In this course, the learner-faculty video check-in assignments will be used for discussing the Malestone One. Milestone Two, and project guidelines. These are private conversations between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to deeply explore the concepts presented. Be sure to resch out to your instructor so that ary concerns and questions are addressed prior to when the project is due In the project you will hare to perform an analysis of the organizational structure and culture to determine how to make them anore conducive fo innovation Discuss your progress and concerns with yout instructor through this video submission. Prompt In this mervtor-focused video check.ln. look at the Prolest Gulfelines and Rubeic and have an asyrichronous discussion with your instructor resardins the points mentioned below Record a sthoit wideo shahing pour undorstanding of the guidelines to be followed for the project, Consder the following queationi. - What are the adyantases and disdvanitains of the company cuerwe dereanizational structure! - Howidoes the current strugture ilmikinnovationl * Do rou think you will recommend chah ge to lis ot gavizabchal stricture? - What are yoar current thoughts on wovi a company's culture can impact incivation? - Wiat are your current thorights an thew comipary cualure can deter innowarion? * What are some examoteni of comjany cultures chat lead to morm imingation? Guidelines for Submission In this course, the learner-faculty video check-in assignments will be used for discussing the Malestone One. Milestone Two, and project guidelines. These are private conversations between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to deeply explore the concepts presented. Be sure to resch out to your instructor so that ary concerns and questions are addressed prior to when the project is due In the project you will hare to perform an analysis of the organizational structure and culture to determine how to make them anore conducive fo innovation Discuss your progress and concerns with yout instructor through this video submission. Prompt In this mervtor-focused video check.ln. look at the Prolest Gulfelines and Rubeic and have an asyrichronous discussion with your instructor resardins the points mentioned below Record a sthoit wideo shahing pour undorstanding of the guidelines to be followed for the project, Consder the following queationi. - What are the adyantases and disdvanitains of the company cuerwe dereanizational structure! - Howidoes the current strugture ilmikinnovationl * Do rou think you will recommend chah ge to lis ot gavizabchal stricture? - What are yoar current thoughts on wovi a company's culture can impact incivation? - Wiat are your current thorights an thew comipary cualure can deter innowarion? * What are some examoteni of comjany cultures chat lead to morm imingation? Guidelines for Submission