. Mathletes Game! With the introduction of loops, we now know enough about programming to begin creating simple games. Our first game (sponsored by the KSU College of Science and Mathematics) will test your ability to solve multiplication problems. Your game will first ask the player if they want to play on easy or hard mode. Save their response in an appropriate variable (you will reference it later). Then, you will randomly generate two numbers and display them to the player in the form of a multiplication problem (Refer to the L instruction i i i ). The possible numbers will range between - 255 and 255. You will ask the player to solve the equation. You will keep creating multiplication questions until the player wins or loses. Based on whether the player chose \"hard\" or \"easy\" mode, the game will play a little differently. Refer to the following rules for the difference: | Easy Mode Hard Mode Player only has to answer 3 questions Player has to answer 6 questions Player can try again if they get a question wrong |Player loses instantly if they get a question (up to two times) wrong Call the file name Assignment4B (.java, .cs, .cpp) and the class name Assignment4B. Example outputs are shown below. Note that due to using a random number generator, you will not get the same numerical results but the formatting and wording should be the same. User input is indicated in bold. Sample Output #1: [Mathletes Game] Choose a game mode (0=Easy, l=Hard): 0 Playing on easy mode, huh? Okay! Ql. 3 * 4 =72 12 Correct! 02 -3 % =g 0 Incorrect! Try again. -21 Correct! Q3. -1 * -2 = ? 3 Correct! You win! Sample Output #2: [Mathletes Game] Choose a game mode (0O=Easy, l=Hard): 1 So, you want a challenge? Okay! Ql. =12 * 7 = ? -84 Correct! 02, =3 * J7 =2 539 Incorrect! Game over