> <p> * Task 3a: (in class SnakeGame)</p> <p> * uncomment the lines that invoke setDirection and move methods on snake</p> <p> * and complete method keyPressed()</p> <p> * YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE snake MOVE AND CONTROL IT WITH THE ARROW KEYS</p> <p> *</p> <p> * Task 3a (in class Snake)</p> <p> * continue in method: public void move()</p> <p> *</p> <p> * if bodyAdd is positive, simply decrement bodyAdd,</p> <p> * otherwise remove the last Rectangle in ArrayList body</p> <p> * YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE snake GROW!</p> <p> *</p> <p> * Task 4: (in class SnakeGame)</p> <p> * uncomment nibble field and initialize it</p> <p> * to a 20x20 Rectangle with random coordinates</p> <p> * (note: the coordinates should be multiples of 20 .. the snake size)</p> <p> * render nibble in method draw .. g.fill(nibble);</p> <p> * in method actionPerformed()</p> <p> * (use the intersects method of Rectangle nibble</p> <p> * to invoke the grow method of snake)</p> <p> * (i.e. if the snake head intersects the nibble)</p> <p> * also generate new random coordinates for nibble</p> <p> * YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY THE SNAKE GAME AS AN INVINCIBLE snake!</p> <p> *</p> <p> * Task 5: (in class Snake)</p> <p> * write method: public boolean isDead()</p> <p> * returns true if head intersects any Rectangle in body or</p> <p> * head has passed any window boundaries</p> <p> * (example: head.x < 0 , head.y > 580, etc)</p> <p> * otherwise, returns false</p> <p> * </p> <p> * Task 5a: (in class SnakeGame)</p> <p> * in method actionPerformed()</p> <p> * write an if statement that stops the Timer clock if the snake isDead</p> <p> </p> </div> </section> <section class="answerHolder"> <div class="answerHolderHeader"> <div class="answer-heading"> <h2>Step by Step Solution</h2> </div> <div class="answerReviews"> <div class="starReview"> <div class="starIcon"> </div> <div class="starText"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="answerSteps"> <p>There are <span>3</span> Steps involved in it</p> <div class="step"> <h3>Step: 1</h3> <img src="" width="759" height="271" alt="blur-text-image" loading="lazy" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low"> <div class="step1Popup"> <h3>Get Instant Access to Expert-Tailored Solutions</h3> <p>See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success</p> <button class="view_solution_btn step1PopupButton">View Solution</button> </div> </div> <div class="step"> <h3 class="accordion">Step: 2</h3> <div class="panel"> <img src="" width="975" 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